How fucked up are you?

How fucked up are you?
Reckon there's hope for you or are you kinda screwed for life?

Im okay

how ya doin tho

im fucked Sup Forumsrother
... but that does not mean i cant still enjoy a hot cup of tea and perhaps a morning wank fest

sage user

super screwed. my dad raised me to be his domestic servant/wife but abandoned me for a step-mom and left me to die. Now I have a bf that can't understand my situation

nice fantasy faggot.

now, post tits.

kill urself.
that user is not begging for attention.

>inb4 whiteknight
learn what that word means.

>26 year old NEET
>Only ever had two jobs, quit both of them early on
>Done fuck all with my life
>Have nothing I can put on a resume that an employer would give a fuck about
>Not suicidal though for some reason

>not suicidal

About an 8 out of 10 Im tipping over when I stand to type this bht I can remember whats hapoening and have enough lucidity snd power to not fuck every word up

Yes theres hope
I will be sober by morninf

Hi, Ash.

can I have more than one word? I don't what you were trying to say.

I want to be an animator
I may aswell be a jew in ww2

I'm ok, my mom died when I was 16 which fucked me up but it's not that bad I guess compared to other people's shit... 22 now and doing ok

I might be really fucked up rn but that's a parallel I never caught.

Those errant feels make more sense while growing up with Pokemon.

Holy keks

you dont desire death because you are healthy, you dont drink everyday, you probably dont smoke either, your mother treated you okay in your childhood, your father was not an alcoholic or anything like that, etc
the desire for suicide is the most contradictory thing a living being is capable of. it literally makes absolutely no sense. you have to be really fucking sick to desire to die. not just in the outside but specially inside. of course theres a relation between the two,
bah i dont feel like writing more

tl;dr if ur not suicidal you literally cannot understand what it is to be suicidal

tl;dr of tl;dr wait for it son


gf is 20 days late, im a fucking mess

Mom died when I was an infant
Dad babied me growing up well into adulthood I think because he didn't want me to experience what he went through and because he probably figured such an approach with me would not make me as messed up as my sister except while she was pretty bad in her adolescence, she's doing real well in adulthood despite having had a bad marriage with three kids

I'm a total porn addicted loser / pathetic cock sucking addict / nasty pervert freak

just imagine when you find out its not yours!

except i only like animal cock, not peoples. weird

its a trap.
now marry.
get ur money drained by a whore (=a woman)
believe what she says, remember that women are more intelligent than men.
>prophet muhammad

you're a neet well into your 20s too?
my nigga!

I like getting dirty too. look close.

5 4 4 5 5 5 4

im the only one slaminn dat pussy
its probably a preg scare, had one 2 years ago, late like 35 days, will probably abort it so no marry

What next? Ants on your dick?

This is ridiculous.
Your argument is one sided and the people who managed to kill themselves cannot tell you their side.
Only the cowards that want to kill themselves but can't argue the merits of life.

just.. just

not quite
i'm 18, more insecure than a windows operating system is why i'm a failure

what have you got to say to a youngblood like me since you hate me so much?

its not me that is the problem

it is literally all of you that is the problem


been there done that

feels good man dot jay peg

>cannot stop Sup Forumseing here

this place is addictive

or maybe ur just misantrope


maybe it dropped because its being replaced with psychological disorders


Only a little bit, I swear.


I've got a good plan and a handful of backup plans. I'll be fine.

dont smoke kid
its bad for ure healthy

Pretty fucked to most people, happily content to myself. I've done enough hallucinogens to think there's a spirit to everything talking to me and you'll usually find me spacing out to whatever your saying because I hear something more interesting going on. Then the focus pops back in when someone seems to be searching through words instead of just repeating words. Doc says It's schizo, I just call it a good gut feeling cause it's lead me through so much in life and leave out explaining it to everyone.
