Ask a Filipino fag who has been lurking Sup Forums since 2008 about anything

Ask a Filipino fag who has been lurking Sup Forums since 2008 about anything.

what drugs have you done?

you smell

Only cannabis. Nowadays it's gonna be hard to acquire drugs because of our newly-elected President.

Yes i can smell

Who is the best president. for you?

are u a Faggot?

Putangina mo ako mid

President of what?

Nah m8. Are you?

Putangina mo bobo
>nice trips

Why are you such a massive faggot

What is the punishment if they catch you with weed?
Also, would visiting the Philippines be a good idea for someone who likes history, architecture and culture?

Vienna sausage with rice?

How old are you and what is your favorite memory of Sup Forums?

I'm not sure but punishment will be really severe as far as i can say. Check out Davao City. Its in the top 5 cities of Asia. Just dont smoke in no smoking areas because the Mayor there will make you eat the butt lol

21. Have a lot of memories here when YLYL threads and feels threads were actually good.

In the Philippines, you don’t get much leeway either. The first time you’re caught smoking a joint you can be sent to rehab for at least six months. If you are persistent enough to try again, the next time could land you in jail for between six and twelve years. If you get caught growing weed, you’re looking at anything from life imprisonment to the death penalty. The Philippine Dangerous Drugs Act will make your life a living hell. One man was jailed for 15 years after being caught with two “sticks” (assumedly meaning joints) of marijuana.

Sup brother. Whitewashed Filipino here. Whts ur opinion on Rugby? (The Drug)

In our country m8

Ylyl threads used to be good? I guess I've missed out then. I've been lurking since 2011 and I miss seeing good greentexts, they don't seem to happen as often anymore.

I voted for Miriam. She is overly qualified for the spot imo. Nonetheless Duterte seems to be doing fine for now.

Anyways, Goodnight fags I'm going to bed, the sun is coming up.

Rugby-users are fucking disgusting user. Cant blame them. They use it to forget their hungriness. I feel bad for the kids who resort to drugs. They beg on the streets but when you give some money they'll buy Rugby immediately.

YLYL threads used to be good yep. Nowadays some greentexts are okay but back then threads like that are gold.

How butthurt are you?

What city do you live in and would you recommend me a good place to visit in the philippines.

Is your dick cut?
Uncut pinoy here, they tease me until they know that i fucked more girls(at least one more) than them.

bump for interest

what are you doing toward your life goal of marrying an elderly amerikano?