I am the voice of truth. You may ask me anything

I am the voice of truth. You may ask me anything.

is op a faggot

Why did niggers and jews have to muck everything up?

Will I ever find that thing I'm looking for?

Allahu ackbar?

If I take of your mask, will you die ?

Your post has been noted.

What are you looking for?


Define mask. Define death.

To answer this question I will ask you questions. What is "niggers and jews" and "muck everything up?"

Will Donald Trump build a 10 billion dollar wall or not if he becomes president?
Also is you mother a Virgin?

>What are you looking for?

Excitement in my life that transcends circumstance and is actually meaningful.

To answer this question I will ask questions. Why would Donald Trump build a wall?

In the relative sense you are using it my mother is not a virgin as in she had intercourse with my biological father to produce the individual that I am.

What is Excitement? Transcendence and it's relationship to circumstance? Meaning?

Pfft voice of truth, more like voice of poop!

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Reflecting the question towards me would have worked if I was an average newfaG, but fool me not because I will mentally break you with my questions

For someone with answers you sure ask a lot of fucking questions.

Is being mentally broken something I need to fear?

Where does knowledge begin?

Why do we sleep?
Why do we have fetishes?
Why are jews so fucking cheap?
Is their a "God"?
Why can't we cure cancer?
What causes hate?
How old are you?
Why have we advanced in technology if it's just killing our planets resources?
Why do people believe In God?
And why is it so fucking hard to quit fapping?

Have fun googling my questions fgt

will I ever finish my thesis?

Fuck this dumb thread. OP isn't even remotely interesting.

Is a oct-tree really the most optimal way to get tooth paste back into the tube or is there a more optimal one?

when will all end?

Because we feel we need sleep.
Because some feel they need a specific sexual interaction.
Define "jew" and "cheap".
Define "God"
What is cancer?
What is hate's function?
What is age?
What is the benefit's of having limited resources?
Because they feel it benefits them.
You have urges and have a convenient way to satisfy them. You feel you need to quit because you have an opposing urge. How do you consolidate opposing urges?


You can answer that.


The most optimal way is up to you.

When it begins.

What is the right question?

Isn't your battery running low?

Whatever decision proves to have the best results.


why do you drive on a parkway and park in a driveway

Because you way in a drivepark and in drive and a waypark.

Wow, super deep. The best question is the question that has no answer and removes all questions.

The best answer is the answer that has no question and removes all answers.