We make our new DJ names

I'll start
> DJ Dying Alone

dj op is a fag

DJ nigger

DJ naked banana

DJ insolvency
dj foreclosure

Why are you afraid of niggers? Is it because of how much the hoop and holler?

DJ Failure and Disappointment

DJ Cringe

DJ Girls

DJ needle

DJ Getting My Tonsil Fondled

DJ Mom

DJ Furry Gangrape

DJ blindness

either DJ stroke or DJ Alzheimer's

DJ Death

Dj Hijab

DJ White Van

DJ Death

dj drowning

DJ becoming a failure.

DJ Severe Penis Fracture

DJ Myself

Dj GirlsReaction

DJ Eaten Alive

DJ dat boi

Dj Heights

Dj snake reporting for duty

DJ Hilary Clinton

DJ Black rights

DJ NoWifi

DJ burned alive

DJ Ice-master Flash

DJ Raping Sandnigger

DJ NoSex

Dj lonliness

DJ crippling depression

gonna make millions



DJ going at very hihg speed


DJ you died of dysentery

DJ Life is in the house



DJ Desperate Druggy

Dj hero

DJ Eternal unconsciousness that follows death

DJ nude chicks smoking un-proportionatley large bongs on ironically well kept public toilets in south Louisiana

DJ Public Humiliation

DJ robot with feelngs

DJ Living life with the guilt of another man's blood on your hands.

DJ Homeless

DJ I can't lift, bro

DJ Racial Mixing

DJ she lied to me

DJ solitary confinement

DJ Amphibious Bees

DJ Frogs

DJ Distorted Architecture

DJ Spider

God that's a gay name.

DJ Dying

DJ Having a good reason not to anhero

DJ the thought of living any longer trucking through the same old rut in a world controlled by jewish rats pushing their disgusting agenda on me while i trade my valuable time on this earth that i should be spending having fun and learning new things for money and supplies just to fucking survive but how ironic is it that living a moment longer is the thing i want the least god i hate this fucking world and if i thought my family would be ok without me id just kill myself

DJ Zionist Conspiracy

DJ Ventricular Fibrillation

Dj Depression again

Dj monster cock

Dah Existential Crises

>DJ Niggers
Well I won't last long.

>DJ Heights
Actually sounds kinda catchy

DJ Trappy Traps

Music genre: trap?

DJ old man balls.

DJ Surgery
i fucking hate everything about hospitals

DJ Future

DJ Erectile Dysfunction

dj pregnant girlfriend

DJ Noob

DJ Chris Hansen

DJ Being SurroundedByFaggotsOn/b/

DJ employment

DJ Immortality

DJ Everyone hating me

DJ Losing My Virginity

DJ Bitter Dissapointment

Dj unending dental pain

DJ Darkness


DJ Not Dating Someone With A Foot Fetish

DJ Transgender Children

DJ people discovering my fetishes

DJ Human Interaction

DJ Penis Sever

DJ spider

DJ Never Becoming Anything Beyond A Guy With A Normal Life


DJ Refugees


DJ Autism

DJ The Fact That Trump Will Be President