Got a picture of somebody's ticket with barcode and everything showing

Got a picture of somebody's ticket with barcode and everything showing

Problem is tickets are only physical and not printed e-tickets.

how do y'all suggest i get in?

Print picture

won't it look dodgy if everyone has a physical ticket and I have a printed picture?


Venue in question

Where's it for?

And more of whoever that is.

What is it for OP?


So it's not at all possible to use the ticket you've got?

FA Cup Final @ Wembley, London

i don't have a ticket

Ah. Yeah, cloning tickets these days is impossible. Can you not use the one you have, or...?

And who is that? They got a Tumblr or something?


alembic-music, deactivated ages ago, no idea what happened to her or any other way to find her

so you reckon printing it and hoping there will be no security at the scanners (they are self scan) isn't gonna work?

Nice, I'll Google and see if I can find more.

It's a bit dodgy, any show I've been to, they've had scanners for my tickets, not sure how lenient they are at football matches though.

You could try, or find one of the poor cunts outside who bought too many tickets and are trying to sell them.


seeing as i live 40mins away i think i will go early and try

if i get in great. if i don't i'll watch it at home anyway.

I'd suggest you stop being a nigger and just buy a ticket if you want to go.

It's worth a try. Worst case scenario you get turned away.


I already called the stadium and told them the guy with a fake printed ticket has a bomb. Good luck op.

£400 on black market

Where is this pic from? Looks like a girl I know


alembic-music from Tumblr

her tumblr was alembic-music - post pic of girl u think it is? been hoping she'd pop back up for ages





say yours got damaged and this was your back up

works for the niggers using vouchers at burger king


did not upload this wtf

Though wouldn't the scanner go apeshit when it's scanned the same barcode twice?

hahaha yeah, i'm just gonna wait for a moment where security seem occupied and scan my fake ticket in the turnstile

gonna get there super early and beat the poor guy who actually paid for it


Shall have to let us know how it goes. When is it anyway?