Being this much of a tumblr meme fag to get a unicycle frog tattoo

>being this much of a tumblr meme fag to get a unicycle frog tattoo

Ya that's really gay


Greentext are for stories

o shit whaddup!

>implying that's all they're for

>no they're not

Hate this fucking forced meme, but I hope for his sake this photo is flipped otherwise datboi is riding the wrong way kek


>Implying anyone cares


This is now, a cringe thread.

OP here, roll in the cringe pics.

This is now a cringe meme.

!!iob tad s'tI

oh shit waddup


O shit wuddup

Rest in peace sweet prince

sick frog dong

Dumping cringe, doubt I can top OP's misuse of green text but I'll try.

Btw, oh shit wuddup!


this is OP

O shit waddup




nah this is op


>Im not a newfag

Checked and zozz

that socialism sticker


More cringey tattoos? More cringey tattoos.


Met a dude at the coffee shop I used to hang out at that had a mudkip tattoo. He didn't know shit about Pokemon, just knew the meme. I was 18 at the time this guy was at least 40.
Had a picture on my razor of it. If that tells you how long ago that was.

The twist is that it has a penis


you win, gg user.

>implying dat boi is bound to go a certain way
>implying dat boi isnt a free spirit

>implying dat boi isn't an omnipotent being who can bend any path to his unicycle

>implying datboi isn't a forced meme to replace pepe

>facebook meme
>knowyourmeme /memes/dat-boi

o shit, we cant make memes!
instead we circle jerk facebook

On April 3rd, 2016, the Facebook page Fresh Memes About the Mojave Desert and Other Delectable Cuisines posted an image of a green frog riding a unicycle with the caption “here come dat boi!!!!!! / o shit waddup!” (shown below).[8] The frog graphic originates from the Animation Factory Essential Collection 3.[7]

>implying implications

mad cartwheels




fucked up arm looks fucked up.

>implying I am implying that what you have implied is a worthy conclusion to everything we have so far implied.


>being this much of an implier

>implying that you implying that what you thought was implied of a worthy conclusion to everything that's been implied is actually an implication to anything close to a conclusion of any implication that will be implied now and forever

>implying implications were implied

>Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more

>impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to impying implicative implicatory implications of the subject on implicative implications due to

shit that's how you end up in a different dimension

she looks like the fucking penguin

>ITT: autism

oh shit waddup.

>game developer

this is a bullshit

ewwww what the fuck

damn, are kids getting edgier or have they always been this way?

my friends and I weren't the coolest but we weren't so lame as to say weird ass faggy shit like this
