What are your spiritual/religious beliefs Sup Forums. Where do you think YOU will go when you die?

What are your spiritual/religious beliefs Sup Forums. Where do you think YOU will go when you die?

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I die.

"I" will be born as something new somewhere at some time, but that me will be completely new.

I'm sure it goes like that cause I've already been born here once, why not second time or more, even infinite times.

i dunno

That picture reminds me of the music video for up&up by coldplay

Few years back I had really strong spiritual trip, and I found on Sup Forums this story about that guy who just have died in a car accident. It was the best think I have ever read

thank you for the video. it is really great. music id mediocre tbh.

some greek said that you and death cannot be together. it's you or death. (something like that, maybe some stoic idk). so, you will probably stop to exist and maybe get recycled to something else.


When you die, the only kingdom you'll see is two feet wide and six feet deep. If your loved ones can't afford the stupid box you will be burned, if your body is located. If they can afford it, don't worry about it cuz there are no bunk beds in coffins.

We are nothing more than highly complex bio-computers.
If sciences advances far enough we can create perfect copies of living humans in an instant.
There is no soul or special component required.
If we die there is nothing. Our consciousness disappears forever.

i have no idea what happens after death

In the ground with all our other dead people

>all religions are right in their own way

like the way in which they directly and explicitly contradict the content of the story in which that claim appears

fucking wishwashy assholes ruin everything.



I'm Roman Catholic and I do think there is at least some form of afterlife. Pretty simple, really.

Simple beliefs for simple minds.

I fear God will punish me for not following his rules

>simple minds
>Have a Psy. D.
>masters in philosophy
>published three books



>muh credentials
>muh accomplishments
>muh peddling horseshit for even simpler minds

The same place I was before I was born which was.......

>needs to brag about it on an anonyous image board

just no

Masters in philosophy kek!

I think the fact you're being so aggressive about this proves simplicity of your mind. This a thread where everyone is just discussing what they think and you've chosen to launch yourself at someone else's belief system instead of just moving on with your life. Really, what are you accomplishing? Because you won't convince me to adopt some other belief system, and the only people who will give you credibility are people who have the same mind as you; same goes for me. So really, what DO you plan to accomplish?

I made enough money off my first degree to go back to school and do whatever I wanted. I enjoyed philosophy classes so I just decided to stick with it. If nothing else, it's pretty interesting stuff. Papers suck though.


I mean i would love to think that i would have some sort of afterlife or be reborn after death. Something like enter the void. But i don't think consciousness can be passed on to one another, other than by birth and thats a totally new consciousness. To quote Carl Seagan. We die, our energy moves on and its a continual cycle. (Don't quote me on that quote of carl seagans quotation). But my energy is going to make plants which will in turn get eaten by animals ect

>bunk bed coffins

Thats a dragons den idea if i ever heard one

Called it!

i used to belive in heaven and hell after death
now i'm expecting that nothing happens after death

That's a particularly difficult question you've proposed there, user.
The "me" that is here talking to you right now would be gone, nowhere. The idea of "me", IE: the consciousness that I identify as "myself" may "happen" again in another universe. But, in order for me to believe that; I'd have to believe in infinity, which I don't.
It's more likely that, once you die, that's it. You don't "go" anywhere, it's game over.

Maybe his aggression is trying to drown out the memories of his dads finger up his bum

Ordinary strawberry can already create clones of itself, and regularly does. Strawberries are still delicious.

Just because there's some other dude who looks like you doesn't mean you don't have a soul, user. And nobody knows what happens after death. Or at least nobody living.


This seems relevant here

>And nobody knows what happens after death. Or at least nobody living.

Dead people can't know things, on account of them being you know, dead..

This, also there is no free will.

I was born from the sun and my atoms will eventually return to the sun.
You guys should try acid. Puts shit in perspective.

What is the deal with chinks?




Assertions about things you have no way of knowing aren't any less asspulls just because they also happen to be bleak, user.

Prove it

This ^^^ simple logic fags

>Where do you think YOU will go when you die?

Any place reported by anyone here is an argument from pure ignorance.

Here is where we will go after death

If you got a slave, then you're following his rules.
If you ate shrimp, you busted his rules.


Not that user, but...

Religion was supposed to evolve into philosophy (which is a worthy subject), sort of like astrology evolved to astronomy, alchemy to chemistry, etc.

Some people just got stuck on stupid though.

>you have no way of knowing
Well, I know that in order to "know" something you need to be able to store the "knowledge" somewhere.
IE: In your brain
Then something (your consciousness) has to call forth that information and recall it. This is the act of knowing something.
Dead people lack both of the required things in to know something. Well, they have a brain, it just it's just nonfunctional.

We're a simulation. Whatever happens when we "die" is up to whoever programmed it. I suppose it's possible they created a heaven or hell type environment but more likely you just die

But more importantly are we running on mac or windows?

I believe there is a higher power and that we have a soul. I also believe that there have been prophets that have recieved messages from said higher power, but man being the corrupt weak species we are i think those messages have been distorted to fit private agendas...I dont follow any religion but i try to live a just and moral life, while at the same time accepting my own weakness and realising i will never be perfect, though striving for perfection none the less. I fail, ii try again, I only hope my efforts prove me worthy.

I'll find out when I get there


That sounds like the perfect ideal to live by, but why do i get the feeling you could be some kind of serial killer?

Its almost a too perfect answer

I'm a Scientologist. I believe that we are spiritual beings, and that the next life is full of possibilities, and that we need to learn as much as we can and help our fellow man.

Inb4 lol you're a cultfag

I loved you in mission impossible

I honestly dont know how you made that leap there buddy, im a very calm sorta person, i rarely get mad and when I do I almost never resort to violence....i did hit a guy with a chair leg and broke 2 of his fingers once but he had just hospitalized my mother...Honestly just go about your life treating people the way you want to be treated and if somebody dosnt appreciate you or like you, respect them and understand that we are all a little different.

:3 thank you senpai

I believe in God but don't know why were here. Why shouldn't I just kill myself

I think our bodies are just for prevent our concisness from disapiring into void. And when body die... you know what's next.

Because youll never get the answer

The answer to what exactly. I die now and I go to heaven and I'm at rest

If you commit suicide you go to hell though

I will propably fall into sleep without a dream. Forever. Very calming though.

I called it simple. You responded with an irrational tirade about your personal life in desperate need of validation. I laughed at you. Now you project "aggression" on to me because your but is hurt. As I said, simple minds. Your reaction has been unsurprising.

Atleast I'm dead and don't have to deal with this"cancer" anymore

Nothing happens when you die, we're here to live and that's it. No greater answer then that.

Theres a god. The real god has been lost over thousands of years. M theory and quantum physics is becoming more and more convinced that physical reality is more an illusion than a reality, look into wave particle duality and how particles change based on perception. We are plugged into a matrix. It sounds ridiculous but its true. We die and we truly wake.

Alright what if there is no greater being. What's the point to bring here in earth then

The Egg by Andy Weir

10 minutes of being buttpoked by the devil in a sea of fire and youll be begging to back up here


Wew, You must be a very sad man. But don't worry,we are here for you.

Haha but seconds before I pull the trigger I'll give my soul to jeuss

(samefagging) Error - I typed "irrational" when I more meant "irrelevant." your personal life does not matter here. No one gives a fuck what you think you've accomplished. you just look desperately insecure and in need of validation, measuring accomplishment in terms of simplistically quantified, socially-awarded pavlovian gold stars in a thread that is instead supposed to have something to do with spiritual wisdom.

also... I meant butt. not 'but.'

I believe your whole being is just a reaction of chemicals and electrons in a body. You're an idea. And the only way that you can live forever is if your spread your idea, So people never forget you.

Do you need a reason to live? Reasons exist only in human minds.


You wish.

Soooooo I should kill myself

What reason do you have to do that?

He wont want your suicide soul, he'll take that thing back to the mall for store credit quicker than you can say rapture

Do whatever you want. But i suggest you to take a few souls with you when you decide to kill yourself

I've lived in the road for the last two years and basically had no social life except for you fags. It's been two years since I've had a gf and a year since I've been with a woman and there's no reason to live

>It is a simulation
>When you die your experience ends. Some of your code might get reused but you would be unaware.

I was thinking the same thing. Go out GTA style

What do you need a "greater reason" for? All animals, no matter how intelligent, seem perfectly fine with just living life. As do most humans.

1. Jesus Christ
2. Waiting for his return, then getting revived and judged.

Death is the same thing as it was before you were born, nothing. Anyone who says a ting different is an idiot

Because where here for no reason

Someone I know believes you live every life which is why it is important to be nice to others as you are only shitting on yourself in other lives.

I don't care how they got to that but respect the outcome.

ITT: Schizophrenia.

There is a heaven and hell.

You want to crash your flying tank into a strip club?

Because we're here for no reason? That's why you need a reason? Wat?

I'm just going to go on a rampage


I'am a sōtō zen buddhist. When i die, i will be dead. The end.

Youre about as edgy as a satsuma