New fluffy thread.
New fluffy thread
Kill yourself faggot
So, how about that "Spiderman b gone" picture?
that would just bring spideys you fool
well if spidey comes, chase it away with the pic. For now, I will lurk here.
your doing gods work op
That kid looks like Trump
Goto the fuckibg pony board you massive faggots
ach markus kein mensch intressiert sich noch für diese scheisse
Classic. One of the best stories.
Oh posted manners again...yay...
who gives a shit?
ach markus, lass es einfach gut sein und mach ne therapie
the thing with these fluffy threads is even if you like abuse it is just the same fucking images in each thread
someone will post good manners people post all the stand alone comics that show up in every damn thread someone posts smoky wawa pepper butt and then it gets spammed with poop, or spiderman or pokemon porn or whatever there isn't enough content for these threads to be active as often as they are
People wont fucking listen to me. This fandom does not have enough content to sustain a 24/7 thread
Ive seen threads not image cap and not post cap get deleted,2 minutes later fluffy thread
its boring as fuck
Most that hit cap only do so because of the spammers. This shit will probably have died out if not for them.
then go to fluffyboru then ive seen alot of shit that hasnt been posted in threads here, there is alot of content but people just grab whats in the fucking threads and repost them
Give me a valid tagging system and i would
Whether it's drawing or writing, content from good uploaders take alot of time. Then people post the same shit over and over until it becomes stale as fuck.