Fat cunt has been sending me pics a a couple vids trying to get me to cheat...

Fat cunt has been sending me pics a a couple vids trying to get me to cheat, but she made the mistake of being a bitch to my girl, so now comes the dump, not going to show anything with her face (i'm not that bad) unless she keeps being a bitch, at that point I'll give face and name and let you decide what to do with that info.

Oops, looks like i posted the wrong pic, silly me




that is the strangest looking pussy i've ever seen



and the crappiest looking ass

Nearly laughed my ass off when she said she was going to "steal" me away looking like that

Dear god, please stop now

Oh god, stop posting and delete that. Omg...

Haha as you all wish, should she continue though, i will be putting more up

Disgusting as hell, but continue delivering.

>being a bitch to your gf
>implying gf
pics of gf or it didn't happen

>bitch anyway
NYPA, but drop names anyway, dis may be gud

>not showing face
>shows face in the first pic

Haha i figured my gf existence would be called into question, but i know how things work on here, so sorry, not putting her on here

And most of what i have is more of the same pussy shots, she's not the most creative with posing,

soflo is trying to fuck you bro

Found one more, i swear something just ain't right with this thing

Haha i know, i selected the wrong pic right at the start,

I'm forever a scrub

At first I thought you were exaggerating about her until I opened the picture. I'm sorry you saw that.

>Those meat curtains
You should blackmail her then circumcise those filthy flaps for the mankind sake

she has a klingon mustache

Ted Cruz

Thank you for you condolences,

It was a rough couple of nights trying to sleep after the first pic T_T

Not your personal army faggot OP. And no one cares this foul beast wouldn't sleep with you. Go to the gym jesus christ.

OP you have autism

OP you have autism.

Never said you were, friend,

Just thought I'd share the blackmail material I've been holding on to.

>blackmail material

Use it like said, that's the best you can do to her

Isnt that Hector?

Technically it's an Hectress


mfw autocorrekt...

She should remove that chewed piece of dirty gum off her cunt