Dubs decide what happens to Elizabeth

Dubs decide what happens to Elizabeth

Into pooper

cum on it and insert in pooper

cum for elizabeth


Jizz on her but before you jizz stick her feet in your pee hole you better tape and share it

She gets shoved up your ass.

Bottom half first.

she explorers the city of rapture just before the events of Bioshock and, ultimately dies.

(along with the Bioshock infinite franchise)

OP is in for a good time

elizabeth in pooper.


Elizabeth in pooper

The dubs have spoken.

Turn her upside down and take a photo

sir, please refer to:

Microwave it

Wow that was fast and a lot of ass comments. Well I've only ever had a finger in my ass so it might take some work

Try to shove it in your dick hole

Let's go dick cheese, in your pooper she goes.

Shit in your toilet theb dip her in the shit cum in her lick her swallow and into your pooper with proper timestamp

Deliver or be a fag OP

She gets covered in cum.


Fucking do it already faggot

Fag if I do, fag if I don't


If you deliver you won't be a faggot.

Also what kind of cardiac work do you do to have a crestor note pad

Came to wait for a "shove in ass comment". Now I'm waiting for OP to pussy out like a cuckd bitch.

I did it, cleaning up and posting




My ass bled a little

Hurry up nigger

good job

well done sir.

Op delivered


Top zozzle, you put her in a condom. Op wasn't a fag today.


Mad about losing your job AZ scum?




Yeah I figured just up to her dress wasn't very much but had to manage the cloth

The absolute madman!

>absolute madman


Would you kindly
Stick her in GF's butt.

well I be damed...

OP delivers; kudos to you, good sir.



Since I'm assuming you guys know this shit more than the average person, do I have to address that bleeding in my asshole? It was juts a bit and it's not like leaking out or anything but I don't know the proper procedure

Not sure if op delivering prevents him from being a faggot or made him into one

You get a gold star op

Shoving toys up your ass doesn't make you a faggot.

Sanitise with alcohol

Great job, welll done

OP you magnificent bastard.

Clean water enima.


you did it OP

Throw in volcano

For fucks sake

well done.

>mfw I actually made a man stick a doll up his ass

Well, color me impressed, OP.


No one will believe me but I literally just finished Bioshock Infinite today.

cum bath

Smother him in the crib

Well I just started AND finished making Dubs Decide threads but hey wasn't it a learning experience


And you still want to bang elizabeth you sick fuck

woah, double dubs

Insane bro

jesus christ, read this tread. you're so late to the boat that you're the fucking Syrian they interview right after everybody else drowns because you're the only one left

I don't even know at this point. I would bang my daughter if she was that attractive.

bump for great justice

Take her out to dinner and drown her in the soup.