Sup Forums why do you hate yourself?

Sup Forums why do you hate yourself?

everyone else does
just going with the flow

im a failure..failed as a son
failed as a husband
failed as a father
failed at career

Because I'm a fat, lazy, cunt.

Hating myself gives me motivation to change. I'm already losing weight and doing more with my shitty life.

I'm overweight, hairy, have a college degree that I'm doing nothing with and am in a stupid amount of debt because of it, sexually repressed by my own brain and the morals of my near puritanical upbringing, doing nothing towards fulfilling my dreams and I'm a timid, beta, passive piece of shit with low self-worth.

Are you me?

The only difference is that that I like being hairy.

If I had to guess, you're a millennial also. Why is our generation the laziest? Is it because we were the first to grow up with so much technology that we didn't know what to do with ourselves when we got it?


Seriously, fuck off. This is twice now.

Why does that motherfucker have so many fingers

Polydactyly or polydactylism also known as hyperdactyly



holy fucking shit you are literally me


I didn't finish college.

Dont hate myself. Im disappointed in others thou.

sometimes I stare in the mirror for a few minutes making weird faces and imagining fake scenarios, then I flip myself off and walk away

because i already know i'm about to blow my chance with this solid 9/10 girl that likes me for some reason

I don't, I'm fucking awesome.

Because of all the shitty things I've done and people I've disapointed

Probably that, and it's hard not be cynical and unmotivated when they tell everyone (at least in America) that they can do whatever they want. So I'm surrounded by dipshits who don't value actual work and think they have talent at everything they do. Those people that delude themselves into happiness and thinking they are talented makes me desperately not want to do that to myself.
I work blue-collar job, it's like when they told us we could do anything it just pushed me in the opposite direction and demotivated me.
Merit is no longer rewarded, everyone gets a fucking trophy and I hate it, makes us question the point of even trying once we're old enough for it to matter.

why havent you killed yourself?

are you me??......stop being me. stop it.

but you're good at failing so keep it up

Because I'm addicted to it

Exactly. In the end it doesn't even matter. We're not building anything anymore because we already have everything. It kind of sucks. All that's left is the hope of finding someone like you; someone you can enjoy spending time with. And because there's so many deluded fucks out there, the odds of that happening are next to none.

too chicken
yes i will fam..i will die a failure

I don't.

thats the spirit

cause i can't stop drinking alcohol

Good luck meeting anyone in this age of anti-social media

People tend to make me out to be an asshole when I stand up for myself.
Making it easy to believe that my boundaries are unimportant, while still feeling the need to suck up to others because I need to be seen as good.
I feel unloved by my peers.
I've felt unappreciated ever since my little brother was announced.
And they let him walk all over my boundaries because "he's just a baby, he doesn't know any better".
Meanwhile, I'm being punished for trying to assert my own boundaries. no wonder it feels like I'm bad for having them.

I wish I had that many fingers

Yeah, I guess "I hate myself" because I've let myself become a "doormat".

bc im 5 foot 10 and i weigh 125

He gets so fucking offended when I try to assert my boundaries.

Appreciate what you have and stop being jealous of people, If you ever get married I guarantee you'll be a cuck.

4 ft 11 inches and 160, trying hard to lose the weight but its hard when you dont control the food in the house. Not good at anything, no motivation, aspergers and I have no friends except online boyfriend. Only thing Im good at is fucking school assignments.

post tits or gtfo

I'm 6'2 and 105KG (230 pounds). You're not fat. You're just small.

this guy has 12 fucking fingers

I never finish anything i

Are you fucking retarded? Snookie looked chubby at that height and she weighed 110.

Id be small if I lost 40 pounds minimum.

If she were my height she wouldn't be fat. So like I saidm nigger, she's just small.

Try being your weight at 4'11. See my point, nigger?


CP is illegal sir

Don't even know. Massive guilt because my parents do so much for me and I just recently noticed, how much they work to give me and my brother a good life. Now I'm trying to somehow give it back to them but because of all the years I didn't try it feels like I'll never be able to do enough.
Also lost my best friend who understood me like nobody else due to bullshit reasons. Lost as in we're no friends anymore that is.
I'm constantly trying to be a better person but nothing seems to work and I just end up being unsatisfied with myself, sad and feeling alone in the end.

But you wouldnt be your weight if you had the same proportions you do now as you would at 4'11 nigger.

You're a complete retard.

Sadly, you're supposed to weigh less the shorter you are/weigh more the taller you are.
I am indeed a fatass.

good keep it up fat fuck i hope u will become succesfull u piece of shit

Post pic of tits I'll rate you

>being this new

gtfo niggers

Why does this guy have 6 fingers?


First week?

Ive been told my ass is better

First day. Cunt.

Fucking cancer. That show is for inbred losers with double digit IQs, like you and op here. Kys

University degree and I stock shelves at a hardware store because nobody will hire a young guy (entry level positions apparently need 5 years experience now). Overweight (but loosing), divorced, in debt (mortgage I was left with) and everyone remotely my age of the opposite sex in my area is married. And the next closest town is a 2 hour drive.

Keep defending a chubby girl on the internet you pathetic cuck

than you*

You've been told to post your tits, just blur your face

Do it slut

Because too much noise gave me tinitus ten years ago. Also my gf is ugly and has low self-confidence and low expectations about herself.

Which is why she's probably out sucking some nigger dick to make herself feel better as we speak.

You'll only blow it if you think you will. Tell that voice in your head to go fuck itself & let you do your own thing. If she likes you for you, then clearly she sees nothing wrong with you, and you shouldn't either. Don't point out the flaws she doesn't care about

Because I fell from my pedestal HARD. Straight A student, deans list, artist, had my way paved on gold before me, a bit too optimistic and naive, went to college out of state, started trying recreational drugs, got hooked, ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time, got gang raped by faggots (during gay pride week no less), failed out of classes, returned home a broken human being, hid in my parents basement now both a drug addict and an alcoholic, eventually met a woman who saw me as a project, something she could "fix" cut to10 years later and I'm married to the OCD control freak cunt with one kid and another on the way....and I gave up all my dress of being in the art field for a demeaning yet financially stable job as a school custodian....

Hell nigga, im a huge piece of shit with a tendancy to put a girl as a priority and avoid the pain of breakups by getting with other people. I seem to choose girls that a massive bitches, play me about or just generally treat my like shit, and some of them arnt even that hot. I have an issue with finding reasons to hate myself despite my life not even being all that bad apart from a few mistakes ive made, which i cant seem to escape from. Nigga i really need to move town.

tl;dr kys


Because ever since i was a liitle kid and started meeting others my age, tyey've all told me i was a stupid looking dork and no one would ever want to be my friend and no girl would ever want to be with me, and eventually, after many close calls, that just turned out to be people who wanted to take something from me, I realized they were right.

So what you're saying is that you don't even know why these people have the issues they do nor do you care to find on and still want them to kill themselves?

KYS, Please.

No. They obviously care too much about other people's opinions otherwise they wouldn't have written some bullshit essay on a Sup Forums thread. That's why they should kill themselves now before they suffer any more.

Because nobody loves me and im a fat ugly loser shit and on top of that I think i might be gay

If only... I'd dump her in the most cruel way, but she's just overly attached.

Oh wow. You're so beta you can't even dump a girl. Holy shit. Please kill yourself. And I really don't mean that ironically or as a joke. Please do it. The world needs less people like you.

come on bitch show us that chubby ass

Mate, i dont have many reasons to live but also dont have any reason to die. When my mum goes ima probably off myself tbh.

do it now and make your mom happy

Your autism is amazing, people come on here to get it off their chest, why are you here if you aren't just as lonely and/or a fuck up as much as these people. What you come on here to make fun of them? That's pretty sad, sounds like something a failure would do. Everyone on Sup Forums has a problem, and this is a release from that problem.

Try staying with one for more than a decade and a half then say this back to me. Also, op asked for reasons.

I come here to laugh at faggots like you and how miserable you are.

Because I'm one of this wretched species of miscreant apes just barely intelligent enough to be dangerous and a destructive force to everything everywhere including itself.

As it stands, the only pragmatic logical conclusion considering as great a perspective as possible, of life we know it in the universe, is the total destruction of humanity. The sooner it happens, the less need to die. The only counter to the logical conclusion is the purely emotional, compassionate argument, which is exactly what this species prefers to operate on. Therefore I hate it, and since I am obe of them, I hate myself as well.

Death to all humans.




hello me, i feel your feels

Because I'm boring as fuck

Cause I gave a penis

and unattractive

Cause I jerked off to a Boy this morning


Because I have a broken back, I am broke as shit, I have no family, I have nobody to depend on, I am about 1 week from getting kicked out and being homeless. That is why I hate myself

Fucking sucks right?


because I'm a piece of shit, wasted potential

Its cool user so am I



Might coming have vibrantly i,your kickbacks handed missing chauvinism only blank blog linkable .

because i'm a fucking weird scumbag, looser, antisocial piece of filth ... my life is embarrassing and i need to die