



I may get a cat they seem cool. But each cat has it's own individual personality... so what if my cat is a prick? Or he eats some of my PCs wires? Fuck. I would hate to get an animal, want to love it, but it's a prick and not only does it not love me but also ruins my shit. I see myself getting purposefully careless and just letting the fucker outside. You know, see what happens...

please advise Sup Forums

You don't choose the cat user. The cat chooses you.

This. Literally.

I can hear it dropping out of warp speed

Wise words, thank you. I hope to run into a cat someday or if I'm at a shelter one is enthused by my presence.

Could also be a stray. You never know.

No offense intended---I mean that sincerely---but it sounds like you might not be mature enough (at least not yet) to take responsibility for caring for an animal. You probably already know this, but it bears emphasizing that an animal is not a toy or a plaything that exists soley for your amusement. When you get a cat, you are accepting stewardship of a life: an animal life, which of course is nothing in comparison to a human life, but a life nonetheless.

First, you need to understand that any animal, no matter how "domesticated," is still an animal and cannot be expected to understand the value of material property. Even well-behaved dogs and cats sometimes damage things. Second, cats generally have more independent "personalities" than dogs and should not be expected to have the same "loyalty" (although many cats do exhibit "dog-like" attachment to their owners). That being said, few cats are "pricks" all the time, and many cat owners find their animals' occassional bouts of "rebellious" misbehavior to be cute and endearing.


Do you have friends or family members with cats? If so, perhaps you can find the opportunity to "cat-sit" for someone, to learn a bit more about how these creatures work. They have their own subtle body language, and you should also know that cats often take more time to get used to new people than dogs. You are much less likely to find a cat (as opposed to a dog) that is immediately "enthused" by your presence. Again, I warn against romanticizing our relationship with these animals. Neither a dog or a cat can "love" us in the truest, spiritual sense of the word, because the animals lack the intellectual understanding which is essential to true love. But we still value their companionship, and whatever animal affection they may exhibit in return for food and shelter, because we find them interesting and beautiful, and they enrich and add spice to our daily lives. In return for that enrichment, we accept the responsibility for their well-being, understanding that even animal lives are unique and valuable.









None of this is meant to dissuade you from getting a cat, only to make sure that you know what you are potentially getting involved with. If you are not prepared to care for an animal for at least ten years, understanding that the animal might sometimes piss you off, and that caretaking involves work, then you might not be ready. We don't need more abandoned/stray cats due to unprepared owners.


holy shit what



But sometimes, as another user pointed out, you don't choose the cat, the cat chooses you. In fact, that happened to me---the guy who was just rambling on about planning and preparation!

A few years ago, I began renting a room in a house with a cat, and quite unexpectedly became the cat's primary caretaker. You see, the owner had gotten a dog, which was very jealous, and kept the cat from getting enough attention. When I showed up, the cat began spending most of his time with me. I had never been around cats before, but surprisingly came to cherish the little guy's antics. When I moved out, I asked to bring the cat with me; his owner graciously agreed. I did not plan a ten-year commitment in advance, but I had become attached (and perhaps vice versa), and more importantly, the cat's living situation seems objectively better with me (i.e. away from the jealous dog). So, here I am, with a cat that could live for years to come. Yes, it involves work, and sometimes (rarely) he misbehaves, but when he jumps into my lap and purrs, it seems worthwhile.

So, user, in closing, let me simply suggest spending time around other people's cats and learning to see what they find wonderful about them.

Thanks be to the Lord for the beauty of His creation, even the cats!

your trips are well deserved cat user.




Dog particles can pass through solid matter.

got my cat in much the same way.
Moved in with my brother and 2 other roommates in trailer. 9 cats, 3 dogs. All the other cats would bully the one that eventually became mine, and she spent most of her time hiding in the corner. I took pity on her and gave her a space the other cats weren't allowed (my room). She's moved with me every time since and will do things like follow me from room to room and wait at the door for me to come home whenever I leave.

Here's proof that in case you think you OWN cats, you're wrong.

More OC






I have OC for days. Dunno why all the pics are rotated though, they're the right way up in my folders.


im hard






Adorable cheeky fluffer

Thanks, she's my 2nd wifey, and she knows it.


Cyoot as fuck.






The one thing I would suggest is getting a female. They tend to be more docile and are less likely to pee on your things.
But this guy is right. When you go to pick a cat, you let the cat choose you.




very cute





Guys, how do I webm? I have some seriously hilarious videos of my cats and I don't want you to miss them.


Photogenic as shit.


Cutie choo


nyan cat



Damn thats amazing ..Kek

Evac thread gif

Google it newfag


Do you have my cat? That looks like my cat you fucker

Hahaha, that's Abby, she's hilarious man, got her from a shitty home when she was like 6 weeks old and she retarded as hell.

(pic related)

I seriously cant get over how fucking cute this picture is you sir have a gorgeous kitty


















top kek
