How it is to have a gf?

how it is to have a gf?


bag of sand and coins

underrated post

money pit

Amazing in the beginning, then its just like having tons of chores.

que mierda estoy mirando

Sex is good
Nagging is not
Spending quality time 24/7 is not
Not much gaming time sucks
If she really loves you its good.

Id say go find out young apprentice and judge for yourselve.


that's when you dump her

>spending quality time 24/7
you're in high school aren't you?

But what if she is really in love with you and does almost everything for you?
But she is pretty high maintenance and wants to cuddle all the time and stuff.

One of the best things out there.

>implying you'll find a good gf.

25 actually.

Sometimes i just wanna do something stupid or hang out with my mates. But you have to plan that shit like 1 week before.

How do you tell if a grill likes you

sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you are WHIPPED

Ask her

When she touches your peepee

lots of retards out there that have no idea how to set boundaries

you'll know lol

Gfs under the age of 25 are a hassle. You're not missing out. Girls between the ages of 25-33 are easier to get along with. Beyond 33, most are desperate. You're time will come, forever alones.

>bf left me because of my depression
>i was literally worshiping him with love and I did every sexual fantasy he had
>he hit me
>he left me when I loved him the most; I had a depressive episode then too
>mfw I'm bipolar
>mfw I still want him back, it's been 2 weeks of no contact
>inb4 he says he doesn't love me anymore and tells me to find somebody else
>inb4 tits
>inb4 not inb4

Gfs in general are overrated, good friends on the other hand, is golden

It's a double-edged sword.

She gives you sex and makes you food, gives you great company, and makes you feel special


You have to deal with her insecurities, mood swings, periods, and her issues in general.

It's not all sunshine and daisies.


It's good in the beggining but then you slowly start to realize your life was better when you could have your autism time.
All the sudden you find yourself having to talk to this person every day, and whether you like them or not you get fucking bored of them.
But when you realize you don't like them anymore it's too late and you're in too deep and you care about them so you can't leave them.
This ends up with you putting money, and time into a relationship you despise because you're afraid of hurting their feelings by leaving
There are moments where you convince yourself it's for the best, but when you wake up the next day its gone again, and you slowly fall even more victim to this grasp.

When they cook your food with propane so you can taste the food and not the smoke

This guy knows whatsup

>betafag who can't dump a gf he loathes
Stop sacrificing your happiness for others, nobody asked you to.

Overrated shit. Normal people are too stupid to think outside the box all they can imagine is to get a job, get a wife, mortgage and dog, and your little dating game is following this exact pattern.

You want to play my little home game because that's all you can think of.

you were a stupid whore who chose a bad person to be with.
Everything you got was deserved and i hope that depression hits you hard enough to realize your worthless and you end it all.

So are u single now? Or not?
Im thibking u should break up.

This. And then then they want kids to fix it. And then you are even deeper in it

I just want to watch Bounty Hunters on youtube and play DOOM but i have to go to some art exhibit and go to the sea instead this weekend.

sex is only good in the beggining, then you only do it 3-5 times a week instead of 5 times per day
nagging is not
quality time is sitting next to each other playing different computer games
much gaming time
if she really loves u it is good

It's like having a cat or dog except when she gets pissed and throws a fit, it ruins your life instead of just your couch cushions.

So man the fuck up and deal with a pissy gf for a few days and play some DOOM faggot.

Jesus Christ, same shit happened to me, except I wasn't beaten, and I'm a dude. Don't let your depression take hold of you, the sadness exists only if you allow it to.

Thats not how it works

No autism time sucks.

Me too i wanna play doom right now but my gf will come soon and wants to cuddle and watch netflix.
I used to be so alpha. But u know, love is making it work together

I've already played all my let down cards, it's this or being alone. I am sorry.


What's wrong with that game? I play it and many others. Don't assume that just because someone likes a game, that that's the only one they play or want to play.

It's an easy game. It's a good game. Fuck it. i sit around playing playstation while my gf plays on her phone all day.

The gf/marriage "game" can be whatever you want. It doesn't have to be some scripted dystopian nightmare, m8

Fun as fuck when ur frusterated and they enjoy it. Its like they dont know how to be men so they love getting fucked by one. Plus theyre occassionally funny. Sometimes frusterating and testing.

I'm 25 with a 16 yr old dancer.

I've only dated one girl over 18 since I finished high school.

Older girls are easier to talk to no doubt. If you want a relationship they are easier as well.

The true problem with older girls is most decent ones and up are already taken.

I start witj young one's but only if their mother is good.

I look at the mom and ask myself if I can be attracted to that when the girl I'm with is her moms age. I avoid girls with ugly parents.

Yes it is
>you say I'm not going
>she gets upset
>you say sorry, I don't want to go
>she is mad for awhile
>you play DOOM and have fun
>deal with pissed of gf after
This works. Every time.

Clearly then your relationship is loveless if you believe that dealing with her insecurities are a chore.


Yeah I had a GF with Borderline disorder thats alot like what happened. So when we would have a fight it would be really really bad, and she had a tendency to get violent (like WWE throwing chairs and shit). I'm a man so girls trying to hurt me is usually just irritating, but every big fight chipped away at how much I loved that woman. I had one of those "never again" talks once, and it worked for a while, but x amount of fights later the love was gone, tried to make things right, didnt work, left her 6 months later.

tltr; dont ever do anything that really hurts your partner, that damage will not be recovered in the relationship.

Fuckin normies these days, I swear.

True. To be honest the weekend will probably be pretty nice i just need to pry myself away from my computer and step into daylight again and i will wonder why i have wasted so much of the last week not being outside. That's usually how it works.

You were with a giant steaming pile of shit, he did you a favor by breaking up. Try to forget him, do sports and what you are passionate about, you Will find the right person for you given time, dont think about it. As for your depression, go seek medical help, sports and religion helps too

Quoting for eerie amounts of truth, add this rambling to the man bible prrz sir.

not a chore, so much as something you need to expect when in a LTR. But let's be real, it can be difficult, and you need to have patience to be willing to accept someone fully like that.

Same happened to me too user, but I'm a dude also like that other guy.

>hurr durr you shoulda left her

I tried to make things work through all the abuse because we have a little girl, we were 17. I'm 20 now and they cut contact with me 2 years ago. Trying to work on being able to see my daughter still.

think before you act sure being alone is lonely but when you think enough when you explore your mind enough and find reasoning to everything youll soon feel that the pain of being alone is actually quite pleasant, you can see it as a form of rebelling against your biology saying that i will not follow your path! i will not! i really despise the set path we are placed on given free will but not full reign over your body, so ill struggle till i die rebelling against the path alone in pain and happy The end

Only if you have one with silly expectations. Find a healthier relationship.

Grass always looks greener on the other side Sup Forumsrother, enjoy the weekend and give yourselve some DOOM time after.

thats a guy you fuckin homo


Fuck religion, philosophy is much more rewarding

like prison without the bars and sex

It's nice having a girlfriend.
Like others have said though, don't let it sacrifice your happiness.
Also, don't ever get married. Worst and most expensive mistake you'll ever make.

Dont have to work hard for sex.
If shit starts going terribly wrong in your life, someone to support and help you.
Someone to talk to if you lonley.
Always have someone to chill with.

If see new sexy lady much want, cant bang her.
Cuts down on time with bro friends.

But all those pros only exist if the girl you are dating is a nice, normal person. If she a psycho bitch then erase most of those.

Pretty fucking lame. Would not recommend/10

this guy gets it

Once they are desperate is the time to laugh in their faces. They should have picked a winner and wouldn't be a desperate used up whore with 6 niglets

This is actually my first heterosexual relationship, I've been a fag for 3/4 relationships.

>This ends up with you putting money, and time into a relationship you despise because you're afraid of hurting their feelings by leaving

HAHAHAHA holy shit, dude, are you me? Happens like, ERRYtime. Sometimes to just one or sometimes both people simultaneously. It's an amazing dynamic. I guess it's some integrated social dynamic for the purpose of staying together long enough to keep a toddler from getting eaten in its sleep until grows up big enough to be out foraging berries or whatever the fuck.


It's so sad that I still love him, I still call him but he's just brushing me off and throwing me away like an object :(

I was willing to work on every subject and problem we had, he didn't....

He hit me in his car, in his home, in public and I still loved him....His reason for the beat ups I asked : ''you deserve all of this because I feel the urge to hit you''...

Sure, and the fact that he beat me up is acceptable.

I still wait him, I still dream him, I still worship him...It's hard to lose a chosen one...he's everything I had and ever loved yet he did this to me...I was willing to fight for both of us...I was willing to fight, survive and fix our problems....

The fact that HE was so obsessed about me at the beginning shocks me now because he can throw me away like I'm nothing to him...

I'm getting medical help, I'm taking 5 different types of medication and I'm kinda religious...I'm on my way to recover...I wish he was there with me..I would've been already least I know I didn't deserve to be hit so many times

When she doesn't call the cops afterwards.

And the odds for men go up significantly with age.

By the time you're elderly, you'll be slamming different grandma pussy on the daily at the nursing home.

You know how how miserable and lonely you are right now? Take that and add an additional person to that equation that can't control their hormones, completely remind you that you can't do anything right, and bribe you to gain their affection.

It's not all puppy dogs and ice cream Sup Forumsro. It's hard work and there is a lot of give and take. You are constantly falling in and out of love with that person as well. If you don't want to put the work into yourself to have a better self esteem and your health, you won't have the work ethic to keep a gf.

No matter what a girl tells you about hating assholes or "nice guys"... she wants an alpha male that can take care of himself and her as well. Don't fall for the feminism BS. Odds are, most feminists probably like getting smacked around in bed and want the man they constantly chastise.

You're damn right.

In a relationship, looks are very important. I don't care who you are.

Girlfriends are time vampires

It's pretty great user, the only depressing thing is that she only has a 10-15 year lifespan

She did not
Does this mean I'll get a gf

I actually lucked out for not dating much on hs. Ended up with a qt3.14 gamer girl. Key is to have them be a friend that you cam genuinely hang with, not just shove your cock into


It's nice. It doesn't have to be a money pit, you've just got to find a girl who likes playing videogames and fucking

I call this b8
>If this is real
>I donĀ“t wonder why he left you
>you are obsessed
>a lunatic
>get your shit togheter
He was nothing special
you are neither
pic kind of related its you

Just a sec, let me find a centaur while I'm finding this unicorn.

like this

gamer girl
not a lunatic
>choose one

tbh, most have a propensity for instability, independent of liking games or not.

like pic related

most hardcore gamer girls have no real social life.
Normal females have a huge social life because back in the old days they were hangning around with the kids, doing all the family stuff. So they needed to be socializer to raise their children the best way. Man in the other hand were out hunting if they even stayed with the female. So they needed less social life.
>Its extrem rare that females have no social life and are stable

Sure, I can dig that, but for example, I've dated a couple of gamer girls who were stable, and were pretty much shut-ins. Lazy, listless, dirty, and a little dim, but not lunatics.

Maybe the MMOs count as a proxy for a social life.

Every opinion is irrelevant. Entirely depends on the girl.

Listen to this guy.
Statistically speaking, the couples that stay together are the ones where both of them already have their shit together.
Also, it's not nice guy vs. douchebag, it's powerful and in control of himself vs. weak and rudderless.
Invest in yourself above all and you'll be paid back in spades.

>inb4 she calls him a rapist or lies about being pregnant

awesome at first, great nasty sex....

then she starts getting upset at your normal life... just everything you do that you enjoy.

she gets jealous.... you in turn get jealous and fight worse and worse as time goes on then break up or cheat on each other.

then repeat....

sometimes you really like one and they cheat on you... other times you dont really like one and cheat on them.

100% of the time.


I feel bad for admitting it, even, but I find the dim developmentally challenged girls attractive.

I guess because they are like cute little animals in a way. They seem harmless, whereas some girls seem dangerous.

I had two gamer gf's
One of the was standing with a weird smile in her face and a knife in her hand in front of me (twice),
the other one was borderline and depressive as hell.
Friend of mine also had one.
He says she was a real energy vampire.
and its the smash(nintendo) scene and no mmorpg scene.
Also I stayed with the depressive one together for 3 years. Cost a lost of energy

those cons only exist if you have those too though

its a lot of work and pretending shes right but its worth it to be able to wake her up at 2am and fuck her

Never said she wasn't a lunatic user

painfully true

It hurts when it ends but Great God, nothing has ever made me feel so complete than having my gf by my side, may it be for the sob times or the happy ones
They always calmed me down when I got an anger issue and made the day brighter just by smiling

Keep your chin up anons, you'll find what you desire in time, just go do some sports, man up a little (enough to be attractive), try not to be a beta loser (don't have to become alpha tho) and you'll be good

I thought only tumblr would spawn these satanic bitches. Guess they lurk here too.

Go cleanse yourself in a hellfire you demonic mongrel.