Why are muslims so scared of pigs?

why are muslims so scared of pigs?

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Similar to jews it is because the animal is considered dirty and unfit for eating

I work at Tesco. Pork gets dumped in the halal a lot. It never gets cleaned.

They learned long ago that pigs are one of the animals that can beat them when they fight back when Muslims try to fuck them

I actually read somewhere that there is this really nasty virus on pork sometimes that can literally eat your insides and kill you. Maybe that is the reason they don't eat pork? It would make the most sense.

cannibalism. i mean they are fucked up but not THAT much.

the religion was thought up in the middle of a desert, pork was difficult to keep fresh

muslim here

nothing to be afraid of, just won't eat it.
I don't know why non muslims think we get offended or sth

If you want an explanation, it's just that we don't eat things that are genetically close to us. Rats, pigs etc
We don't eat carnivores either.

Who the hell eats jews ?

Pork is much more likely to get rotten and cause disease than chicken or beef. That´s why people avoidet it in ancient times.
Meanwhile we have fridges

No, it's because pigs live in their own shit and retard Muslims and Jews think they're all high and mighty consider pigs to be unclean to eat or some shit


>If you want an explanation, it's just that we don't eat things that are genetically close to us

Bullshit. The no pigs rule has been around longer than we've known about genes, what the fuck are you on? Pork spoiled easily in the desert in the early days of islam, so they didn't eat it. Simple

Lots of you are saying that it was because of a lack of storage options in the desert. However Mohammed called it unholy and a sin (haram) or some shit, not that he didn't like it.

Plus the fact that pigs are always covered in shit and dirt made the ancient peoples think they were unclean

>underrated post

>muslim here
gtfo sandnigger

why are you so afraid of muslims?

>What the fuck are you on

I'm on God's word, who made the genes you're talking about.
You think people knew that eating carnivores would harm them? And yet it was haram. Fucking tool.

no, cumskin.

Didn't read any replies, but it's because of trichinosis.
This is also why we cook it to well done. Since we've practically eradicated the disease, we can all go back to medium or medium rare pork.


Pork develop Trichinella fast in warmer areas


top kek

It's called trichinella, it's a parasite that can be easily cooked out. But it'll fuck you up if you don't cook pork

This post is so dumb and stupid. I took the bait but my god you're an idiot.

This. It's the same reason Jews won't eat it.

The religious excuse was made up later, because that's what religions do. You're then stuck with arbitrary rules years after they stop meaning anything.

Is acnekun the ideal muslim?

then why is chicken (with salmonella) not haram?

>muslim here
Fuck out of here

yeah right.

I don't trust anybody who doesn't enjoy the taste of bacon

Bacon is classified as a carcinogen equal to cigarettes, I guess you don't trust people who don't smoke marlboros and dip copenhagen either

make me.

I'm not looking to be trusted by someone with such low standards.

I'm curious where one draws the line for genetic similarity.

if porcine and primate flesh isn't acceptable, which animal is acceptable but only just?


Exactly. I'm a man's man, you fucking beta faggot. I bet you were raised by a single mom.

Because its very easy to cook and prepare quickly, and you keep the meat fresh by waiting to slaughter until the day you need it. Chickens are pretty damn small, most birds are.

To prepare pork infected with trichinlla is comparatively more labor intensive.


good taste

actually forgot the stupidest reason: it's an omnivore.

I lol'ed

Some elderly Germans might have a recipe or two.

What is lower than being a poor filthy muslim?

cooking it would get rid of that virus and every other microorganism aswell

i also work for tesco, just a metro in a small town. We did get halal meat in for a week or so but the woman who fills the meat all week refused to put it on the shelf kicked up a fuss and we stopped getting it.

Underrated post :-)))

>Exactly. I'm a dumb ass
Oh good old Sup Forums, how I missed your retardedness

Fucking kek'd

being a non-muslim cuck.

>I don't know why non muslims think we get offended

because the news tries hard to make you guys look like assholes

"You a swine eater that means all your energy foul
I'm a divine leader that means all my enemies bow"

Israel kikefag here and the whole pork ban really leads to shitty results
for example the first time I've gotten bacon I've had no idea how it's supposed to be eaten so I tried to eat it raw

Not afraid just don't like or trust them.


gr8 b8 m8.

not that stupid, some "scholars" sandniggers say that jews have been turned into pigs, that's why pigs are unclean

Thank God my ancestors knew how to make fire.

You so smart. Did your community college philosophy professor tell you that?

As much as I agree with her decision, strictly speaking she should've been kicked to the curb and a replacement found. You're paid to do a job.

The whole kosher thing is retarded

All livestock animals are nasty. Ever seen a cows ass? its covered in dry shit. Chickens shit in their own beds. Farms all smell like shit no matter what type of animals they have

^this is why, literal shitheads like this.

you just need a fire to cook it. are sand niggers too stupid to start a fire? maybe they are too busy fucking goats

>calling other people dumbasses
>claims you can get cancer from eating bacon

Didn't you guys steal your creation story from the jews?

Also, why you worship moon?

because ignorance of pathogens turned into a tradition

Seems pretty funny to me.

Wow... Islam didn't build any of those cities. Oil Money and Persians built those cities.

child molester is trying hard today

Story on this? Did he literally just sodomize her against her will for the promise of being in Star Wars?

Id say that muslims are the ones that are filthy and should not be touched

this particular woman should have been brought to heel a long time ago, management in our shop just want an easy life and she is the type that will make complaints to the union, personnel and anyone else she can complain to.

I can't really criticise too much i've done things that in any other shop could have seen me out the door, small shops with a small management team where everyones friends is very different to a superstore where theres lots of layers of management and they don't get friendly with the customer assistants.

>Being this noob

the prophet had no religion before islam. It's a similar story because it was delivered by the same god.

>Also, why you worship moon?
we can only worship allah. Unlike christians of today who distorted their religion and who worship jesus as well.

cloven hooves, doesn't chew a cud.

Of course that's what happened. Absolutely.

No, its a practice run of the interrogation scene with porno subtitles.

Are you a legit muslim or are you just a basement troll trolling?

That's the reason. Same with the provisions against shellfish.

Well... her acting was quite convincing. I almost believed she was really being sodomized.

>Megan Rain

>Unlike christians of today who distorted their religion and who worship jesus as well.
Trust a sandnigger dog to not realize Jesus and God are one in the same.

Had knowledge about genetics before science?

right this why all of those sandniggers are crossing border dying to go to europe.

Please take them to the shithole were muslim fagots come from like dubai or some other sandnigegr dwelling

so that's why the germans were sticking them in the oven

I did too. But a quick Google search brought me to a clip from a "Making of Episode 7" type thing with audio.

islam is less than two thousand years old, so no, it doesn't span thousands of years, and why is there a picture of the taj mahal in this lol it has nothing to do with islam

I thought they dont eat it because Muhammad was a pig

so young so stupid

legit muslim
ashhadu an la ilaha illa allah oua achhadou anna muhammadan rassulu allah
>Trust a sandnigger dog to not realize Jesus and God are one in the same.
see we're just going to have to disagree on this. Jesus is a prophet and a human, and god is god.

>we don't eat things that are genetically close to us. Rats, pigs etc We don't eat carnivores either.

either trolling, or a dumb apologist

wow, just posted that for fun, I didn't expect so much butthurt.

I guess it's a coping mechanism because you can feel it's kind of real.

yeah, so back in the day a thousand years ago some guy did genetic tests to figure out what animals to eat?

shut the fuck up man

Because if you ate pigs in ancient Muslim and Jew land, you would get sick. This was before bacteria was discovered so they just thought god was mad again.

i was just pointing out that the taj mahal isn't muslim, lol. i can see that you enjoy provoking people's attention though! enjoy your life as a dependant

god told him to avoid eating those foods.
I'm just telling you a possible reason why god could have told him to avoid eating those foods. I don't pretend it's the truth, but it seems reasonable to me. And it's not wrong, we actually don't eat stuff that is close to us genetically. Call it a coincidence if you want.

Yeah. I've seen some fucked up stuff on Sup Forums and I literally do not care about Star Wars. I have no interest in poorly written space fantasy.

Have you ever been to the tesco game zone?

where you don't have prion sickness after eating the meat