REKT thread
REKT thread
i went to paragliding school with that girl
Damn dude
Video shows a Turkish man who got so high on Bonzai (also known as “poor man’s heroin”),
he climbed on a roof of a building and thinking he was in a pool,
nosedived to his death from there. The video is for the most part quiet,
which only makes the cameraman’s “No, No, No!” and the subsequent splat so much more disturbing.
The bizarre just never quits in Brazil.
In Ananindeua – a city in the state of Pará, northern Brazil, a woman was shot in the arm with
an arrow while on a bus. The arrow, if I understood it right, flew in through an open window.
The young kid standing near her is apparently who fired the arrow. The woman reportedly went
to hospital and is recovering well.
Angry McDonalds worker climbs to edge of pubic bridge while discussing Platonic economics with her best friend who is a poodle.
She slips.
Get ready for the Olympics people!!!!
Need the story on this. Looks like she was trying to get them to let go.
Good Samaritan tried to help a stranger who was being electrocuted and caught fire after
coming in contact with a fallen live wire, but got instantly electrocuted and lit on fire
himself. He used a tree branch to attempt to get the wire off the victim.
While I don’t have sufficient information as to the outcome, when a human person gets
shocked so hard he instantly bursts into flames, I see little possibility of him surviving.
Please someone add this at the end of this video
This video from Sadr City district of Baghdad, Iraq is a good old gore classic that everybody’s seen already,
except from the newbs so I’m posting it for the newbs cause it needs to be seen.
A suicide bomber went to harm innocent people but his vest loaded with explosives
detonated prematurely causing him serious bodily harm but harming nobody else.
The failed suicide bomber survived with one of his legs torn off, hand ripped off,
guts spilled and in obvious pain – as if Karma went to show him what uninvolved people
would experience should his suicide mission succeed, but befell the suffering upon the bomber
alone, sparing everyone else. He probably blew his dick off too – wonder if that’d have any
effect on his performance with 72 virgins waiting for him in factious Islamic heaven.
Holy shit
And only one of you passed
Don't post animal gore.
two homosexuals lost. better call Sup Forums mods to get replacements.
it's amazing how such a fall is enough to kill us. we are truly weak.
Video from China shows a man committing suicide by jumping off a high building. It looks to be
a posh apartment building with a mall at its base. The man was standing right on the roof and
leaped to his death as the crowd of spectators screamed. It was a long fall, and he hit a
glass canopy when he was near the bottom.
The cameraman knew what was coming and had a test run following the fall to make sure he gets
all of it. But the when the actual fall happened, he got ahead of the falling body.
this one's really fucked up, don't watch if you're easily disturbed.
OH GOD, did they survive?
I believe this video is from Brazil too. It depicts a young man who had been shot in the head.
It looks like the bullet entered through the left cheek, just south-east of the eyeball,
and exited through the right cheek, probably knocking a few teeth out. The eye is bulging,
but as is typical – it survived.
The guy is in obvious agony and performs what could be classified as agonal breathing,
although it’s quite possible that while skull was severely damaged, the bullet may have missed
the brain. If you project the trajectory in your mind, you’ll likely conclude brain matter was
not scratched.
drugs are bad m'kay
pro tip: you can't survive "electrocution." If you break down the word, it means death by electricity.
is dad kill?
>rekt thread
Still holy fucking shit these people are lucky.
I love how you have the stories for these, keep it coming man
what a fucking dick
did he survived?
the guy is kurdish as iknow, i think they don't believe the virgins in heaven, i guess they were arabs. i donno
What a scumbag
At least give credit to bestgore, since you quoted them down to the letter
i love how thee dude in red just kept walking like he didnt just see a woman fall to her death
can't make out what is actually happening. dont see him touching any wire with the branch he picked up.
but i now know you cant use a branch to move an electric wire. i would probably have died as well like that man trying to help. but now i know.
Free hat
they literally harpooned a land whale!
yes pls! animals are innocent unlike humans
fuck i just replied to your video saying free hat and now ive just seen the file name fuck ignore this
I'm curious, why do people enjoy watching these videos?
"Get back into a burning car to escape police"
-Nigger Logic
No :/
>mfw the story is fake and people later find out we're actually supposed to pity the poor man
> If you project the trajectory in your mind
because... we can? humans are fascinating creatures man
lucky she was so fat
moral of the story:
>dont help people
no insurance money for you!
Did somebody have the webm of a baby who get throw?
A classic.
What the fuck was that nigger doing
that poor kid
Hey, at least there's footage of this. The guy is probably spending his life in prison. Assuming someone died.
Gettin' tazed.
calm down, edgelord.
Huffing nerve gas.
listening to my mix tape
death on impact
Thanks for providing story with post
That's a bit much, even for a rekt thread.
>Brazilian Flag
Nothing of value was lost
What the fuck...
Who was wrong? Looks like the orange van
Is that Canada?? The road to grouse mountain?
I don't really like to watch them but force myself to. It's a good reminder of how fragile we are and how quickly things can go wrong.
I believe the world would have less accidents if more people were reminded that things aren't always sunshine and lollipops.
Where the fuck did he land i dont see his body in the end
Hey bro! You okay? Holy shit, that was close!. . .Bro?
i enjoy lucky "wrecked" videos the most
man ive been waiting for someone to post this for years, thank you based user
Agonal breathing occurs as a person is dying. It doesn't necessarily mean they are in agony though
now that's a tough morning commute
I fucking love that video.
Holy shit! That was awesome!
turning left on a green light when a car is comming. yes orange van deserve to be shot.
Is this for real?