Hey, Sup Forums. You might remember me from the 13th, when dubs decided what I did with a $25 Amazon gift card...

Hey, Sup Forums. You might remember me from the 13th, when dubs decided what I did with a $25 Amazon gift card. Long story short, I bought 1500 live ladybugs. Now, dubs decides what I do with them. I will deliver if it is not too ridiculous.
TL;DR, I have 1500 live ladybugs and dubs decides what do.

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Put in pooper

Cum on them

Super dooper, put in your pooper

Keep them, and every time you go out to eat somewhere crush one in your food after youve eaten most of it, and ask for your money back cause theres fucking ladybugs in the food.

Cover dick in ladybugs.
Send dick pic to every single female in phonebook.
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Make a milkshake and drink it

Cum on them, then lick them, THEN in the pooper


release into wild