What's the longest injury, pain or irritation that you ever had, Sup Forums?

What's the longest injury, pain or irritation that you ever had, Sup Forums?

> small pressure on the back of my head (sometimes side) for about 2 months now and it was getting better but got sore again. It's super irritating and I just want it to go away

that sounds like a brain tumor, homer. ought to have it checked out.

ITT user has a tumor but is too autismo to get it checked out, smh tbh fam.

Crippling alcoholism.

sounds like autismimus extendus


Constant Migraine up to the age of 12, due to my brain growing faster than my skull could support

Already got it checked. No signs or symptoms and doctor said it's definitely just a muscle pulled or some shit. I lift weights and I feel it pulling and shit too.

It's annoying as hell

Be serious dudes

sprained finger, after several months is still not healed

>Be serious dudes

You think alcoholism isn't serious?

cut it out

I'm not joking. I'm fucking dying over here. I have stage 3 liver failure. Does that sound fucking fun to you? I have less than 24 hours to live, motherfucker. I don't give a fuck, I shred!

leg got crushed 3/4 year ago, still looks like construction site

I am truly sorry for your lots. :(

thank you, you are a good friend

Loose stool for almost a year.

Well it was this for like a couple days... didn't even realize wth was going on, in my left shoulder blade.....luckily i popped that asshole before it got worse...

that must have been very heavy loss..

I crashed on my bike when I was a kid. My wrist bent so far back that it snapped my watch off. I don't know how I didn't break it. Fast forward a month later and I slip and fall right back onto concrete and injured it again.

It took like half a year for it to stop hurting, it was one of the most painful periods of my life.

I also broke my arm when I was a kid but I was only in the second grade so I don't remember much of it... the one thing that I do remember is when they 'set' my arm.

The doctor grabbed my arm and snapped it back into place. You could heard the loud "CRACK!". It was hands down the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life.

How on earth does a sprained finger take that long to heal?

Do u still feel slightest irritations in your wrist/arm?

No kidding. It's not a sprain more than likely it's a fracture.

i have no idea, i still have a swollen around the joint, cannot fully move it and depend on what i do, it hurts

I used to be an alcoholic, I just found other ways to occupy my time to keep my mind off of the drink. It's easy to get snapped back into the mode of drinking every day.

The best thing that comes from it is not being hungover all the time. That shit is the worst, I pissed years of my life and money away drinking to no end.

Just try and get help if you can, it's worth it.

fingering your butthole often will do that

Bone fracture? Not sure its even possible, was a simply volley ball's hit

looks like MRSA, careful popping shit like that I had one on my hand and it got infected and my hand ballooned up like a boxing glove.

I had to go to the ER, they said I got there just in time, if I had waited longer they would have to give me an IV of antibiotics.

No not at all, surprisngly. The way my arm broke is that it bent like a banana. The bone didn't poke out of the skin and I didn't require surgery fortunately. My wrist healed itself over time. I did eat really well growing up my mother always made good meals, I think good nutrition is something most people don't take advantage of when they should.

ur gonna get an aneurysm and die OP

I was diagnosed by my doctor. She said apparently there's a skeleton living inside of me.

Only 18 and have prostatitis

>summer fggt spotted

post proof

"27" years alive on this hell hole of existence.

Slayer makes it tollerable.

Heil Slayer.

Ayy fuggin hell Sup Forumsro. I broke tib/fib in '13. Still fuggin hurts and can't walk right. They put a rod in my tibia and I can feel the screws any time temp changes. Took 6 months to walk again with a Cain.

What happened?

Broke the worst wrist bone, have to stop sport for 4 month

I've been here since 2012, nerd. I'm an oldfag, check youre fucking privledge.

backto>>>reddit with you, newfriend

Lodged gallstone for months

when my face felt like it was dipped in acid. my skin was itchy, irritated and peeling like a motherfucker because of eczema
it still does if I don't consistently put my ointment on. too bad it makes me look like an oily pizza face


you aren't new but you definitely aren't an oldfag

Go to another doctor trust me theyve been known to fuck up

>since 2012
>doesnt imply you werent here only during summer

im sorry i can correct with this
>summer fggt since 2012 spotted

Tons of floaters in both eyes

>wrong again
I actually visit Sup Forums during all seasons. Especially during winter

Try again, newfriend. I bet you have only been here since 2015, noob.

prove it

>longest injury, pain or irritation that you ever had

you prove it

>What's the longest injury, pain or irritation that you ever had, Sup Forums?

being highly functioning autistic

>pic related
>is me

Tinnitus from loud voices.
>until i die

When I was like 16 or 17 my friend grabbed my left thumb and bent it sideways and it popped out of its socket. I grabbed it right away and popped it back in and its been fucked ever since so I kinda know what you mean. That was 18 years ago.



rash on my skalp, stressrelated, had for about 11-12 years

3 years on a surgery waiting list for a disk protrusion right on my siatic nerve, couldn't walk, couldn't sit, sometimes couldn't lay down without cramping my left leg. Three years unable to leave the house trying to manage pain while doctors figured me for a drug seeker despite the evidence. That fucking changed me, not in a good way. Treated like a dog while in pain. The only positive thing that came of it is that I decided to become a nurse to advocate for patients in my care.

Thanks Mr Skeltal

Ingrown toenails. I've had it on all four sides of my big toes and even after getting the sides burned away, it still returns. The doctor says it's probably the way the nail grows, but it does mean that I am on a constant three month cycle of 'oh cool I can walk without pain' and 'oh shit I need to get this cut away again'. Overall it's just an annoyance though.

>be me
>riding bike
>car hits me
>wake up and can't feel my arm
>doctor tell me its a level 4 seperation of my colar bone
>20,000 surgery or i have constant pain for the rest of my life
>uninsured american- i dont have 20000
>mfw doctors wrong and only in constant pain for a year and a half

My nigga. I'm going to see Slayer at the Sound Academy in Toronto September 12th. It'll be my 5th time seeing them.

At least it was only a year and a half.

i cut my arm, not really deep but it was wide and didn't get stitches and putting on clothes, a backpack or reaching the higher shelves in a store made wince in pain when my clothing moved the bandaid. lasted for about 3 weeks and pissed some yellow liquid from under the bandaid constantly

wanting to kill myself

Bro it's puss

A very important word of advice, I've had the same shit to. You're depressed and anxious and basically what happens is all the shit your body would get rid of is just building up. It sounds crazy but just take moments out when you feel it the most, just stop and feel it, calm yourself. You'll feel it slowly go away, at first it'll take some time for it to go away but after a while you'll feel it and it'll instantly go. You're just running yourself down with no way of release, just focus on what makes you feel better and move towards being happier. Drastic change in your life towards something that would make you feel better will put this behind you.

essentially "do something else"

wow what great advice

Throat/chest inflammation. Airways feel tight and breathing labored. On occasion I feel like i'm slowly suffocating. Doctors have not been able to figure out for two years what it is. Haven't smoked anything in years and i'm in very good physical health. The feeling of suffocating sometimes gives me severe panic attacks. I would not wish this on my worst enemies.

how it feels to chew 5gum

As the original poster, I approve of this joke. 8/10.

what if you do a cooper's test and go as hard as you can, how is your breathing?

Pain? Pulled my back 3 times doing deadlifts

Irritation? Bening fasciculation syndrome

I haven't done a coopers, but I am in very good physical condition. It's actually very weird. I run fairly often and ride my bike VERY often. And I go to the gym regularly. But sometimes, for no apparent reason and with no correlation to anything i've noticed, my throat will start closing up and my chest tightens and I'll feel like i'm suffocating. This causes panic and palpitations. And very occasionally i'll cough up thick black mucus that looks like small round black ovals under my microscope. But I haven't smoked in several years. I've had normal x-rays, a CT scan, worn a portable EKG for 24hrs, and a throat phlegm culture. Still don't know what it is. Been going on for a bit over 2 years.

fuck me. my condolences for your rekt leg

I've been lucky, the worst was a pulled muscle in my lower back. I mean, it was painful enough that every time I tweaked it I basically had to stop everything and just chill for a while until it passed, but nothing aside from that. Fractured a couple of bones too and the back muscle thing was much worse.

Sounds like brain cancer to me. My dad had the same symptoms, a few days later he woke up dead

Broke my fucking pinky

sometimes my lower back hurts, but only when I bend forward

>he woke up dead
every time

He woke up dead? Seems legit

Can you tell when a storm is coming? You'd make an excellent pirate ;)

Looks normal to me, trust me I'm a doctor

Not up to me how you interpret what you read. Keep choosing your own suffering, your cynicism will take you so far.

>Argg, storms a brewin' I feel it in me leg

Sounds like you've got a bad case of

Kek. Yes I can, kinda funny because I am actually a sailor.


4 years of 24/7 headaches and migraines, that stopped in 2010.

wasnt able to breath through my nose for a few years until i had my adenoids removed

2012, head-on collision on highway
> broken femur
> shattered right humerus
> shatter right pinky
> fractured T12 in back
> compressed lungs
> 3 weeks in hospital, 4 surgeries
pics inc







Hernia for six years in groin region in my teens. Incredibly painful, about 40% of the time. Too autistic to get treated. fucked up a lot of stuff for me.

here is my car in the aftermath

i once punched myself in the dick and died


Stepped on a lego
Still hurts 6min later


a baby cockroach lived in my ear for two weeks