Let's fucking clarify the world

Let's fucking clarify the world.



are you mad because you was part of a family where everything was a mess? need to spread some internet hate to make yourself feel better?

sage. kill yourself if you want to clarify the world

i could reply all my life

Enjoying a low caloric beer. And yeah, fuck mudslime.

Only three? Last night it was 7.

they didn't rage so they became sort cool

aaaaah!!!! i just died pliz dont reply to this thread :((

I identify as muslim and this thread is


I remember the last time I shat on a Qur'an in front of a mudslime. He tried to chese me down, but slipped on a little sneaky turd and hit his head only to wake up with a pig dick in his mouth and ass and with a tattoo of mohammed on his forehead.




Never forgetti







Stevens apparently became separated from his staff while trying to escape to the roof and was allegedly overcome by smoke inhalation.[21][22] Local civilians found Stevens and brought him to the Benghazi Medical Centre in a state of cardiac arrest. Medical personnel tried to resuscitate him, but he was pronounced dead at about 2 a.m. local time on September 12, 2012.[20]

Hilary 2016



fuck dem cave niggers



if only this worked




Make a thread for kebab.

God smiles whenever a towelhead gets mauled by christian hands.

Keep laughing, infidels. We've got new recruits being made.

Im a muslim yet I will still reply,fuck us in the ass!

Butthurt mudslimes detected


YES Sweeden

damn dude

Lol those sandniggers

We're taking over ALL of Europe m8. Enjoy you "freedom" while it lasts... There won't be much of that once we put the Sharia into effect.

nice post number

Kill them all


3 more!

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Oh hell yeah I can get behind this

I'm going to reply like all hell

Reported to FBI

Not even the Netherlands is safe... It is the will of Allah. Don't you see?

Judged solely on their ability to fuck goats

Allah uakbar

Just doing my part

They will soon be known as the Federal Bureau of Islamization...

damn sandniggers


>low caloric bee
What are you, gay?

ill join on this one

Dreams do come true


Are you sure you want Sharia law in Europe?
Because it can backfire badly for you.
If you rape you will be beheaded and if you steal you will lose a hand and thats all you guys from muslim countries like to do, heyoo

The stories and information posted here are autstic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a Sup Forumstard would take anything posted here as fact.

>purge the unclean
1 post at the time




Not even Muslims want Sharia Law tbh, just the fanatics.

>If you rape you will be beheaded and if you steal you will lose a hand and thats all you guys from muslim countries like to do, heyoo
No. Rape is perfectly acceptable and even encouraged by the Quran. Theft from infidels is okay allowed.
You stupid and lazy infidels can't read so you know nothing about Islam. I can't wait till you are subdued under Sharia.

what does this thread do, again?

If dubs times by five
If trips times by ten

So you're a faggot

It makes the world a better place.


I just killed 30 sand monkeys
God is great, Alah Akbar

Wow this is a disgusting thread OP

Shut up you filthy pig. All Muslims want Sharia. This is Islam. Without Sharia, there wouldn't be any stoning of women who are raped or beheading of infidels and apostates. Without Sharia, there will be no Islam.

Please do not speak for us ever again.


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Let's gooooooooo

fuck sandniggers
obligitory small family kill



We have HQs for Jihad all over Europe.


can we 9/11 this please?

if only

Make it 4


And we're eliminating the future soldiers by embracing them and inviting them to Islam....

Only three?



Where will you all run to when the Sharia begins to roll out?... Russia?
>We'll catch you there too.



posting for justice

