Is New Hampshire a good state to visit?

Is New Hampshire a good state to visit?

lived here all my life, wouldn't want to live anywhere else

I just want to see a lush green forest man

MAfag here. Lots of open space. Wooded area. The mountain regions are beautiful. It's a nice state to visit.

Go to Maine for that

yeah, we have plenty of those, just have to watch yourself for ticks when you go out

I'm flying there tomorrow from Malibu. Going to Franconia. Anything out there?

Alright. Cause I've checked out the area and it seems pretty much like the ultimate state to live in.

not much since the Old Man fell down

having no sales tax is always nice, we very rarely get hit with natural disasters, and people here are generally decent and rational

What would be the best area to live in?

The who?

depends on what you like, but mostly manchester or nashua if you want busier areas with the most to do, concord is the state capital but there's barely anything to see or do there, most everywhere else is smaller towns or "the sticks"

the Old Man of the Mountain
have you never seen a NH quarter?

I want to learn about it. I feel in these past 20 years my side of the US has been sloooowly going downhill.

as you can see, the old man was a natural rock formation but it crumbled several years ago despite people's best efforts to preserve it.

I mostly live in the concord area, and it's been going downhill in recent years with all the fucking africans and indians moving in, and I'm sure there are even more in the bigger cities

Wait woah what do you mean? You don't mean like rapeugees do you? Do you guys have a dindu problem?

I haven't heard much about any sexual assaults in my area, but yeah a lot of refugees, the indians are just here to take over businesses and be cheap greedy assholes

Have you gotten any stories or personal experiences? (Trying not to pester you too much with questions here)

I used to work for some indians in a hotel a few years ago, greedy fuck never gave anyone a raise for any reason, ever
then he screwed me over when I offered to work christmas night so he wouldn't be stuck doing a 24 hour shift. I hate indians

You don't know the half of it over here bro,
Entire life has been filled with degenerate beaner guys with shit loads of tattoos and greed.
It's near impossible to find even a starting job in food business since it's over cluttered with 30 year old Mexicans. Nowadays since I live in the West we're starting to have that whole diversity thing going on where employers are turning to minorities for work instead of white people.
The struggle is real.

again, I like to think we're a bit more rational here, so you have a pretty fair chance at landing a job if you decide to move here. if nothing else, you can have a good laugh at our extremely minor earthquakes

Cool lol.
Thank you so much!

good luck with your decision, bro
even if you only come for a visit, I think you'll like it here