I've misplaced my bank card, Sup Forums, and I need it SOON...

I've misplaced my bank card, Sup Forums, and I need it SOON. Suggest where it might be for me; if one of you Sup Forumsros helps me find it I'll send you something on steam or some shit.

Already checked under and around the bed, all pockets & down the back of the sofa.

Other urls found in this thread:


Did you check your car?

Check your car and the crevices between the seats. Also you might wanna contact your bank aswell, in the event that you lose it outside of your home.

>inb4 op put it in a book as a bookmark

But seriously, check books or piles of papers.


only read one book since it went missing, not worked with paper; not in the book

Maybe its between your ass cheeks ?



Did you check trashcans?

I did, not there

unless it's in the compost but I doubt that

Is this what happens when neckbeards live on their own? They have never looked for anything without help from their mamajam and now you've come to b for assistance? Promising false gifts?

have you asked the people you live with? (if you're not living alone)

I don't live on my own, babe, and I'm not promising false gifts

yes; no dice

Couldn't you just get a new one at the bank?

I need it within the next few hours and the bank is closed on sundays

Look in the fridge, I once left a TV remote in the fridge when I was baked af

fridge is bare, no card

Try to remember the last place you saw it and go there.

This game is stupid, we don't know how big your place is, what rooms it has or what are in them to check.

Check the ATM at the gay brothel.

it's not there

Retrace your steps too the last time you remember having it.

it's either gonna be in my bedroom, the lounge or the kitchen

not been there in a month so unlikely

Look for it in the most obvious place

Who do you live with?
Where and when have you last seen it?
When did you last leave the house?

We don't know what are in your bedroom lounge and kitchen where it could be...

2 other students, no idea, ages ago

I dunno but have you checked these QUADS?

Check your bathroom. And your wallet. Also the pockets in all your clothes/jackets.

use your brain, what do you think is in a fucking bedroom


Have you checker your bedroom, the lounge or maybe the kitchen?

check the front lawn. or out front.

we got a fucking comedian here

nada, it's all bare dirt right now

Does your bank have an online service or something?
If so check if someone (not you) bought something with it

Use apple pay instead of your card so that way you won't die from hunger

Well in my bedroom I have a bed, 2 closets, a TV stand, a wooden chest, a futon, plastic storage boxes, a cabinet, a PC desk with drawers... there are tons of places a card could be in my bedroom

> use apple pay
> apple

fuck off

I just remembered i put something in a book but I can't remember what and which book it was.

There's no way you checked all those places in the 15 second timestamp between our posts.

Detecting faggotry.

your dog is playing with it

they're places I've already checked, cuck

dont own a dog

Check all books, make sure its not wrapped up in a receipt some where. Couch cusions perhaps?


already checked these places

Show us a pic of each of the rooms it could be in, that will make it a lot easier. That is if you want help, and you're not just being an attention whore.

Well check em again faggot, you have a better chance of finding it in any of those places than you do multi-tasking between all your trap threads and shit posts on Sup Forums.

in the fridge

Good job, o master of offbyone!


kitchen and lounge are both standard stuff, pic of bedroom coming

check your dirty laundry

Trousers' pockets?

washed it yesterday

read op

Check laundry again or else OPs a fag

washed it yesterday, all i have left is one shirt and some underwear

and it aint there

look under your mousepad


look everywhere in your clothes. maybe you changed clothes? guess not but also look there too then

underneath computer desk

Check all your clothes OP

Did you check all around your desk? Under keyboard? Under the desk? Behind it? What are some places you have gotten it out before inside your apartment?

well then look under that

My dubs stole your credit card

Check your bed? in between sheets, under it, between bedframe and wall.

Your bank card is like your virginity, you haven't actually lost it and you just pretend you did to make your shitty life seem less boring.

Last day that u used it?

it's underneath your monitor stand

kek savage

Your bathroom, under the sink, on the sink, outside your shower, maybe you took it out of your pocket when you went to shower.

Where is your card normally? Do you keep it in your wallet? Which pocket? Do you take your wallet out at any point? Where do you put your wallet when you take it out?

pic of room #1 for person who asked for it

Did you check your jacket pocket? Maybe a jacket you don't normally wear, have you switched jackets recently? Check them all.

Check your wallet.

might sound stupid but have you checked under that carpet?

room pic 2

one of the first places I looked

>emergency pop over bed

Oh you're a femanon?

Check all clothing with pockets, check for holes, I've lost keys before because they got into the inner lining of coats, make sure there aren't any holes.


you tell me

>you tell me

>pink sheets
>teddy bears

I'd say femanon

The only thing left that you haven't checked are these quads

Check my suggestion

who teh fuck stores pepsi and fanta behind thier bed ?


get a better camera

they're actually red but the light wasn't great and the camera is worse

it's a shelf

so close

So close.

Damn mr offbyone, I see you're at it again with the failed quads.

it looks like u have enough money so give me a steam game already

i do have enough money i just dont have access to it

is it behind your toilet?

yeah i now, don't you have a fridge ?

You're retarded

why do your arms look so fat

Whats your kik before I help u must help me find my boner

Is it in your fucking wallet?


2 sets of stairs away, have housemates, I'd rather keep it in my room than have them pinch it or wake them up at 3am getting some

perspective maybe i dont know



OP why the fuck are you chitchatting and ignoring all my serious suggestions. Get searching.