What does Sup Forums think of mass Muslim immigration into the US/Europe?

What does Sup Forums think of mass Muslim immigration into the US/Europe?

Both from a bystander point of view and from an experienced point of view.

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I honestly hate them, and while I would not go out of my way to treat people badly I would not give a fuck if they were all deported or killed. I wish they would all fuck off to the shithole middle east where they belong.

just look at what's happening all over europe with muslim immigrants. not hard to see that it's fucking shitty.

I hate racists.

All those people in your picture OP are doctors and surgeons waiting to operate on your selfish ass and save your life one day.

At this time, countries must be stricter with their borders and place national security infront of civil liberties. It has been proven that much of the migration has been unmonitored and helped funnel terrorism. During the migration its made it much easier for these individuals to end up wide across the area.
Also, to make it worse is not only housing them but cancelling the passports of terrorist sympathisers. If they want to leave, cancel their passport on the way out. As we have seen, domestic attacks are committed mainly by the individuals who get caught trying to leave and are forced to stay within these countries with no passport and no charges laid. What do they honestly expect is going to happen next?

In contrast, Europe and their Allies myst change their foreign policy towards the Middle East otherwise the next generation will see further increased radicalisation and terrorism.



>doctors and surgeons
I'm pretty sure they left the country years ago

Honestly, I don't give a fuck anymore.

Well think of it as baking a cake. You mix lots of ingredients to make something tasty. You can't do it on flour only.


Kebabs are not needed to make a cake though

You honestly comparing transational terrorism, radicalisation, mass migration and extremism to baking a cake? Not everything can simply be compared to house hold products or everday items you clown.

Don't believe the socialists. Don't let this happen to your country. It's not what I thought it was. We're in deep shit.

Your cake recipes have shit as one of the ingredients?


God bless North Carolina. First we signed to not take ANY immigrants under ANY circumstance and now we signed that there ARE only two genders. Fuck the immigrants, fuck mudslimes and fuck everyone who isn't male or female.

Hitler was right.

This is really the level of thinking is that piss stain?


yes because those graduation from prestigious medical schools have to go on a death march or float in on a piece of drift wood to get to their desired country. jesus christ.

Worked for America! =)

>the level of thinking is that piss stain

Europe can do whatever they want. We will run in at the end and take scientists and art.

I want them all gone and I'm normally not against immigration, for fucks sake my grandparents came from Turkey to Germany but those fuckers start rapeing and decapitateing women in my city, those sand niggers should all be deported and bomb by the Russians for all I care I'm happy that I'm white as fuck so the police doesn't think I'm one of them and my house is like 100m away from a refugee home or whatever that shit is called, the police drives by ever fucking hour because they stared fighting in there cages... Fuck EM all

c'est des chances pour la France wesh

des ingénieurs et des médecins

the Cancer is spreading and slowly killing the world!

the worst racists/nationalist are the ones playing with identity politics and hollering "RACIST".

No actually they were the first ones recruited or killed. Anyone with median training even EMTs were given gun in the Arab spring and told to stand or die. Most had families raped and killed before them. The enemy is savage.

That's why child brides sell flowers and suck truck drivers dicks. And all your women come up north for a niggering.

What are you going to do against NATO's bombings with an AK.

Just gun them down at the borders.
If they're too useless to fight against the people destroying their homes then they don't belong in any 1st world country.

Makes me fuckin sick op, TRUMP 2016



More like live off your taxes and plot the next 9/11 you fuckin hipster bernie nigger loving cuck

If Hitler did win the war, would the world be a much better place than it is now?

You really just compared radical islam to cake? Are bernie fags that fucking autistic?

Totally support it

Yes. Hitler want afraid to wipe out groups of unwanted toxic people.

"The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats Party has repeatedly said that the high number of rape reports is at least partly due to the influx of Muslim immigrants.[34][35] Two reports from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (BRÅ) are relevant to the rate of rape among immigrants to Sweden and their descendants. The latest published report that indicates the association between immigrants and rape was published in 2005 and revealed that from 1997 to 2001 foreign born individuals were 5.5 times more likely to be charged of rape than individuals born in Sweden to two Swedish parents and that foreign born individuals from all regions, apart from East Asia, committed sexual assaults at rates up to 5.3 times greater than that of individuals born in Sweden to two Swedish parents"

>libtards detected

This is actually the biggest issue with modern refugees.
Doctors and other skilled individuals have no reason to leave- it's the uneducated and lower caste/ lower IQ population that flees first.
That's all current migrations, not just Europe.
I personally like the Iranian people as an example- but the people flocking to Europe are garbage.

I think we have to let them come in our countries but we should keep them in some camp where they have to work (shitty work).

Where childrens go in School where they learn language and the culture of the country...

And obviously we have to files them.

In france we try to do something like this but some fucking activist are against


but people in the first world, by and large dont fight anybody ever.

in fact most of the first world aggressive/warrior/alpha types were killed off in the world wars. and now even those with those genes are supressed by the shitty diet, huge amounts of sugar, and prevalence of environmental estrogens (plastics, perfumes, cleaning products, etc) all of which decrease testosterone.

you want to see me that acted and thought like your great grandfather and his father before him? look at the average man in a third world country.

sorry, but you cant call these immegrants pussies. they have grown up in much harder circumstances, and typically eating a healthier diet. this creates a tough, often violent character (tough circumstances plus traditional male levels of testosterone).

of course they should be kept out though. the first world has moved beyond that stuff. the pussification of the male (both through societal norms and decrease of testosterone) seems to be inevitable and is probably better for human survival in the long run.

but yeah, these immegrants mah be violebt and stupid and dangerous, but they are not cowards, at least compared to most first world males.

You mean in Calais..


Muslims aren't wanted anywhere. But I'm ok with them going to US. Fuck US. And fuck EU, but don't let muslims go there. There are enough morons in EU already.

Let them come.....come to America and get your jihad started against teh corrupt USA while collecting government stipends and food stamps

Why didn't Hitler win the war, why do faggots have to ruined everything user? A world without Muslims, niggers and Jews sounds like utopia to me! If only other nations saw the future like Hitler

It is a ruse to insert militants who otherwise wouldn't be able to get in easily. They are overwhelming the system on order to infiltrate.

>She went full Retard

Except that the Muslims were allies of the NAZIs.
Because Jews.
So no exterminations.


>come to America and get your jihad started against teh corrupt USA
>But I'm ok with them going to US. Fuck US

Thanks for nothing... kek

I honestly have no problem with immigrants, nor the occasional asylum seeker. But this is neither.

What this is is paramount to an invasion. These people are not being civil. These people are not being polite. They throw rocks over the border. They harass those who live near the borders. They injure police and locals, and damage land, force people from from their homes and commit crimes like there's no tomorrow, and that's only on their march to this country. They resort to violence and barbarism to gain access and don't stop when they get in. We've seen this across Europe, and now it's coming to my nation, to my state, to my county, to my hometown and my favourite city. The raping, the assaulting, the looting, the small riots in city centres at night. And even now my police cover it up and say there's no connection to refugees. Well my local street thugs don't speak Arabic. They don't burn the union flag in the streets. They do sometimes shit everywhere, some things never change. If I can't defend myself and the police are told not to respond, to whom do I turn? I'm told to succumb to the aggressor. Told to bow down and let them rule.

These people are not here to integrate, they are here to dominate. Do not let them overcome you. Make sure everyone in your community knows what the intention is of these people. Don't let your country become like Britain. If you are in Britain, I urge you to help end this by voting leave. Some of you are afraid of an unchecked tory government, but I think it's better than having a government mostly not elected by us ruling us.

We have to tell them no more. We have to do it together, and we have to do it quickly. We won't be given another chance like this.

Bongistan out

>Except that the Muslims were allies of the NAZIs.
So were russians at one point.

None of this would have happened if the Europeans had simply built camps in nearby countries where refugees could have sat out the war.
Instead they packed them into tents erected in the deserts and starved them of food and medical supplies.
What else could the refugees do? What would you have done if it happened to you?

(T'es francais ?) Pas forcement. Si on les fiche et qu'on les fout dans des goulags (nan serieux tu les fait casser de la pierre 30h par semaine c'est pas l'enfer..
) on peu les repartir un peu partout en france.

Il faut les integrer le mieu possible parceque de toute facon qu'on le veuille ou non ils vont entrer en france. (Personnelement je suis pour)

Alors tu leur apprend un peu les valeurs de la france, tu leur apprend a aimer les francais, et tu lave bien le cerveau des gosses comme ca les futures generations seront assez bien integré.

On s'est totalement foiré avec les algeriens par exemple. Et on en recolte les fruits avec la connerie de ces putains de dechets...

En gros tu les repartis en france dans des camps de travail ou ils sont logés et nourris et fiché. Avec une putain de propagande bien ficelé pro france. Et comme ca dans quelque sgeneration ca se passera bien je pense.

Si ils veulent pas bosser ou apprendre la culture francaise tu leur met un parachute avec quelques bombes et tu les balance en syrie.

Je suis heureux de les faire entrer en france. Je les considere absolument pas comme des sous hommes, ils meritent autant de vivre que les anglais. J'aime l'humanité.

Mais faut pas deconner avec la bien pensance de merde francaise.

Si ils font chier ils degagent

I just find it odd that their neighboring countries, some of which are the richest in the world, refuse to help their arab brothers.

As European I must say it´s soo big threat, fuck them all

The Muslim were also going in gas chambers aswell you know. As they should

>None of this would have happened if the Europeans had simply built camps in nearby countries where refugees could have sat out the war.
There are plenty of camps in nearby countries, you fucking retard.

Besides, a large portion of them dont even come from Syria. And from those who do, a large portion of them come from areas with relative peace.

You meme is dead, retard.

This question is worth asking. It is a decent question that makes more questions.

Are they going to Europe because they need help, or for another reason that fits with their ideological commitment?

Except most muslims were under british and french mandates, and you're only talking about a few religious leaders that in retrospect though the nazis had a pretty cool thing going.

>y bird aids?

becuz u

You know, I heard the Germans built plenty of camps in the 1940's that would be great in dealing with the third world invasion.

More British born muslims have joined ISIS than have joined the British armed services.

Are they crazy jihadist, or are they following the instruction of the Qu'ran, and shown that ISIS is following the Qu'ran verbatim?

Why is this?

Set up machine gun nests at borders and start mowing them down.

>Turkish grandparents

You're not white, and never will be.

I have some of these dirty fucks as my neighbors, fuck them to hell.

so you are saying that multiculturalism is necessary for...what exactly?

the only thing multiculturalism has contributed to thus far is violent crime. seriously, that's it. oh, and it keeps liberals happy.

preach brother

Because the quran is brainwashed them into it!

The niggers and the pakis aren't here because we're in the EU you mong.



>Why is this?
British Muslims don't join the British Army because:
Bad food,
Bad pay,
Low morale,
Old technology,
Rampant homosexuality in the Officer Class,
and they'll be suspect among their own community forever.

I'm german.

Nobody, REALLY nobody on their right mind wants them here. I live in the bigger cities of germany and the whole city is infested. They smell, they are stealing on a constantly basis, most are unfriendly and just straight downwards like animals. It's not just about their culture but about their respect. You won't even dare to go anywhere because EVERYWHERE they are begging for money.
Enjoying a meal somewhere outside?
Not without getting begged on and not getting insulted.
Always worrying about your bag if you travel in the train because they will steal this shit as well, ...

It's like a fucking birthday party everyone enjoys. But there's this one little slut who brings all her friends without consens into the party as well and ruin the one wonderful thing we have.

Pic kinda related.


seriously, the sad thing is that its just too far gone. the word 'farage' conjures up nothing but racism to most people, because the man has the audacity to stop the inflow of muslims who cause trouble, and the occasional tired, tired, tiroed old hitler reference (which may i add is completely disrespectful and an indicator of vast historical ignorance). supporting UKIP is almost social suicide and people will think less of you for it. the word "racist" is basically just a buzzword here at this point.

its fucking sad but its true. what a terrible affront to britain, i wish these crazy leftists would wake the fuck up, because i genuinely don;t understand how these nutcases develop, it just doesn't make sense.

The facts do not bare this out. Most of what you say is baseless conjecture. Are you a socialist or muslim?

You're speaking about things you may not know about.

>Rampant homosexuality in the Officer Class
I detect that you have an ideological commitment to hate homosexuals, yes?

Brits are not known for being racist, and their tech is first rate. I should know.

Yea it does actually, anyone outside of the Eu can just walk in without either having to get a green card and claim housing and benefits, it's Bullshit
Leave the Eu and take back control!


Or better yet, just dont let them into the country in the first place, send them back and dont pay them any social benefits.

Why don't we see them pouring into neighboring Islamic countries that pull their wealth from the ground?
There are benefits to going to another state where your ideological commitments are welcome.

Simply not true.

People that just wander into the country have to claim asylum and go through the whole process. That would happen whether we are in the EU or not.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>Why don't we see them pouring into neighboring Islamic countries
clearly they don't have a retarded political leader who invited everyone.

Well then why is the EU threatening to fine us if we don't accept more refugees? If you mean legal immigrants then that's different, I think well-controlled immigration is a good thing. I don't mind other races and religions at all. My grandparents on one side were immigrants. It's the refugees that I have an issue with. I think that without the EU in the picture for us, the government would have refused these people access because we wouldn't be dealing with border violence because we have the British Channel. Good luck lobbing stones and molotovs over that.

Oh yeah, not all of them get benefits. Some of them just live like career criminals, and nobody sends them out because nobody wants them back.

it all depends on how much of their religion they believe actively. if they believe any of the sharia law honour killings etc bullshit they can go die in the sand. However if they are relatively normal and harmless to society AND have useful skills we need such as electricians plumbers doctors etc. let them in

britbong here. could you go into more detaiL? i'm curious about life there now. obviously we have our own fair share of problems, including no go zones in which police have no idea what's happening, sharia courts and now even a muslim mayor.

i am very interested/anxious to see where we will be in 10 years and i wonder about germany too.

I would really like to be able to buy guns. I'd buy a belt fed Machine gun, 5000 rounds that I connect up as a belt, then sat it up along a route in the bushes. Put a camera on top and a trigger release via radio, voilá, problem solved. When pic related happens, we have a pretty gore thread going on.

Western countrys think non-violent invasions dont exist

the immigrants have two weapons, a dick and a pussy

all they have to do is go to these countrys use them and destroy them from the inside out

and NO ONE will stop them until its too late

I think they're destroying white culture and values.

It is sad the way that our country has lost all its political ambition to leftist petty insults. If Winston Churchill ran for PM now he'd be called a racist for being a nationalist. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to hear someone compare him to Hitler one day in a fit of lefty ignorance.

>the immigrants have two weapons, a dick and a pussy

But, they only drop an average of 8 new muslim babies per couple. This isn't that bad is it?

The U.K. exempt from any matters involving justice laid down by the EU Commision.

It's impossible to be fined by them.

Educate yourself you enormous faggot.

>and NO ONE will stop them until its too late

It is too late. The days of the last bastion of polite, civil, open, peaceful society is gone.

Letting potential terrorists into any country is generally not a good idea

When's the vote on britland leaving the EU?

I'm from germany too
Abd yeah everywhere are they in the trains (normal trains on the street) half of the train is filled up with em, cuz they have nothing to do. The real sht is they speak so loud, gosh i tell em to be quit, they r 4 maybe 1 min then they rage up again. 1 fcking guy wanted to steal my handy (i'm 14 btw) but my friend was with me, so we fcking hit 1 of them and then we go, this is fkd up. Cuz i live in a "zone" where everybody is rich and my friend is pakistani or how its called in eng. But his father is millionare. U cant they everyone of em is stupid but most of em r. I think the whole problem is: there r 2 much in here. We cant deal with it... sry 4 bad eng