Queen of Sup Forums

Queen of Sup Forums





who is that girl?

Queen evalion





FUCk off





Not impressed





Would still fuck

Boxxys an sjw nowvyou lost bro


Do we have nudes of her? It's a requirement of Sup Forums even for potential queens.




This evalion nude



link to one her videos?



Who the fuck is that? Suggest random whore to reddit or w/e faggot, true queen of Sup Forums is just here

Listen to me you stupid fucking niggers, evalion just got banned from YouTube, we could be her savior, ( aka god damn nudes of this girl) we need to raise evalion awareness so she comes on her and shows her butthole and cunt, boxxy is old news


She's soooooo hot FüCk box troll


>gtfo newfags
>memegenerator net
>queen of reddits for last 2 years on Sup Forums



if trips she is the new queen

im ok with this

off by one shit





cracky was queen you were a princess at best

Keep post sjw shit we know the real hero free speech for evalion

Some 14yo slut hates jews so she's the new queen ? Fuck off, we already have a queen

Boxxy is no sjw LOL you faggots are retarded as shit.





post nudes

do you know her name or where do you have the pics? just for science...

Spam blocked from Sup Forums

Right message, wrong method.


Sup Forums already has a Queen, a Skeleton Queen



where are her vids?

Evalion is the queen of Sup Forums you fucking faggot

Got taken down


What's with summerfags and youtube anyway?

Not saying she isn't cute but Evalion looks more Jewish than Norse to me... Bla, bla, bla, yes I know she´s a troll...

mega backup is down, too. any new link?

quads make her the new queen


no that was all I knew of FuCk sjw and Jews fuck


BOXXY Fanns not my thread about Evalion. I gave it up after I saw her livestream. She is on a suicide mission. The girl needs help.

They all need help, any "queen of /b" contender must be fucked up enough user can fantasize he´s got a shot...

What she do on her live stream?

Not falling for that shit.



too spoopy to be queen

Do a flip faggot

I want this to be real so bad



Boxxy sucks
Stupid sjws

>See nice girl with "le controversial hot topic" channel
>Search jewtube
>Channel apparently closed
>Search twitter
>First thing I see is a paypal address




well she has my vote

Evalion queen she sang me happy birthday!


Evalion is queen rip boxxy


Forever shall never die.

This these gave me cancer there both Jews


Boxxy sucks and I dont care about the other bitch


Fuck boxxy
Evalion forever