What's the better major, Computer Science or Accounting?

What's the better major, Computer Science or Accounting?

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Women's Studies

Women's Studies

Women's Studies

Women's studies

Women's studies

Gender studies

Women's Studies

Women's Studies

Asian women studies

womyns studies.

Women's Studies

you know, that we know you are writting in your own post, to yourself right?

Transgender studies



They both have their merits and are easy to find well-paying work with, and both are interesting in their own way. Honestly I'd suggest trying to do both if you can - that would make you almost as valuable in the job market as if you'd majored in women's studies.

Women's Studies

OP, pls stop, you are still writting in your own thread, it's sad

Nipple Studies

>mfw gender/womens/sjw courses are not even run in my country because we are not a actively trying to fuck ourselves into the ground so hard our dicks come out in china
>stay classy burgerland, time to bomb saudi arabia for funding 11/9 when?


>hue hue hue hue women's studies is for dummies hue hue hue

We all know who really runs the show. Pic related, code monkeys.

What do you like? a computer science person that doesn't really like what they do is useless, you have to be passionate about your job, else you may get somewhere, but you'll never get the best jobs. It's not about the career, it's about your passion.

If just plain accounting, CS. If actuary, accounting.
>accountings easier imo

You got it wrong, with that mentality you will never get far, neither in accounting or CS. Careers are as valuable as people make them, studying a career wont land you a job in a certain field, or not in the long run, the fact that you enjoy it and are good at it will.

Computer Wombmens Studies

Computer science. The demand for folks with these skills is still expected to grow as tech permeates more and more of our everyday lives, science, health care, finance and industry. Accounting is okay, but I've heard the demand is fairly stagnant and will actually decrease due to market saturation (it's actually not a very difficult degree, tbh). Plus, slot of the stuff accountants do is now handled by, you guessed it, computers!


Don't fall for the STEM meme. You'll make as much money with (slightly) easier classes and have less autistic co-workers. You can always do comp-sci as a hobby or even side business if it's your interest.


Who to trust? Both give compelling cases.

Accounting. Graduated in 2014 now making 90k. Dont fall for le STEM meme.

Accounting. There's good money working for money.


I actually sort of retract this op. As I said, i had heard the demand for accounting has stagnated, however I wanted to look for myself and found the contrary. In fact, it is only slightly less than CS. See for yourself


And check out CS while you're at it


Personally I'd still go CS. Its far more versatile, and frankly accounting sounds boring as fuck.

Computing if you like hard work and money, accounting if you fancy the taste of revolvers in your midlife

Pretty sure the reason for this is because they are going by software developers now.


>slightly easier classes
wtf are you taking about? Accounting majors don't even have to take calculus

My school only offers CIS. Is that just as good as Computer Science? Neither seem to really teach coding, I'd have to learn a lot on my own time. Apparently my CIS program has a 95% IT placement rate. Some guy got a job at goldman sachs doing tech analysis.

Sequential trips.

Also, Women's Studies offer great job opportunities.