Sometimes i think im retarded

sometimes i think im retarded

How so?

Damn right you are...

For the rest of us it's all the time we think that.

No you're not. You're just special.

Now please tell me which of the nice ladies let you use the computer.

Retards don't have the capability of thinking about if they're retarded. So if you're thinking about if your retarded, congratulations you're not retarded. You're just dumb.

It's a really shitty feeling I know

Don't worry just

i don't know i feel like ive been secretly retarded and no one has told me yet. like they're keeping it a secret

Not me, i tend to wonder if I'm the only rational person with common sense in a world run by retards

It's ok user being autistic means being alive

Do you think shit through before doing it?


That's just a bad pun

i dont know, is being retarded why i don't have dreams?


I know my only dream is to be taken in my sleep so i will never see the second fall of man

who do you think is going to be responsible?

Responsible for me dying in my sleep or responsible for the second fall of man?

Didn't you get the news?

if i was retarded you guys would tell me right?

the second coming of course

Humanity itself, ive lost all hope in humanity at this point

When i say second fall of man, i basically mean the death of rationality and common sense

The rapture never happened because Macho Man Randy Savage took one for the team

We would tell you even if you weren't

you guys are the best

Can't tell if thats sarcasm or genuine