It Is my Hamster

It Is my Hamster.

looks serene

It is my Pikachu.

stop playing with your food


wows nice hamster
what kind of hamster is that!
pic related mine hamster but it died

He fell asleep in his wheel wwww

Winter white hamster?

y yuor hamster fat

Hamster doesn't need to be capitalized. Only names and the first letter of a sentence.

forgot pic watafak

is rat

Cute :3

is Macedonian



same difference

so much for nofap

nothing personal


yes i miss my mice

Why u slavs use this funny cross?

This is my dog

they're version of jesus has four arms because he was mutated by all the pollution and radiation.

It Is my Hamster.

It's Orthodox.
There's a lengthy symbolism description for the top one that I can't be bothered posting.
The bottom strip is a footrest, the side that points up is the side of Jesus where the Penitent thief was crusified, the side down is the unrepentant thief.

wows nice hamster
what kind of hamster is that!


Long and sneaky kind

do want but they're illegal here. i can smoke all the weed i want but i can't own a ferret. fuck this state.

my doggo has autism

Ferrets are nothing but trouble lad

Caught him drinking piss out of the toilet earlier today
Eats styrofoam by the mouthful
He licks my lube
Shits on the bathroom floor when I'm not looking
Always licking my eyelids

Such a fuck

I think my cat has autism

RIP ;_;

Can he do any tricks?

my dog does all those things too. think i could handle it.

i had two as a kid and they'd always steal potatos to hide away. we'd catch them and throw out the potato and lock them up. like a year after they were both dead my dad had to get under my house to work on the plumbing and he found a hole under the bathroom sink with a pile of about 100 rotten potatos.

I think your cat is turning into a dog tb.h


>japs use hamsters as an ingredient for scrambled eggs
What the fuck, Japan? Don't eat hamsters, they're too cute for that.


it can eat

My hamster > your hamster

Disgusting rat

Says the brazilian

This is my dog

these women look very happy with their lives

me on the floor