Neu celeb thread

Neu celeb thread

Tour de france edition




>ywn cum on Emma's goddess feet Edition

get this tax evading whore off our distinguished forum of debate and discussion


Fuck off you triggered piece of dickshit




you fags again with this feminazi tax evading shitty actor, she/he looks like a boy with a shit tier body and is nothing more than a 5/10 in the UK





Hey there.



Emma Watson endorsed Donald Trump today

Mah nigga

this is what an ass looks like on a tiny celeb, emma's looks all saggy and droopy...but that's her british genetics

Emma roberts and stone are the real emmas

no she didnt

post more emma

hey buddy, how ya doin?

You have shit taste.nobody cares what you think baby. Emma was critically lauded in half blood prince deathly hallows, perks and bling ring, was better than costar daniel bruhl in leading colonia and took over vikander leading role in the tom hanks technothriller this year and is singing and dancing in beauty and the beast. And is a 10/10 you jealous piece of pumkin pie



more of the goddess please


Really great today. How are you?


Remember when celeb treads meant at least semi-nude pictures of attractive women?



no fucking shit faggot

>Emma was critically lauded in half blood prince deathly hallows, perks and bling ring

um no she wasn't, emma is widely known as being a shitty actress, she is average in every way and she knows it thats why she commits tax fraud and tries to become a feminazi icon...

and you only like her because she looks like a boy you closet homosexual.

Stone and roberts are ugly as sin. One looks like a frog one looms like a retarded horse or eric roberts if he banged julia roberts andthey had a defect baby.

Emmas ass is perky and big what the fuck you on about

good face no ass or tits

>ass being held up by yoga pants

in her bikini pics its droopy as fucl

emma stone has a much better ass


Asses are easily obtainable, if she did some squats she would have a great ass.

it's been aight
comme ci comme ça , yakno

Yes she was learn to fucking read.

Also piss off nobody cares about your taste in film. Emma killed the bling ring she has great comedic timing. And has dramatic chops and can cry like a champ. If she was bad why the fuck would she be costarring with ethan hawk, daniel bruhl, tom hanks, kevin kline, dan stevens, ewan mcgreggor, ian mckellen, jennifer connolly, russell crowe etc


9 of her 19 titles are the harry potter franchise

literally anyone could play the role of hermoine and the films would been just as succesful

she was in a made for tv movie and 1 episode of a tv show nobody has heard of and she was in noah, a colossal flop

Just as an aside on the panama tax thing, no one did anything illegal. Registering a business entity is an every day thing. Routing one's income through it is common, and-- critically important-- legal for UK subjects. Note well that in the 'tax dodge' stories they do not write that Watson or anyone broke any laws.

Because she is beautiful and can fuck the producers.


PS: beautiful face too

Why? Happend something?

>shiggy diggy

because no decent actress was available? and emma was cheep

i know your trolling about her being a good actress ...but she isnt ..she REALLY isnt, every movie she did since harry potter has been a huge flop

Do you think this is how all attractive female actors get their roles in big money films?


yes 9

>Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey (Short) 2010
Hermione Granger

if you're into boys sure why not

You're basing that off one emma stone set and one emma watson set there's thousands of pics of her. You think emma stone has a nice ass or legs kek thats spandex. Emma has literally 10/10 legs and a rocking torso with curves. Emma stone is a fridge with mosquito bites.frog cant even catch flies. Literally kys stonefag.

Do some research on the casting couch and you'll find that nearly all women and even men have to perform favors to get into these movies, there are thousands of skillful actors but the ones we see are the ones who do the dirty deeds to make the cut.

Look up Disney pedophilia or Dan Schneider to start, those are just the tip of the iceberg my friend.

But that's not a book

Can we ever have a thread that is not full of the same girls we see in every thread?

No, just an average kinda day. Nothing really great or horrible.
What made your day great?

Pic your favorite. You can have anyone but Jyou and/or Miko.


>Sup Forums

emma is one of harvey weinstein's was jlaw so was gwenneth etc it helps to be one of his sluts to get a top roll

pic related

she fucked him for roles

I have no idea who they are but my senses tell me they are traps.

Lol you realize she went to school after potter and yet all her films were successful durig that time. She's not a working actress she does it bc she likes it

Meme all you want she was critically praised for the latter potters and the bling ring which was a very different role. She had a great american accent. Not trolling get used to seeing her shes s good actress. She will kill beauty and the beast she sang in goblet and has a pleasant voicet

They're all women, I can assure you.

>still want to be pinned down and raped by Jyou while Miko watches intently in the distance.

I'm ashy

Oh ok.
A friend I recently made, said a few kind and cute things to me. She made me smile all day.

I pick 2nd from left then, The one that actually looks female.

lol nope emma stone worked out and is a far better actress than watson will ever be suck it up boylover

The nostalgia fap threads are pretty good. Lots of different women posted.

Except emma had 9 auditions for potter when she was 10. They didn't molest her. She made bank when they gave her a raise to stay when she threatened not to. shes popular and was set she dididn't suck anyone off lol bc she literally makes millions from modelling over the years she's not a dumb stupid whore who needs work

No, no, NO! That's MIKO! Pick someone else.

its a project she "acted" in

her greatest awards for achievements in acting are mtv, a peoples choices and teen choice


"critically acclaimed"

nah she wasn't she is a shit actress thats why she became one of harvey's girls see just look at how he dominates her and that look of impending feer on her face...she knows what she has to do to win an oscar like harvey did for greneth and jlaw etc



If I can't have this one, then I shall an hero. No way am I touching any of the others.

More of an ewww but okay.

she owes it all to harvey

But it's not a book

mah fucking dick

>mfw I'll never have a goddess like this.

Lol emma stone is literally le quirky huehue actress. Absolute shit. I wouldnt even consider her an actress. Enjoy it her face isn't getting any better.

Inarritu is shit you have terrible taste in film

Aw c'mon, they're nice ladies. Mally's energetic, and Naoto (pic) has her charm, too. Lest we forget Omi-chan.

>not even fucking harvey weinstein can get you an oscar

jesus emma watson is REALLY shit

The stranglehold he had on the women's work in showbiz likely resulted in a jerk job but I doubt more than that.
Likely as well why she's such a feminazi nao.

yes, correct. its not a book

we are discussing an actress who portrays a character in the movie adaptations. there was a short based on the source material.

aw isn't that nice
is she cute?
do you want to do dirty things to her?

id fuck naoto

But it want a book

> Naoto (pic) has her charm

> shows me pic of asian trap demon

> tfw I wonder why I am on Sup Forums.

there's so many stories about harvey too many not to be true he is the dan schneider of hollywood

Please, this is Sup Forums

>If it breathes you'd fuck it, faggot.

>more like she'd fuck you kek

Maybe Mally's more your thing.

when you are high, just take your lips off the bong

no need to keep smoking

>Notice dubs.
She's English, and their people aren't at all secretive amongst themselves.
I bet he asked for less our of fear.
>Triggering Watson lmao.