Get trips and I will do your bidding

Get trips and I will do your bidding

take out eye on cam

Cut ur dick off

Kill yourself.

Kill yourself

do nothing

carve a dick into your leg

go buy a real knife
Cut off your moms clit


Cut your dick in half and lost webm

put knife back in, stick swiss amry knife in butt

Kill yourself

damn, rolling


cut pinky toe off


stab a power outlet

cut down a tree with that shit

carve a smiley in the nearest wooden object

come watch some movies


Now Playing:


Probably the apex of Jim Henson's puppet and practical effects work. Hella nostalgia and very creative. This movie does as much to take you to a fantasy world as the Neverending Story, but more frightening.

On another planet in the distant past, a Gelfling embarks on a quest to find the missing shard of a magical crystal, and so restore order to his world.

This movie channel doesn't play everything under the sun. You won't have to sit through pablum like Avengers 2 or Batman movies. There are no cartoons, no musicals, no music videos, no TV shows… just movies. Specifically, It's mostly horror movies. Tons of stuff you have never heard of or seen. There are some sci-fi movies, 80s movies, cult movies, and just bizarre off the wall crazy shit like you have never seen, all mixed in to the horror movies. Over 600 movies that play randomly. None of that polling/voteskip shit, that shit doesn't work - because democracy doesn't work. No safe spaces here either. You can make rape jokes and insult minorities until you run out of racially charged things to say if you want. The admins only police things that actually matter. Filmclub isn't here to have broad appeal or as many viewers as possible. It's here as an alternative to all the tired repetitive BS you get from the average stream. 24/7/365 movies most other streams won't play. Even classic XXX. Check it out.


go outside. what the hell is wrong with you?

Kill yourself on cam

rly ? last roll

lay on the ground for 10 seconds

prick yourself in the wiener

close blade and drink orange juice

Send us a picture of your face

Cut off a finger


off by 1... FUCK

re roll


Leave Sup Forums forever

Make an attempt to shave your pubes

rolling this lol


Cut an orange in half, take picture of half orange and your face


Cut your thumb so it bleeds a little and write "Hail Satan!" on a piece of paper

Cut down dick lengthwise 1 cm deep




Stab lettuce at the grocery store. All of it, brutally.

cut half off your fingernail off.




lol cut your dick

Yell allahu Akbar on the bus and kill a stranger

Buy a better knife.

rob a bank using only that

Don't be a faggot

Go to sleep

break the knife

>knife in ass
>superglue anus shut

Go outside

run into a police station, hold knife up and yell somebody please help me

circumsize yourself with it


Terrorist attack on bus

I second that notion

carve a smile into your face

Put the knife blade first in your urethra on camera

Order some pizza

eat it


microwave it


swallow it

Carve Amy into your dick

cut yourself, a piece of cake

Slash neighbors tires


cut off a finger

stick it in a wall socket

cut a smile in ur house door


Go outside nigger

Slash all tires in neighborhood

Re roll

slash your own tires

Pop out your eyeball

Go out whit a dog mask saying i am a terrorist and make poop infront of a police man

>fucking 5 finger fillet

blend it



Re re roll

cut off your dick

cut your dick on camera

Cut shrek is love shrek is life into your skin


give that knife a hard blowjob. let it tear your fucking mouth apart faggot. also fuck yourself with it after.

Cut off tip of little finger


This but paint a smileyface on your ass cheeks

cook it into food and eat it

winner winner chicken dinner

Off by 100 nigger last one counts