Dear Sup Forums

Dear Sup Forums,

It's us, Anonymous, once again. Except this time it's the leader speaking.

As i am writing this, we are attacking the racist group KKK
They think they are safe behind their racist white mask, but they are wrong.
Just now we are publishing all the names of thousands KKK members.
Not only that! We have noticed the ongoing racism on Sup Forums/pol/ and we are looking into your IPs right now. We are going to publish your names, adress ect. STOP RACISM NOW!

The clock is ticking, gentlemen. Tick.... Tack.... Tick.... Tack...

We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.

Other urls found in this thread:



Sup Forums ?
Are you lost?

>looking in to IPs
Ah yes let me just find the file with all the IPs on moots computer just give me a couple days and you guys are in biiiiigg trouble


Sometimes someone will shout angrily, "Hey, don't you know that God made us all to be different. Don't you know that God made humans to be all different colors like the rainbow. Don't you know that God made us all - yellow, black, and white, they are precious in His sight."

I say, "You are so right. God made us all to be different. God made us to be as the colors of the rainbow. God made us to be unique. He loves us all - the different colors of the world - that is exactly how he made it....but then my friend why do you insist that it be all mixed up. Why are you not satisfied with the many colors that God made - Why do you want it mixed into only one color. Why do you fight against the unique qualities of each race and work so that everyone is the same? Why do you work to destroy God's rainbow of humanity?





it annoys me how much people care about the color of our skin and how people see everyone,

personally it annoys me how much people give a damn about what people think, people argue about how we need to try to be diverse, i don't fully agree whit that you shouldn't for example hire someone just because someone of a specific race or religion does not work there, race should not matter only skill and qualifications,

if you disagree with my perspective that is, fine after all we are not all the same and have different beliefs and opinions


Shut up Shitler.

>"You are going to vote for my dad in November, right user?"

Only if you suck my cock.

Nerd guy here

>"sorry user I am a married and faithful!"

isnt the whole point of a democracy having all the blacks the jews the pakis the muslims and christians and racists all living together in one big family

to force one out is the opposite of what you claim to believe in

Tick tack is a candy.
Tick tock is a noise clocks make if you were living 100 years ago.

>living happily together with anyone

Anonymous doesn't work with a leader, everybody works seperatly, occasionaly collaborating


We don't have leader. Nice try


Appearantly leader of anonymous cant spellcheck. "Address"

Make this go viral

There are no leader OP is a faggot

time warners owns that mask

big business is alright as long as its on my side

americans are stupid

>time warners owns that mask
>big business is alright as long as its on my side
>americans are stupid


Fucking really? You're trying to end racism on Sup Forums? The amount of physical retardation coming from you is staggering.

Pwned op.