Because I fucked my thread and want some moar
I think this is fucking cute
>it's not about sex!
>the majority of the comic is about anonymous sex
For me it's totally about sex, I'm here for the porn and I don't think I'll ever go to a con in a fursuit or something. But who knows..
Am I the only one around here who watch NSFW furry art almost everyday, but never fapped to this?
>but never fapped to this?
What do you mean? That specific image or in general?
I'm in fur threads for hours without fapping as well. But in the end I'll still fap. It's really weird, I'd never do that with human porn, fur just seems ...different. I'm in fur threads for the discussions as well, not only for the sex
What animal is the one to the left supposed to be?
That tail? What animal is this?
In general I never fapped to any furry art, but I watch a lot SFW and NSFW. Maybe I'm just weird.
Dunno what these animals are supposed to be. And it really fucks with me since I've started to tag my fur stuff. I often have no idea what species to put.
But it's fantasy porn anyway, so why not have non-existent species as well..
I'd guess the guy is a fox+deer-hybrid, and that female is probably supposed to be an otter.
That sounds pretty weird yeah. I like lots of SFW cute stuff as well without fapping, but yeah in the end I'll jerk it anyway.
Are you asexual in general? Or just with furry stuff?
Just with furry stuff. But I still watch a lot of furry porn. I don't even know why. I just like it in non-sexual way.
SFW is the best kind of work.
Yeah I like it in both ways. Furry can be so overwhelmingly cute it's ridiculous, but it can be hot as fuck as well.
Any sauce on neat non-sexual furry stuff?
That teddy looks real angry tho
She is one big Luxray. I like her.
Yo, that's my intro pic, just to let you know. May confuse some people.
ns test
Yep. How's it going?
its aight
ordered a knife. gonna do memes with it
jackelope maybe?
What kind of knife?
glock knife
hope it gets here soon
I wonder if it'll explode like their guns do. Should've got a Ka-Bar USMC knife.
nah man glocks are legit.
their knife is great too. so cheap. and so good.
got this shit for like £15 man no joke
I know, I'm just fucking with ya cause /k/ memes. That's a damn good deal.
yea man i know about /k/ memes trust me
glock knife is a /k/ meme too.
wish they would fuckin ship it already tho. guess nobody works there on sunday
Guess so. You should get a cheap karambit so you can piss everyone on /k/.