New Pic from the Hartley Retards

New Pic from the Hartley Retards.

I love these things. They always put a smile on my face.

Don't call them retards, that's not nice.

they are mentally retarded.. therefore they are retards for short
go back to 9gag fucking summerfag

The hooligans are great

>they are mentally retarded

you have a lot in common in that case


I think I could get an erection for her. It isnt the type of erection I get for the downs girls, but I think I could manage.



I don't know fuck all on this family, just the mad dog photos that they keep releasing, but are they taking the piss by putting an orange near it? When it's eyes are as on par as useful as the rest of the body. Or is it 'look my child is like any other, it at a scrape leered by the fruit and sort of looked away, as if it was giving sass'?





i thought this one was kill?

been a while since I seen a spartley spooley's thread.

I figured one of em gave out and the mother's enthusiasm to post her potatoes has subsided.

or maybe it means summer is-a-comin'


Wait a minute.

They've got two??



the eyes never lie.doggo

Why would they have a second one? It's obviously genetic. Wtf

The big one is like 15 and the small on is 10 I'm pretty sure





This is so tucked up on so many levels. The parents are bigger regards than the kids.

I would LOVE to experiment on them. I'm so curious about exactly how a body with, essentially, no brain reacts to various stimuli.
I have my theories about what they can feel, hear and see but i'd be very much interested to put those to the test.

For those interested - inflict varying pain to extremities to determine if it's brain or spinal involvement only, check whether eyes are working via the involuntary blink response, whether, even if the brain can't interpret what the eyes can see, they are able to detect danger, ditto with ears. Check survival instinct, withholding of oxygen, etc and of course, the most important one, sexual arousal.

I thought to be retarded one needed mental deficciencies.

Don't these things have only a brain stem.

The appropriate term is purgatory vegetables.


It seems to have the capacity to wonder and to make value judgement, so is probably a worthwhile organism.

>even if the brain can't interpret what the eyes can see, they are able to detect danger
nigger please

Do they even classify as humans since they're brain dead anyway?

Would love to put my dick in her mouth while she wears these glasses.

i'd pay to see that.
All except for the sexual arousal part.

thank mr spooligan

I'll bet they smell terrible

Seems to be dangerous.

You'd be surprised what the body is capable of, especially when survival is at stake.
My theory is the eyes work but there simply isn't enough brain to interpret the signals. Now whether the involuntary blink reflex (eg shit flying at your face) is part of the brains processing of the optical signal or it's somehow a spinal behavoir, like pain. Probably brain involvement but would still be interesting to try.


Holy shit a spooligan thread

She'd probably reflexively bite it off

Vision signals don't travel through the spine.


good god they need to be put out of their misery

reminds me of this thing


thats the worlds smallest ninja


Isnt there something vaguely sexual about these pictures? I think there is.
Does the photographer want us to get excited about these little sluts?


>implying they'd die so easily after that much time exposed to the One Ring

I dunno. That girl seemed to be pretty happy.

The hartleys dont feel anything at all.


They have microcephaly, not anancephaly. The latter is when only the brain stem develops; but the fore is when the brain is abnormally smaller.

Similarly, they tend to rely albeit much more significantly towards their brain stems, but in due to microcephaly, they also rely a little bit on whatever the fuck's working in their tiny brain, but they aren't 100% brainless; well the latter is.

If those arent getting fucked regularly, thats a huge waste.

15? what the fuck.
Almost old enough to fuck her.


>This thread is why Sup Forums will never have kids will and die alone

>kids will die

They look ready for some dick in this pic.

And goes before will.

You're welcome.

I really bought one of these off of ebay. But it was only $10.00

The PotatoGoldfish Sisters.

Still they will be useful at a family garden party by keeping the flies away from the salad.

Not getting a joke.

Chill, man.


>how a body with, essentially, no brain reacts to various stimuli.
I took this in biology. The minimal brain they do have doesn't carry the commands of the body. The body is merely a puppet being controlled through witchcraft by a sorcerer that could even be on the other side of the globe.

How it is done is they curse a mother right after her egg has been fertilized, this causes the child developing in the womb to develop a brain as simple as possible as to make a connection with the sorcerer's brain to carry out physical commands, but not strong enough to resist the sorcerer's control.

Although they may look week and fragile, if you see one approach with caution, because when it comes to sorcery, brain beats brawn. That stare they do, that is the sorcerer subtly casting magic through them. Do not under any circumstances look them directly in the eyes.

Pic related, it's an example of one such sorcerer who uses abo magic to control these children.


They just keep them alive to use them as living dolls and milk some money of course.

Feels bad that people don't realize this and even look up to the parents.

the parents are the worst people involved. they had a child that was extremely mentally defective, to the point where it could never contribute to society in a viable way, and instead of oh I don't know, using some fucking birth control, they have the audacity to birth another vegetable the state will have to look after once they're gone.

if you want kids so fucking bad, why not just adopt? there are millions of kids who need homes and are bright, alert, and intelligent children. these people are so narcissistic that they NEEDED to have a little version of themselves that would cry and shit all day, something with their own faces and their own shit genetics. good fucking job.

>when the drugs kick in


If it was some third world shithole these things would either have been:

a. Worshiped as goddesses
2. Killed immediately for being the devil
d. Sold as fleshlights



this one is gold

god these things are not people plz kill them they creep me out


>tfw you realize jet fuel cant melt steel beams


no, you are lying

Yes. I'm a compulsive liar.

The parents are using them as an online freak show / circus act. They should become an-heros. Selfish fucks

you can tell that dad donated the empty genes