What will their baby look like?

What will their baby look like?


Attractive + Attractive = ugly
Ugly + Attractive = Beautiful
Ugly + Ugly = Wildcard

aren't tattoos considered harām?

anyway the kid will probably look like your typical hapa, although the Asian Father thing will most likely prevent him from becoming dear Elliott


why would tattoos be haram

idk, all I know is they're forbidden in the Old Testament and so I'd assume they'd be banned in Islam by extension

Where do you even get this image OP? I can't tell what nationalities they're from

The guy look like a flip.
He has a flip nose.


What the hell is going on? Is it common for Hispanics to get into relationships with white Muslim converts in Canada?



Looks like Jennifer Lawrence from that angle


is his gf a European convert?


They both look Middle Eastern to me.


It is far from feasible to fabricate such fallacious fecal formations

Thats what happens when you let millions of strong bulls enter a country of weaklings

that man is either not religious or shia scum

So he deserves a knife introduced in his throat eitherway

s/he will be able pass as local here

holy fuck they are beautiful

What will their baby look like?

aren't these cricassians?



very possible
internet don't give unquestionable information