Its raining and slightly breezy tonight. Seems like a comfy night to die. What are some painless...

Its raining and slightly breezy tonight. Seems like a comfy night to die. What are some painless,surefire ways to end it all? Pic unrelated, just what was hopefully my last wank



Go fuck somebody up.

exit bag, for fuck sake stop asking and go away.

dont own a gun,live in nyc

what is that?

google it, jesus fuck.

what is google?


what is Sup Forums?

Nigger detected

how? because dat ass?


the burst lung thing is too scary. I said SUREFIRE,PAINLESS ways

Bottle of Tylenol and a full bathtub

Go out and buy yourself a tank of helium, trash bags, a tube, and some duct tape. Any plastic bag will do. Clear ones preferable.
>Attach tube to helium tank nozzle and duct tape for air tight
>Duck tape other end of tube to your head preferably back of neck/head
>Place trash bag over head with end of tube inside
>Open helium tank
>Die of asphyxiation

Because you are inhaling helium and not CO2 you will not feel like throwing up as your body will freak out when CO2 levels get too high. It cannot tell when oxygen levels are too low though. It is completely painless and easy to do.

Then don't be a fucking retard and turn it on all the way, like it says.

>too scary

You don't want to die, apparently. You want attention. Fuck off.

2/10 got a reply

if you're gonna go out, do it in style. go do something that youll be remembered for, don't die nameless and forgotten.

noooo i dont want any PAIN in the process. and no risk of staying alive as a vegetable either.

Shotgun in mouth angled back slightly so it is ensured to get the brain stem and amygdaloid. Use 12 gauge or higher. You won't even know you pulled the trigger it'll be so fast.

>It is completely painless and easy to do.

so, how many times have you done it? you seem confident.

Then don't open the valve all the way. Apparently you're too much of a naif to follow the directions.

Scared of everything is shit. Go do something fun and dangerous and realize that pain is part of living.

>do something that youll be remembered for, don't die nameless and forgotten.

yeah, like all those suicide bombers. remember them?

neither do i.

If you fist fight a bear to death than that would prolly make headl

not talking about something worthless like that
plus no one can even pronounce their names

Said you live in NYC, right? Find a tall building to jump off of. Once you're off the edge you can't stop. And if you use the taller buildings there, death would be instant, painless, but messy. Might get some news coverage.

Get a gun and run up to a police station discharging it