Tell my why this guy was so evil

Tell my why this guy was so evil.
1)He kicked all the jews out because they were controlling his country and running it
2)Gave jobs to all the german people / eliminated poverty.
3)He encouraged people make more kids by giving them interest free loans and women were rewarded and seing as heroes to the fatherland if they did 4+ kids.
4)He created laws that protect animals
5)He created laws that protect the environment
6)He was the first leader to create a campaign against smoking
7)He gave people houses with yards so they dont loose contact with nature.
8)Rent for houses was not higher than 10% of the avarage worker's salary
Why is he shown as the most evil leader ever?
Yes the war was one stupid decision that he made.
But excluding the war everything else that he did was good and way ahaid of its time.Maybe we should stop hating on him and instead recognise him as one of the best leaders that has appeared in this world.Many other leaders started wars. Alexander The Great conquered all asia. But he is not shown as an evil leader...

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He opposed central banking this he needed to be vilified and destroyed just like every other "Enemy" in the last 150 years

Thats correct. Anyone that will oppose the big heads of this world will get fucked .

he's seen as pure evil because the jews won the war....

He is seen as the monster because history is written by the victors.

It could be that he was responsible for starting the largest conflict in human history? That being said the guy was still a great leader. Most accounts also say he was an extremely charismatic person which is why he was able to convince the entire nation to go to war.

If hitler would throw nukes in some country he would be seen as 10000x times more evil
America threw 2 nukes in Japan and yet no one even cares about it . The fact that innocent people died with such an inhumane way by radiation and 3rd degree burns.Oh wait..The victors are always the ones that write history and define the good and the evil. lmfao

Definately charismatic or he wouldnt have been able to convince his people to fight. Had it not been for the Russian front so early he might just have won.


I dont think that is a lmfao matter. What the Americans did to Japan was disgusting and vile.

if we didn't nuke japan we would have had to invade them, and that would have easily resulted in 100,000+ deaths. and that's just on our end. when you are fighting an enemy that refuses to surrender, you have to take drastic measures to succeed.

He is seen this way because Bert framed him

I think the Jews have taken over the holocaust. Remember although it was 6 million ish Jews he killed, it was also 20 million slavs and russians, 3 million disabled people etc etc. The Jews have no right to claim it solely as their disaster.

Ofc it was . And till today its not seing as something evil by the majority of people.. If you would ask me whats the most evil thing that a coutnry did to another country i would say America that nuked Japan.

So was Dresden but that never gets spoken of either.
Just like Israel dropping White Phosphorus on kids today.

the Powerful control the narrative

Hitler was right all along.

It doesnt matter. It was still an evil thing done by the US . It targeted civillian population . It didnt target the military. Such a pussy move...Throwing nukes in the head of civillians..USA and they pussy ways of winning wars.

Ah ha, you are waking up. Congratulations Neo you are seeing the truth of this matrix. The truth that we are not on the right side. Add up the wars since ww2. How many have America started? Now take a breath and realise.

it was 6 million jews + another 5 million blacks gyps russians for a total of 11 million, dumbass

Shut up Jew. Go gas yourself and believe what you want.

He attempted to invade the world.

The genocide thing is argumentative, but the invasion thing is what turns me off.

actually we did target a military installation in Nagasaki. just so happened that it was close to a civilian population. and you do realize that millions of civilians would have perished if we invaded them, right? as opposed to the thousands that did. and if we invaded, Russia would have been a part of that invasion.

Sad your hero shot his brain off??

>Why is he shown as the most evil leader ever?
Because he lost. The winner gets to write history and all we ever hear about is how the Nazis were racist anti-semites who somehow managed to gas and cremate millions of Jews with limited crematoriums and then those other Jews flocked to Israel and repopulated in the 10s of millions just after the war.

What we don't hear about is his drive to protect the environment, his love of animals, his talks with Gandhi about how he loved Indian culture and wished to free them from British rule, how he loved Japan, how he wanted European nations to decolonize other countries in general, and his plans to help establish a place for the Jews since they were not native to Europe.

You are such a dumbfuck to actually believe these unicorn stories told my the americans.6 million? seirously? where did germany find all these resources to kill 6 million jews and 5 million gypsies in 5 years?Use your fucking brain you brainwashed dumbfuck..Another product of the American brainwashing..The deaths have changed so many times.Firstly they were 1 million jews then they did it 4 and now they magically did it 6 million . Nice fucking joke again told by the americans and their allies.

The weak control the narrative. The victim card trumps reason and the palestinians have fabulous PR.

Good enough anyways for outsiders to overlook the genocide they preach since 1948. If they really wanted peace they would have had it long ago. Fuck them.

I think it was the single most evil act in history though. It was like the largest amount of deaths in the shortest amount of time in human history.

oh boo hoo

Truman said fuck them at midway and he told them it'd get worse if they didn't surrender. I'd gladly vote for Truman over these faggots running today.

atleast he did what he said he was going to do... unlike hitler who uh... Russia winter kek

even worst than being a genocidal psychopath: HE'S A LOSER

Japanese soldiers killed way more chinese and subjugated them to numerous experiments that ultimately did not require so much loss of life. The japs were pretty barbaric since someone was keeping records.
Because America won and can say the nuke was necessary. If the japs won despite being nuked, they would have wrote off the Americans as barbaric for nuking them and played of raping the Chinese, Philippines and other pacific islanders are a necessary step for medical advances.

Civilians who support the war effort and would volunteer to fight or at least make guns and ammo for those able to fight. It's war, since is there an off-limits?

Hitler got a free pass at the end of the war and lived out his final days peacefully.

So what your saying is that Hitler went to war on his own merit? All his fault? Go and have a read up on the treaty of Versailles. If it wasn't for Harry Truman and his Jew masters he would never have gotten elected in the first place. WW2 is what happens when a whole nation are forced into poverty.


Yeah, cause fuck reason right? Let's send hundreds of thousands of our boys to their deaths and have the invading forces being forced to slaughter millions of indoctrinated japanese.

The only pussy here is you for not doing what needs to be done to get it over with asap without decimating the male population.

Oh look, another circlejerk of conspiritard nutbars praising uncle hitler.

Sure, if you ignore in the genocide and the fact he invaded everyone he could reach remember that he succeeded in dragging Germany into a war that they could not win and got the shit kicked out of them.

He was the worst thing to happen to the cause of white supremecy that you idiots all touch yourselves over. It was because of him Europe lost its teeth (and balls)

Zionist detected

laughable premise the Jews have played the victim card since the dawn of mankind

Tho doeth protest too much

This guy. Dude you were allready invading germany...

Wow, I've never seen this thread before.

The Notorious H.I.T.'s mix tape is fire

Long live the arian race, deem all the non white!

now say it without crying


it's aryan you fuck

this is why Anglos are the true reclaimers

I have a feeling this is what will win the world.

JIDF has arrived

I know Uncle Hitler is much loved by a new generation. Although you have to ask why. Heres a few reasons:
1. 3rd Wave Feminism
2. Black Lives Matter
3. Political Correctness
4. Cultural Marxism
5. Gender Studies
6. Every triggered cunt

Another dumbfuck american..Would be so nice if russia had nuked your ass in the cold the world could FINALLY rest in peace without you above their heads lmao

Fuck off idiot. That bomb was always going to be dropped from the moment they thought of it. It's why they tried to make them agree to unconditional surrender when they knew the japs considered their emporer a god me above any mortal demand. The septic tanks murdered innocent civilians just to see what would happen.

I hate this meme. Aryan "race" covers the caucasian groups from Eastern Europe to Iran and Northern India.

is that right?

tell us how you really feel there, the sad part is you're most likely an American

Agreed. Fucking end capitalism.

Dude, that was obvious b8.

there have been far more evil acts. the japanese themselves have committed more evil acts, like the Rape of Nanking and the biological experiments at Unit 731.

>"Hitler was great!"
>"Ignoring the destruction of the planet and 50 million dead what did he do wrong?"

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that 6 million is a gross over exaggeration. There was not enough fuel in Europe back then to burn that many bodies.

>implying I'm okay with Israeli imperialism
Fuck Zionism, fuck Nazism, and fuck every other shitty identity politics ridden ideology.

Hitler is no different than niggers and their DINDU NUFFINS

You know the reply to this is Hitler did nothing wrong.

You dumbass...I am european not american.You do realise USA is the reason why the world is so unstable today right?civil wars all around middle east etc...Who created these wars?hitler propably did ... cuz he is an evil person :'( omfg hitler so racist he kill 665643434232 jews :'(

Because he was a Catholic that created laws to rid Germany of atheists.
True story.

Not implying that at all. Calm down little man.

All Catholics are evil ped
o ring kissers

Oops. Didn't mean to reply to

The Us bombed 90% of Japanese cities. ALL OF THEM.
Thats BEFORE we nuked them.
Let that fact sink in

You do realize there were anti-semites in ukraine killing jews before wwii even began, right? Hitler was just a catalyst to engage in full on war, and his actions were spurred on by the shitty conditions Germans had to live because of the end results of WWI which led to issues that haunt the planet to this day. If there is one key factor that you should look at considering how the world became so fucked up, look at the Versailles Treaty. Hitler, like many others, were just an outcome of that.

Fuck zionism. I simply have a better perspective of history and a realistic outlook.

Guess you drank the kool aid Hezbollah and Hamas prepared for you. Protip: read their manifestos. They are quite clear on their genocidal intent.

Citation needed. Not trying to shift it to make you look like you're making a hyperbole, but was it really 90%?

the doolittle raids. we didn't use nuclear bombs for those though. we were essentially doing to them what the Luftwaffe did to England.

Why, do you love towel-headed sandniggers?

That was done as a absolute last resort. Hitler was researching nuclear weapons before the US actually, he was planning on nuking other countries. America got ahold of his top scientists when they fled to America in fear of being killed and they brought over their work. Japan and Germany refused to surrender and were slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people, so yea, it was kind of necessary. If we didn't do it the world would be a very unhappy place.

kicked the jews out aka the holocaust

Nah dude Pure aryans are tall blonde and don't need to have a blonde hair to be considered aryan its enought to verify that you're from a germanic decendence There's not a single Pure slavic person thats blonde. Thats the fact

That is assuming they were all gassed and burnen. Alot died from illness, malnourishment or just standart mass execution.

Germany had already ignored Versailles and re-armed before Hitler sperged out. There was absolutely no reason to invade Poland.

If you mean that the Versallies Treaty was the cause of WW2 then you are 100% right. If the German people were not forced into poverty by this agreement then Hitler would never have attained a following. When the politicians start screwing the people they become more nationalistic.

NO I am critical of aparthied states been so for the last 30 or so years

Zionists are using the westward expansion of the United States as their blue print in dealing with Indians (cough cough oops) Palestinians

Zionists have lied cheated and every single thing and then cry ANTISEMETIC poor us every time any criticism comes there way.

I am a 20 year US Veteran and think Isreal needs to go because Zionism is Planetary cancer

>Enough fuel in Europe to power 2,000 V-2s
>Not enough fuel in Europe to burn Jews

Another cuck European who is butthurt his country was getting raped and needed the U.S to bail them out. Europe is land of the pussies who couldn't fend off Haiti if they invaded kek.

And all Japan had to do to stop it was abandon it's aggressive war of colonialist expansion and surrender. Have you any idea at all what happened at Okinawa and all those other islands with japanese garrisons the US invaded?

They did not surrender.

Let that fact sink in.

Apartheid was working in S.A. now the country is fuxked since it was handed back to the Monkey Race. Fact.


That describes Germanic blood. Aryan just means their ancestors originated from that purple zone and later, after thousands of years from either selective breeding or other factors, certain characteristic emerged. Aryans who migrated west mixed with Europeans and populate Germany, Poland, much of Eastern Europe and parts of western Russia, while Aryans who migrated east are believed to be the most pure blooded Aryans. Aryans who migrated south mixed with Persians and Afghanis, and later invaded India, notably on horseback and introduced horse-based combat to the Indians.

Sounds like we have a butthurt European pussy. You're right, we should have done it the European way and just surrendered or better yet, have a weak army that got steamrolled. Guess you would rather be speaking German right now working in a sweat shop

>There was absolutely no reason to invade Poland.

Hey nip, tell me about Nanking

Anglo-Saxons are 100% Aryan (the clue is in the name). Thats why Hitler asked the UK to join forces with him at the begining. Retrospectively, maybe we should have.

So if you were running a concentration camp which keeping in mind was not a German invention - the British used them in the Boer war and Australia and Murica put Japanese in them during WW2 - and you had a heap of people you were working to get free labour and they started dying of dysentery and cholera, what are you going to do with the bodies? If you have trains turn up on a platform and people roll in from ghettos with the same diseases, are you going to house them with everyone else? Or are you going to get someone to seperate the sick straight away in the hopes it does not spread to fast. Not saying I agree with it. It is terrible, but for fuck sake use your critical brain and be someone that questions the narrative that had been indoctrinated into the whole world

So if you have limited fuel, are you going to use it to run tanks and planes? Or "exterminate"?

My favorite expression for cold weather is "Its a bit Pearl Harbour out there". As in there is a nasty nip in the air.

Another gun waving redneck that screams about your rgod given right to be spending billions on "defence" when your country has not ever been under attack since before your civil war

Underrated post

the fact that we have such a high defense budget is the sole reason why we haven't been invaded.

Japan invaded the South Pacific, but they took prisoners of war like the Australians that were left to die by the Brits and yanks and hunted Chinese, they did not exterminate the locals.

Exactly. They are the warmongers these days.

Being a vet does not exclude being a brainless twat.

An illiterate one at that too. Read the manifestos. It is right there straight from the horse's mouth. If you choose to ignore that we have nothing to talk about.

You bet your arse I prefer the israelis above the muslim alternative. If you complain about the jews lying and cheating you clearly have not paid any attention to what the league of middle eastern dictators and terrorists have been up to the last seven decades.

>when your country has not ever been under attack since before your civil war
Are you stupid? We had hijacked planes flown into New York, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. We had a muzzie attack in San Bernadino less than a year ago. And our ally, France, was met with even more loss of life. Defense is an absolute must from groups who want to harm us.

Dub dubs checked get boy. Plus everyone had an Empire back then.

Do you need ten supercarriers to take out the Taliban?

And yet you don't have accessible healthcare. What happens when dumb fucks are allowed to run a country. You are all as bad as Zimbabwe. As soon as the Brits leave you to sort your own shit out you royally fuck it up.

ever heard of mass graves?