Complete the sentence below:

complete the sentence below:

> your mom is so fat that

That her BMI is a 56

Is there such a thing as down syndrome porn? I once saw a downy bitch with an ass like two basketballs in her pants, shit was so perfect.

she looks like op


that doctors are worried about her health, mainly the risk of diabetes and stroke

Step on a cat in a hat

i run out of gas trying to drive around her

that her bmi is teacher mark her absent


She could jump up in the air and get stuck.

Stop feeding sona...


underrated post


That she is at significantly increased risk of developing pressure sores.


>your mom is so fat that

when she walked past the t.v. i missed three episodes

i whould not fuck her with a stolen cock

Oooh burn! He told you holmes

You have to take 2 trains and a bus just to get on her good side

When her phone rings people think she's reversing

Nice combo. Faggot