Mei thread

Mei thread

literally who?


feels so useless even just looking at her


you're not playing bae right if you think she is useless.

is "bae" some sort of codeword for "obese"?



No, but mei is thicc

fuck that annoying cunt


le reddit is that way

Yes ive been waiting for this


There is a thread about 4 times a day.

This is number 3


fuck mei, where's the Mercy thread?

eeeeh, i've seen ftfy along with fix'd for years on Sup Forums.

Remove the ice slut, she's so fucking lame holy shit.
>run rights up in your shit
>freezes you so you can't do jack
>fires an ice dildo in your face killing you instantly
There's no skill, no fun, only cancer.

you gonna post some OP, or are you just hoping some one else will.

>he used an acronym! He must use reddit!

mei is a fucking landwhale.
Shit tier waifu fam

if we are removing anyone, Widowmaker goes first.

Fuck off fag, you probably think Bastion takes 'skill'.

I dont have much mercy. but since you insulted mei, im not going to post it.

HAHAHAHAH pwnd by that good old 4chink glitch.

>mei is shit
>posts furry

Here is landwhale mei







Worst character




No he's the fucking worst tied with soldier 69 or whatever, widow maker and reaper are also shit.

Lucio, D.Va, Hanzo and Phara are based


> chill, that'll warm you up

Widowmaker is the worst, no skill needed.

Bastion is next, not a much skill needed.

soldier 76 can really be useful to the team if played right. if not he is just an annoying cunt.

Mei is bae


>bastiion not much skill needed
>widowmaker, less skell needed than bastion

Ya ok


Ok, you're alright. D.Va is the true bae.

Fire full power shot. Headshot will kill.

Not a head shot? follow up with a low power shot.

Anyone with 200 health is dead.

At Least bastion needs to know where to set up.

But what if.. Mei and D. Va together

Dva is shit. most boring girl they have. Not even cute.
Anyone who thinks she is a good waifu is a normie





Bastion takes positioning, if you ca. Position yourself right, somewhere your useful but out of the way at the same time, you deserve the spot, bastion is easily countered by any hero that can flank him and deal high burst damage, genji for example

Alrighy, calm down memer. If you can't see the charm in a cute, small chested Korean idol Chick then I feel bad for you.

Where da webms at

I'm out, i'm not carrying another fucking thread today.

OP is a faggot.

Agreed, unfortunately I don't have any mei or I'd contribute

One last post.

she is over powered ass fuck and I love it

hanzo, widowmaker, pharah, junkrat, fucking anything with range will fuck her up.

She is only good for close defending points

Unless he's backed up in a corner like most bastion players. He's a 1-star difficulty Hero. Meaning he's one of the Heroes for beginners and people that are, for lack of a better term, casuals.

Setting up in a corner and waiting for people to come to you takes no skill whatsoever. And the turret mode does crazy damage. And if he has a team puppy guarding his position it's almost impossible to flank him.

So you can fuck right off.

he is very easily taken out. why don't you try switching characters mid game.

>shift gives 5 sec invincibility and almost full heal on like a 12 second cd

I see you don't know how to use Mei... ironic considering the thread.

It's who I use to counter... everyone. Except Soldier 76.

still kinda annoys me that you don't really have to switch to play against anyone else, but bam, Bastion, YEP TIME TO SWITCH BECAUSE HE MELTS REINHARDT'S SHIELD ALONE IN 2-3 SECS.

Going to assume you replied to the wrong person.