Have to write a policy claim paper (for those who don't actually know what this means...

Have to write a policy claim paper (for those who don't actually know what this means, it's a paper about what needs to change in the world. Dubs decides what I write about. Trips gets priority over dubs. Quads gets a pic of my dick.


Write about how constitutionnal monarchy is the most ideologically sound system available

write about how hitler did nothing wrong

shameless roll

write about how Capitalism cures poverty and wide spread free markets would eliminate said poverty.

you can actually write this and make a hell of an argument.


That was fucking quick. Thanks.

I actually like this one. Hmm.

this is golden.

going for trips about how Slavery is the only answer and Manifest Destiny was right

its a really good argument. I've written essays and essays on the topic.





quad pls. and re roll


Need help with arguments bruh?

On if Brexit.

write about how Donald Trump will make America great again

hitler did nothing wrong. Facism is right.

pls trips

subway to bring back wraps. that flatbread is disgusting.

Anything really that I can type an 8 page paper about. I'm not worried at all about it, just want something that won't take a tremendous amount of time finding decent research.

Replace elected politicians with randomly selected citizens to serve as representatives in government.

found the summerfag


Write about trans+bathrooms+internet=lack of reality*main skreem mediaz.

-Start with Hobbes, explaining how people are selfish pricks who only strive for their individual benefit
-do an autopsy of our current democracies, why it doesn't work, things like rulers being bound to the wims of the masses and as such only looking for quick solutions that ensure popularity; explain how most people don't have the necessary knowledge to understand how a country works and what would be a viable course of action
-put monarchy as a solution to these problems, if the king is selfish he will want what's best for him, since he owns the country what's best for him is best for the nation; if he is an idealist he has the means to make reforms without fearing being outed in the next 4 years

good start.

also talk about how in deomcracy its the dictatorship of the 50.1%

Write about how the technological singularity is looming, and we should prevent it occurring by any means necessary. One reason for this is that we appear to be alone in the universe, and it would follow that all intelligent life develop AI, and yet somehow it hasn't helped them survive. Or, if you're an optimist, argue there is a great universal intelligence hiding itself and countless civilizations from us until we are ready...

I kinda was interested in this transgender movement thing and why I think it's bullshit. It's romanticizing a mental disorder.