26. virgin. ask me anything

26. virgin. ask me anything

You answered most of my questions with those tighty whities you fucking fag

Eh girl who I was into a while back told me she liked them. I bought them and started wearing them for her. She found out and gave me a huge wedgie in front of her friends one day and they all laughed and called me pathetic.

Life sure is great.

Would you fuck a qt trap?

Pay for pussy your stupid monkey. Just take money, find a whore, give her the money and ride her like a cross city bus. Just remember to get your mom to feed your snake and/or tarantula

is this you?

why have you not tried men you obviously are a failure with women and will never breed one

No. I see that as gay sorry. Not into it.

Lol. Won't ever pay for pussy that's pathetic.


Lol not gay.

This must be bait or you are trying to fuck highschool girls.

damn how much of a beta fag are you to let that happen?