So what comes after death, Sup Forums?

So what comes after death, Sup Forums?

My dick

This is very deep user.

>So what comes after death, Sup Forums?

Your body rots.

spoopy skeletons


That's what she said

Eternal bliss of being free from this shitty world....
At least that's how i'm seeing it right now

Pretty much this. Also dmt releases your soul to a new dimension


You're already dead, welcome to Sup Forums.

Its like pressing the restart button on your computer while the pc is running.

Either you reboot into a new life
Or you get a fucked up blue screen

Nothingness. You go back to where you were before you were born. Aka the void. Enjoy the life you have while you have it.

I'm dying to find out

No it doesn't. You're repeating pseudoscience because you're a stupid junior college fuckup.

deave: (verb) to make deaf. deafen. (chiefly scot.)

sure there are lots of words and compound words with "death" in them following death proper, but deave seems to be the first regular word after death.

(source - random house webster's dictionary)

the definition of death is 'the end of life'
so to say anything comes after is a contradiction.

Press continue.
Try again.

How would you know that there isnt another thing that we dont know of after life that isnt living per say?

well, you actually just wake up, but just a layer deeper in hell.

Only if your definition of life is "the only thing that ever happens".

Rocks exist, but they don't contradict life.

Depending on your personal growth level you hang out in these stratospheric fields of energy around the earth where you can just hang out or create a false reality like heaven if that's where you assumed you'd go, then eventually you slip back into a body and do it again

if there is, then 'death' is the incorrect term to be using.
I don't think there is much reason to believe there is anything that comes after the life we currently lead. And if anything does, then we're not really 'dead' are we? More 'regenerated' or something


> per say


Never experienced a blue screen when forcing a restart. Learn to build computers, faggot.

Here's a theory I like to think about. That futurama episode where they invent a forward time machine, and see the universe die and another Big Bang happen again, and everything happens all over again ...

When we die there is nothing, you cease to exist, therefore time to you does no longer exist. So like the futurama theory, this universe lives and dies, another is born and come the time we are born once again.

I always like to think that's what deja vu is. It's us vaguely remembering places or things we've done even if we haven't been there, from our previous life.

Yes I've been drinking

So basicallly reliving. Your life over and ovver again?

time is a flat circle

You've fucked up with the dejavu thing