Lemme share with you guys a story that happened a few days ago. Cbf greentexting because I'm on phone

Lemme share with you guys a story that happened a few days ago. Cbf greentexting because I'm on phone

Brother and I home alone
He's 15, I'm 20
Go take a shower
Person walks in and walks back out immediately.
Wasn't looking. Thought it was my dad.
Continue shower
Younger brother knocks on the door
'There's someone in the house. He said you let him in'
Fucken what
Put on dirty clothes
Go out
6ft+ fob standing there in my house all casual
'Who let you in our house?'
'Oh your parents called me so I could clean your house'

Go on

Inb4 walk the dinosaur

Hurry up bawbag

▲ ▲

Checked the double dubs

▲ ▲


'Oh... Could you please get out until they get here?'
'Oh yeah sure man. Could you just uh... Call my phone?'
Pats his shorts pocket
Tell my brother to get my phone
Get his number
Call it
As it's ringing, he walks to the garage and looks in the fridge
'Is it ringing?'
'Yeah. I couldn't hear it. Can you get out now?'
'Yeah alright man sorry'
Walks back in and to the front door
'What's that money on the counter for?'
'My parents left it so we can get food'
'Alright cool. No worries'
As he walks to the door, he tries entering my parents' room full of shit tons of valuables
'No please just get out'
Cont because people getting impatient

Pretype you piece of shit

He walks out the front door
Leisurely Sunday stroll
Not a care in the world
After leaving someone's house he wasn't invited to or knew
Brother follows to get a picture
Cops arrive a minute later. Brother was on the phone with dad and other brother called cops
Let them in
We assess the damage
Money and car keys on the counter. Untouched.
Valuables. Untouched.
Go to laundry room
He ripped some tiles off the wall across the bottom for no discernible reason
Broke a bin outside
Broke through side gate. Used metal corner beam supporting the gate to break tiles

is this going to become sexual anytime soon?

Don't stop even though no bumps

6 foot fob whos taller and more built than me, with a weapon, damages $3 worth of stuff and leaves casually. Didn't come off aggressive. Didn't get mad. Complied with everything. Cops were beyond confused. Never seen or heard of anything like this. Giant perfectly clear hand print on the back slide door where he opened it

Pic related. From neighbours security cam. Taking his leisurely stroll to his car.

You're Australian

I bet $10 you're Aussie

Also he walked into my brother's room and gave him a thumbs up before leaving and going through the rest of the house.

Someone give him $10

Edit NZ maybe

>not keeping nigger-knockers in every room of your house

it's like you WANT to be culturally enriched

Ohhhhh shit

What gave it away is:

Nothing like this would happen anywhere else

That's stuffed

He got into the passenger seat of the car supposedly. So someone fucking parked around the corner while his friend broke into someone's house

Yeah I was gonna say see how no one got shot in the process of all this

did he used to live there? could there be something behind the wall tiles?

You live in victoria mate?

The previous family was white. The tiles had nothing behind them. The family before us built the house and lived in it until we bought it. Also wouldn't explain why he broke the bin outside

ALL that raiding does is establish a link with the disgusting identity-saturated world that exists outside of Sup Forums.
A person doing, referencing, or talking about things that belong inside Sup Forums while outside is just an idiot. We are all fucking idiots here, but because we are ALL anonymous and ALL acting randomly we create something WONDERFUL, something that is not just a bunch of random crap but EVERYTHING, and because we have no identity here each and every one of us owns the ENTIRE sum of our efforts

Nah NSW but that's as far as I'll give


standing on it to get to a window?

What you people are doing is NOT anonymous, you are no longer anonymous, you are "anonymous from Sup Forums" you get an identity, you may call yourselves user BUT YOU ARE NOT ANONYMOUS!
YOU DO NOT TAKE Sup Forums WITH YOU! The environment which transforms random acts into enlightenment is NOT THERE, you do nothing but make yourselves look stupid and POTENTIALLY THREATEN OUR FUTURE.
Many of you do not even understand what Sup Forums is. You have come here too late and where absorbed into this newbie raiding culture. At first it started small, but then my mom got scared. She sent me to live with my auntie and uncle in bel-air. I whistled for a cab and when it came near, its license plate said fresh and it had a dice in the mirror. That is more or less harmless. BUT YOU IDIOTS ARE RUINING IT. We should not have started, WE DID NOT KNOW IT WOULD HAVE TO KEEP GETTING BIGGER AND BIGGER.

The tiles are against an inner wall so no window. They were just on the floor. They're also like 10cm tall and like 8mm thick so they're probably brittle as fuck


for some reason I want tone know wtf was going on in his head...maybe he legit thought it was a different house? like he actually was supposed to clean someone's place and just trying to play it on? fuck that's confusing.
I got one though.
>be me
>visiting home from school
>tired as fuck, crash early
>wake up in the morning, parents are at work.
>someone's in couch, wearing army fatigues.
>think it must be new step brother who is in army.
>"hey man, didn't know you were visiting too, help yourself to some breakfast."
>wtf.jpg on his face
>stands up, pours himself some coffee and cereal
> notice name on front isn't what it should be.
>"your not user are you?"
>he still looks confused as fuck "nah man"
>"you need to get the fuck out".

luckily nothing happen, he left explaining he got back from bootcamp yesterday, got hammered with his friends and dropped off at the end of the lane, was dark and thought this was his friends house. thought he was even more right because no one locked the door so he strolled right in.

we lock our doors now.

Where the fuck did he get hammered if he had a friend who trusted him enough to sleep over his house but not give him a lift their or drink with him. What the fuck kind of friend is that

Also the cleaning thing would maybe make sense if he didn't break through the side gate and come through the back. Also my mum now thinks if someone broke in, we wouldn't hear her being murdered because someone came in and no one noticed until he walked in on my brother so she makes a point in going around to all of us and telling us to leave a headphone off

yeah, fuck if I know, that's why I shared, fits a bit along your story of confusion. gave him the benefit of the doubt because who the hell goes into a house just to sleep on the couch?