It's hard to do it when they're screaming

It's hard to do it when they're screaming.

Do what?

Play tennis?


Of course OP, parents are supposed to yell at you, thats how you get good grades ;)

Posting in epic bread just in case

Well do it in light, it usually makes you see better

timestamp you faggot

when u suck at tennis

I dunno man, OP could be legit

timestamp and moar pics ty godbless

yeah op could legit spill koolaid on his nig nog racket

include me in screenshot if this shit by any chance is real XOXO

posting in epic bread incase


racket isn't even broken.

is that your face, op?

good thread incoming?

Praying for legendary bread

Posting in epic bread just in case. Hi mom!

Bump for interest although file name is 2015

You spilled your koolaid everyone what a waste OP.

OP, you aren't supposed to spill the fucking ketchup

Bump for curiosity

Know this is probably fake, but op, if this legit, story plz

slow news day, Fox?

Bump for timestamp and body pic

Filename is 2015 faggots


Posting just in case

Op is a faggot

this better be good OP

Go on?...


What happening?

07.12.2015 niggers

Bump 4 delivery


epic bread plz OP

Ayyyy this could be pretty gud

Taking the bait. Explain how the fake blood got on the racket, op.



but wouldn't the racket be dented and such

autism thread for autism summer newfags

Come on you nigger nogger


holy shit man, is that Bob fucking Ross?

The fuck is going on here?


oh i get it now. Its hard to play tennis when your dad is screaming at you for being a faggot.

OP you better be typing real quick now

Hopefully we are toasting nicely right now

Tells us OP. What have you done ?


Why would you do that to yourself?

OP here, I cut off my dick. My mobile phone died. Writing on my laptop now. I am charging the phone so that I can take a pic. Give me few minutes pls


Op probably played tennis with him self, and in his crippling depresion tried to beat himself to death

Fuck off faggot.


Did mummy tell you that you were a happy little accident?


Even though it says 2015 doesn't mean that OP isn't finally getting around to sharing/admitting. Go ahead, OP.

You arent even trying anymore

might be a high quality racket


>File: 20151207_093752.jpg
>2015 12 07

Cool story bro

:o posting in epic bread

>when they are screaming
are you now already bullshitting

How is bob going to fix this little mistake?

this is now an eu vs us thread

>turns the racquet on himself

Did you have a nose bleed?

fuck off this might be good

Come back OP

Ayy lmao

Fuck this thread



Op is a fag. nothing hapenned expect maybe a dumb cunt spraying red shit on a tennis racket to get attention

>Sup Forums

OP just got bamboozled

gr8 thread

better then u fag



enjoy your jail



yurofag here
willing to cuck for US if it comes down to it


newfags detected

>being this new

Kek'd at file name

The thread link in that picture isn't even to this thread's URL, faggot.


not 1080p...

Guise I think i'm gay

So who did you beat with a Tennis Racket?