What is this bug?

What is this bug?

They are fucking everywhere help

Looks like a hornet.

its a FAMAS op

Mud Dauber

Find it's nest, get about a gallon of gasonine in a pan or dish, without a lid I mean, and place it as close to under their nest as you can can get it.

The fumes will kill them all without them running and returning later. After they are gone knock down the nest. Of course that's only if you can find the nest, they love attics, walls, trees, everything.

I ain't playing these things are everywhere come on

Fuck dude they are wasps aren't they? But there's no yellow on there little asses.


Should I or will it send a fucking war cry to the nest and swarm my ass?

take the battle to them

swarm their asses

It's a mud wasp, man. They're mean motherfuckers.

don't forget flame for some flame thrower action.

It's a black mud dauber. They rarely sting humans, but actively hunt poisonous spiders like black widows. They're beneficial unlike hornets

Oh fucking great it's praying to the damn mud wasp gods for help its all over now

Yup good here they fuckin come

>Chemical Warfare
I love that people made that illegal in the geneva convention, but have no problem tenting their houses and poisoning everything because bugs lol.

hello, I am a bioligist. This is the common aids wasp. (lat. waspus aidsodus) Try not to get stung.

Damn. I like those things. You seriously have to piss them off to get stung. I never have, and I used to actively hunt spiders to help them out. Many spiders met their death due to mud dauber young chewing their way out of their guts because of my assistance to their parents. I was proud, /b.

That's a VX wasp. Be careful, it sprays nerve gas when provoked.