Snake has to infiltrate Kevin's home

Snake has to infiltrate Kevin's home.
Kevin has 12 hours of prep time and unlimited access to Home Depot through his parent's credit card.

Can Kevin win?

op is a faggot

I feel like snake would just walk through 90% of the traps without slowing down
Then spout some garbage about "life on the battlefield" or nanomachines, or PMCs, or metal gear

Is snake equipped or getting his weapons on site?

Snake only has his suit and close quarters combat training.

Actually OP is creative. You are a faggot.

Assuming Kevin can keep a safe distance and Snake has no rations. I'm saying Kevin.

As long as Kevin doesn't use any cardboard boxes then he'll easily win.

uh oh. someone post the super long response which is the whole reason why OP created this post.

Yes Kevin can win. Likely? God no.

Bruh. He defeated predator yesterday. He can take snake.

octo-camo ?


define the winning conditions for Snake
does he just have to get into the house?
get in and get out?
does he have to subdue Kevin?

Kevin is the objective

Just an old killer
Hired to do some wetwork

That's bullshit, you said only sneaking suit and CQC. Can't change the rules mid game

Not op
but does it matter if he's got octo?
Practically none of Kevin's traps rely on sight anyways

snake just got fucked sideways in the ass with a hammer

Had to give snake something.

Yeah because if Snake has to capture Kevin he can easily hide in his room or on a couch. It gives him an unfair advantage in this scenario. Also to be an extra dick, That version of Snake that OP posted doesn't have Octo Camo

Then go with the AP sensor

there's no timeframe, Snake could just camouflage outside the house and observe how Kevin moves around and guess where the traps are

The traps are all here. Hey-o

Easy win for Kevin, all he has to do is get rid of all the cardboard boxes

Can snake hiding in a box?

snake would easily win, kevin is shit and only won in the movie cause the robbers suk dik

I forget, does crawling over traps add them to your inventory, or is that just claymores?

Snake has no chance.
>Keep the change, you filthy animal.