/adv didn't help me for shit

/adv didn't help me for shit
General call for help here, scared as fuck of dentists and hospitals etc, but i'm not stupid, i'll go if it is neccesary (if i'm going to die or some shit)
I believe i have a wisdom tooth coming through, pain is pretty bad and i can eat on that side of my jaw or open my mouth much without pain, using paracetemol and ibuprofen to numb the pain, anyone have any helpful hints or tips around what to do? pic related

Had something similar, wash your mouth out with lots and lots of salt water. Like 5 times a day/after every meal or sugary drink.

Go to dentist if you can afford it

Go to the dentist you fucking goof, much longer and you'll need to pay not only the tooth removal but also for antibiotics

just go to the dentists you fucking retard

Just go to the fucking dentist dude. Trust me, you'd rather be scared of dentist, rather than suffering the consequences. Can halfly (yes) tell from personal experience.

bro the back of your throat doesnt look good man you need to stop sucking dick with herpes

The wisdom tooth that is coming in, is coming in at an angle that cuts your gums.

You need to have it removed, or you will get an infection, which it looks like is starting.

Ibuprofen is going to make it bleed hella bad

If you don't get it fixed you're going to get an infection and die

If you leave the tooth in there it can get infected and rot your other teeth next tho it. The pain will only get worse, stop being a fate and get it out.

go to the dentist before you catch lock jaw


That's not entirely true, wisdom teeth themselves don't just become infected unless there are complications with it protruding.

Had something similar. In my case the dentist removed part of the tooth and gave me some anesthetic based on chlorine. Funny stuff actually, takes horrible but you get perfectly clean for 3 days straight.
However, in your case (I am not dentist), I assume that the only way is the removal of the wisdom tooth.
But! On the bright side it seems to be quite straight which means it -could- be done in 5 minutes if you are lucky.

dentist or suicide, pick one.

*tastes horrible *you get perfectly clean teeth

Poor Americans with their overpriced medical services, asking for advice on the Internet and shit.

all of what these anons said
the tooth is coming in and cutting into your cheek when you chew

pain is an indicator you dip. listen to it.

the ibuprofen youre taking is making your blood thinner
go to dentsist
he should remove the tooth and clean the abcess

you cannot fix this at home

you dont have the skills to keep your mouth clean, what makes you think you can operate on yourself.

Stop being scared of dentists and hospitals.

I had the same problem, my back teeth were very painful and I had dealt with it by eating on the other side for months.

Eventually the pain got unbearable to the point where I had to take 30min+ breaks from work to just go cry and be in agony.

Dentist popped those fuckers out in a couple short sessions and I haven't felt anything since.

The guy was really nice and knowledgeable about everything. There's no reason for this kind of irrational fear; I think it stems from propaganda taught to children.

learn to brush your mouth better
teeth are yellow
gums are puffy
tounge is crusted in shit
red irritated mouth meat

Go to a dentist. They will have to do a CAT scan before they can decide what to do. The sooner you go the better.

Living in Birmingham England buddy, Just don't want to risk the NHS if i don't need to

its clearly already infected you fag, teeth dont normally come out yellow and pussy

thanks to the people who helped and didn't just try and call me a fag or a dicksucker, turns out the internet is a nice place.
yeah advice taken on board, did that shit and it hurt like a motherfucker, all good now so im confident i won't be infected and die.

shall i just leave it and see what happens?
i mean fuck dental care, i might become a meme

i think thats an ulcer rather than the tooth itself

Also, I didn't feel anything after the anesthesia. That shit really works well.

It's a little unsettling knowing things are moving in your mouth without being able to feel them.

They are professionals though. Imagine if you spent all the time you wasted jerking off and watching anime learning something productive instead. Dentists are those people.

yeah that shit is good i have had it before, tbf i can probably be put to sleep for it then i don't need to give a fuck.

>Imagine if you spent all the time you wasted jerking off and watching anime learning something productive instead. Dentists are those people.

This fucking guy