The girl I love told me that I was pathetyc and she'll never be with me

The girl I love told me that I was pathetyc and she'll never be with me.
Dubs decide what to do.


kill da bitch

go on with you "pathetyc" life

Fall in love with Moot

as her what makes her think you are pathetic. if she says something stupid then dont waste your time with her. you deserve someone who is honest.

I know I'm pathetic I knew when she said
A loser a bum she called me when I drove her home
You got you got to help me out
And I'll try not to argue
The one the one to push me out
Don't hold me down this is where I belong
I think I'm different
This is where I belong

>fuck I'm old

Shit can't I have a mistake? :C


Assert your dominance and shit on her chest whilst singing Rule Britannia.

Rape her.
Kill her.
Dispose of her.

Shit on her chest whilst humming Ride of the Valkarie

I'm op and I really wish you were dubs.

Maybe I can be dubs now?

Sign her up for bestiality porn.


Set up cameras up around her house, monitor how her days go by. When you know all you need, Make a plan to kill her, and do it on periscope.



Stop betting on one horse. Hooking up is a numbers game, you're going to have to get used to taking rejection in your stride if you ever want to have a chance. Don't use the word 'love'.

'Love' is an ugly, deceptive thing. Love gets you heartbreak or it gets you something far worse. Mediocrity. Wife who you'll eventually tire of, home loan, car loan, kids, job you'll come to hate no matter how good it is. All of these things are anchors, heavy weights that will pin you to one place, one routine, one boring rut on what will become a long road till death.

Fuck as many chicks as you can, take rejection on the chin and learn from it to better your odds. Keep your heart saved for something far more worthy of your passion, like a guitar, or travel, or whatever makes you happy without compromise.

Women make for good company for one night and one night only.

You've proven her point by making this thread.

You'll be a kissless virgin all your life, so you might as well just kill yourself now.

Fucking yes! Make Sup Forums great again...



OP an hero on live stream!

I'm not a kissless virgin bro, I'm not even virgin


riiiiiiight! your right hand doesn't count, now fucking deliver!

move on man. you're not gods gift to all women, you're not the main character of a heartfelt love story. you're just some asshole who some girl didn't love the way he loved her. hurts, but let it go brush yourself off and look forward to something, somewhere, someone else.

>femanon confirmed
Tits or GTFO, stuck up bitch!

what this guy said...
Also, if she felt that way you didn't love her... you had a stupid crush on her. Love is like a mutual thing you develop over years. a crush is like chemicals that make you stupid. Now you can rid yourself of the stupid. Good riddance. Move on, grow up, do your own thing.

Don't act like you don't know where user....
