Mr. Fourchat comes out of a long tunnel which collapses behind him. He is now in a white room with 2 doors. Behind one door is a hot booby lady engulfed in hellfire calling for help and behind the other is the great penis dimension. The greedy great penis is waiting inside. There don't appear to be any other exits from the room. Oh yeah, Mr. F has a flute too.
Dubs decides what happens to Mr. Fourchat
Ethan Anderson
play flute and flash children
Parker Thomas
Flute in pooper
Jack Brown
play flute while hopping into fire.
Anthony Edwards
Play flute solo of rock destruction, climb through newly-opened tunnel
Eli Walker
pressure builds behind the tunnel block. it jets out of the tunnel pushing fourchat through the great penis dimension and into boobylady world.
boobylady turns into the greedy great penis as the floot slowly closes the door while starring him in the face.
Ethan Reed
lets make this a reality some time before you graduate middleschool op.
Justin Martin
but... but that's got nothing to do with mr fourchats actions. that's the environment. but i mean double dubs.