Why not vote for Donald Trump?

why not vote for Donald Trump?

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Im only 15

I've not been lobotomized yet.

no reason, or this


Because I'm educated.

trump is a fictitious character. hes not real

I'm actually earning a good living and not racist so I have no reason to vote for Trump. The system is working for me as is. He's just a blow hard looking to feather his own nest (from my perspective).

You don't have to be racist in order to vote for trump, autist. People like you are what's gonna get Hillary elected


>Because I'm educated.

I'm actually earning a good living and not racist so I have no reason to vote for Trump. The system is working for me as is. He's just a blow hard looking to feather his own nest (from my perspective).

you guys know you have to be 18 to browse this forum, right?

>"You are going to vote for my dad in November, right user?"

plenty of reasons OP

>as S makes "She"
wow that whole crappy list can apply to clinton. who knew?


daily reminder that we will all know hillary's horrible little secret by November.

Clinton lies as much as herself confirmed.

pro tip: there are TWO clintons


I dislike Trump but with whats going on in this world right now(filthy fucking muslims taking planes down) and the fact that Hillary is pretty fucking stupid I'll be voting for Trump.

I am voting for Trump.

>mfw someone said they liked my Trump hat
>mfw this someone was """latina"""

Because he is brash and unintelligent. Most of the time he just kinda says random shit. Like do people actually listen to what he is saying? Overall he is someone I do not want representing America and making decisions for us.

>Like do people actually listen to what he is saying?
... i hope so. or else why criticize someone if you don't even know what they actually say/mean?

he has said 10,000 times that he opposes "ILLEGAL immigration" but supports "LEGAL immigration"

could he be anymore clear than that? i don't think so

I'm not a poor uneducated white person

you're just a poor and uneducated non-white?

thanks user, saved.

Underage b8

That's fine and dandy. But I haven't heard him say any of his plans or policies. Just that he is going to build a wall by making Mexico pay for it. Which let's be real, they aren't. But I was more talking about his mannerisms and the fact that he constantly repeats himself in different ways to make it seem like he's saying something different. He's a slimy businessman. Of course you can vote for whoever the fuck you want. But I am not voting for him.

okay how about this OP, you explain why I should.

because nobody, including Donald Trump has given me a reason to vote for Donald Trump.

why not join the OSS

>mfw Trump gets elected
>mfw Trump reorganizes the Republic into the first galactic empire

He's a muslim

Trump doesn't even to himself when he speaks

Voting for Trump. Shillary is a lesbian liar who's married to rapin' Bill

doesn't even listen

>But I haven't heard him say any of his plans or policies
he has said many things about a wall... background checks as well... increased security at the wall = job creation

i don't think you have been listening. or maybe you just don't understand.
>Which let's be real, they aren't.
you aren't real user

>mfw Trump says that global warming is a Chinese hoax
>mfw the old world will burn in the fires of industry

I might


Like that is going to stop anyone

yeah he really does't say anything and then flip flops on the general stuff he throws out.

...so your saying his whole focus is based on the wall? Maybe you're right, I haven't been paying enough attention to him. Please enlighten me on what his other plans and ideas are.

Global Warming is about as real as the World Ice Theory.

>trump supporters will believe all kinds of crazy shit
>but won't believe in science

sigh. this is what we've come to

So, both 100% real?

>what is scientific consensus
>what is differing opinions
you know that not every single scientist agrees on the root causes of climate change, right?... r-right?

yeah only 90% of them.

no scientists agree 100% on anything. that's the beauty of science. meanwhile there is no doubt now that we have caused climate change.

Listen to him speak now. Now that he's won the primary, he has cut the over the top aggressive act and is getting down to business to attract more moderate republicans / undecided independents

his top three priorities are security, economy, and education.
obviously there are 1000s of things he will do/try to do in his 8 year term but he wants to rebuild the military, secure the border, and throw common core in the trash. those three alone are why i would vote for him
underage detected

Because I'm illegal. :$

>meanwhile there is no doubt now that we have caused climate change
because you have seen all of this evidence yourself? why don't you explain to us all EXACTLY how/where/when the climate is "changing" based on all of this knowledge YOU have.

go ahead, i will wait

he's flip flopped so much what's a little more flipping and flopping right? no one buys that bullshit sorry

>being moderate is flip flopping
i think you are just dumb

do you own research faggot. this is a thread about donald trump. there are a hundred reasons to not vote for him before you get anywhere near climate change

>when democrats pander it's called flip flopping
>when trump panders it's called being moderate

yeah good one

so what you are saying is that you don't know or have any evidence of climate change? you know that there are scientists who say yes to human cause and other scientists say nay.

but you are able to tell the difference between flawed data and non-flawed data. you know EXACTLY why the other scientists are dummies.


>damned if he does
>damned if he doesn't

Here's the real issue with trump. the republicans biggest accusation against democrats is that they pander and flip flop. Trump has done this so much that they can't now make that claim against Clinton.

oh shit... oh shit nigga... that is BIG... that is FUCKING HUGE
someone get brit hume on the phone right now... we need to share this detrimental bit with EVERYONE


what i'm saying is i don't give a fuck if you fall for republican tricks to keep money in the pockets of the rich at the expense of the environment and future generations. you're opinion does not matter at all.


>build a wall
>let ICE do their jobs
>renegotiate trade deals
>make allies in NATO pay for their own protection instead of relying 100% on america
>temporary ban on muslim immigration
>defunding of sanctuary states
>LOWER taxes on everyone except ultra-rich
>MFW his tax plan lowers taxes more than bernie
>MFW stopping the open borders nonsense of the regressive left
>MFW socialist libtards no longer control political agenda

MAGA bitches

>you're opinion does not matter at all.
okay thanks for indulging it, however

>claims to know science
>doesn't have evidence
you seem like you have a bright future ahead

even if he really wanted to or could do all this, nothing would change. your life would not be better off faggot. not even the extra couple hundred a year you'd get from less taxes. with everyone having more spending money, the price of stuff just goes up. learn how economics works. the immigration nonsense is just the latest bogey man to scare dumb asses like you.

tell me what he has flip flopped on since beginning his primary run

>lip balm

What a faggot

Climate change denial is fast approaching a "flat earth" and "chemtrail" level of tinfoil.






>the immigration nonsense is just the latest bogey man to scare dumb asses like you.
except it scared our grandfather's fathers, our grandfathers, our fathers... and now us...

you have a chance to do something about it with your vote... but you think that open borders hippy loving shit isn't absolutely retarded. poor you

MODS! - Another MODS post!

Because he's a meme candidate who is no better than Hillary Clinton.

lol it keeps getting better with you... yes there are most definitely trails in the sky left from certain aircraft? are they chemicals? who knows?

ever heard of agent orange? no because you are 13 years old most likely

i think we do a fine job now with our borders. we root out illegal immigrant just fine. it's not perfect of course but no more time, money or thought really needs to be spent on it. certainly it woudl never be something i'd justify a vote for someone completely unprepared for being president on.

>proving just how dumb he is

keep digging that hole dummy

trump supporter poster boy

To the friend of that hacker known as Sup Forums,

Mr or Miss Fawkes mask person. I wonder, with all the good workz you do in the world, haz there been any interest or efforts made against the US Child “Protective” Services that routinely “protect” kids by placing them in situations for physical abuse, rape, and death?

I ask because of the situation happening in Oregun as well as other places. You have hit big banks, dirty politicians, and sometimes random crap just for fun and finding the emails and “reports” that these state worker Dbags hide on their servers would be interesting and some well deserved justice could come about.

Keep in mind I'm just asking if this has happened or is in the works and not requesting it. I am sure there are already a number of individuals trying to access these emails servers as well as those politicians “demanding records and answers” to help get them elected and what not. Simply, these files would make an interesting read considering how the US also berates the rest of the worlds “morality” with no thought of what it does to it's own children.

Back to the fun vileness of whatever thread this falls under. Need some twisted fucked up eye raping randomness to give my mind some peace away from seeing what this fucked up “greatest cuntry on earth” is up to. I might vote Trump just to watch things burn down that much faster.

Go Bernie or Burn the house down (Trump). Fuck this Blue no matter what shit.

>i think we do a fine job now with our borders
you know there are estimated to be 20 millions + illegal people in the country RIGHT now..

no they aren't all from mexico, of course.
WOW great job we are doing!

When trump releases his tax returns and people realize he's paying the bare minimum I doubt the poor will care about any of her problems, just like they don't care now

yeah because you fly jets. i forgot you are an EXPERT on climate change with all the ice core drilling you do.. and you know ALL about government flight patterns and how jets work and particulates in the air.

lol liberals are so delusional they will vote for an old kike like bernie and he will still fail miserably

so what? they aren't the scary bogey man they're being made out to be right now. i couldn't care less about them really. to 90% of the US it doesn't even matter. it's irrelevant.

honestly I am more invested in his anti-muslim-immigration policy. Sanders or Hillary would let refugees in with open arms. I disagree with his mass deportation and hope against hope that the only way he could accomplish that is if he makes it easier to come into the country LEGALLY. This is a fool's hope and there is no evidence that this will happen except for the backlash from the liberals if he doesn't compromise.

However, Trump EXCELS at making deals! Does anyone honestly think Clinton would negotiate with conservatives? You may think so; I don't see it happening. She does not give a shit about people on the other side of the aisle, whereas historically Trump has taken actions that show he loves America (low key sending his staff to help in any way they can on 9/11, sending his private jets to ferry marines home when their flights were cancelled, handing out hundies to his kitchen staff, etc. all before entering the political scene).

I digress. Trump can make deals that benefit his cause, and he is not unwilling to compromise. Shitty congress has been the biggest obstacle to progress for the past 8 years.

>a rich guy ducks taxes
business as usual
>a corrupt politician bleeds a country dry with jews and saudis
so what? i am a national. if i were born in mexico i would still want a wall dumbass. can you conceive such an idea?


thanks for sources, will read these

foeni duud

I know 4 of them personally. Illegal aliens from Europe.They overstayed their visa and a wall will not stop them.

Trump can't really do shit about common core or any states educational standards though, at least not without a national program that would have to go through congress.

I really don't believe he knows dick about the US economy. He said recently that we can't go broke because "we can print more money". How the fuck do people buy into this shit? I don't want Hillary for president either, she's a terrible candidate, but that doesn't make him look any better by comparison.

i'm not against a wall, so to speak. i just don't care about it. it should not be a key issue for any rational voter.

for many people fear of white people being minority is what's behind it. trump is pandering to these white trash racists. it's that simple.

He has said he is paying as little as he can. There is no surprise there. He also has clearly said he wants to close the loopholes he uses even though it hurts him and the rest of the super rich.

well you're welcome user. thanks for keeping it civil.

You forget how retarded most Americans are and would be swayed by some smartass comment Hillarys writers give her to say in the debates. If Hillary can actually point out his bullshit on live tv and it sticks he won't have a chance.

sure kid

It won't hurt him if they all have to do it. It's about a level playing ground.

but what makes you think trump really wants to do that? he's flip flopped so much who really knows what he will do.

a meme. that's a reason in your pea brain?

Killary will be too busy having one of her coughing fits choking on all her lies to debate anyone.

>for many people fear of white people being minority is what's behind it. trump is pandering to these white trash racists. it's that simple.
well yes as i live in california white people are already the minority... i don't fancy liberals like sanders or clinton who would have no problem with mexico, canada, and america being one entity. they are globalist swine.

no thanks.
i like people to speak english and hold christian values.. muslims are cool if they aren't beheading christians and other muslims... jews really have to go.

meme? it has many reasons. you want them typed out? here:

>he flip flops more than any democrat
>he lies as much as clinton, maybe more
>he’s not said anything specific other than a dumb wall
>he has zero experience running a government
>he has zero experience as a politician
>he’s proven incompetent in picking key advisors
>he’s set up and run scams like Trump U and countless others
>he’s switched political parties a half dozen times in his life
>he has ties to organized crime
>he wants to devalue the dollar to increase exports
>he doesn’t understand how the US debt works
>he’s said he would raise taxes
>he thinks americans make too much money
>he will hurt our relationships with allies, already has in some ways
>he will disrupt trade with other countries
>he owns property in other countries
>he spouts propaganda and conspiracy theories like they’re real
>he has tiny hands and gets defensive about it
>he pretends to be someone else
>he has a hair trigger temper and emotionally unbalanced
>he’s prone to getting revenge like a teenager
>he’s impulsive to the point of recklessness
>his love of drama is dangerous on a global scale
>he’s pointedly uninformed about many things, including economics

explains Bill's activities.

yeah you're just a white supremacist. you're in the minority, thankfully and ironically. you should support trump. he's your only hope.

sure kid. self made man. unintelligent.

He's right though, we can just print money. The logic is flawless, explain how america can go broke? We run out of money? Uh... no, we just print more dumbass.