Ask a french nigga on Sup Forums anything

Ask a french nigga on Sup Forums anything

Hey Neighbour how's it going?



pretty fine, i'm studying social law for a test tomorrow

where do you live?

how long is your dick

18cm - 7inches

fail miserably


Got in just a bit too much of a hurry, did we?

does it help you fucking girls?

I'm from Germany and gave up studying asian studies for a training as salesman

What do you think about the whole police brutality thingy going in france?

Just make the picture of OP bigger and it will be alright.

girls don't know my size before they se it so i'd say no
but the stereotype may helped me i think, tough i don't want a girl to fuck me because of it

asian studies?

well i think the police is doing it's job, the ones who are brutalised did something to provoke the brutality...

I'm a good looking, educated white guy with a slightly bigger dick. Answer is: it helps to fuck women who want to boast to their friends that they fucked a big dick, when it's know in a circle that you're large. Otherwise, not so much. Anyway, when you date, it's not part of the first things you tell someone.

Niggers and sandniggers should start behaving, if they want to be treated fairly.

what this guy said, aside i never fucked a girl who was told by another girl i had a big dick

yeah like the history, religion and economy of asia(mongolia, china, southeast asia, india, arabia, tibet etc.) plus an asian language (japanese for me)
but it's something you really have to get into to find a job later

The browner the dumber, right? But why?

Yes, even tho those who riot are not always niggers or sandniggers. There are also some edgy white fags.

OP here, i agree with this guy
if you start troubles i think it's logic that you will get problems..

do you feel like a nig?


Basically it's the same thing

True. Hope they end up getting aids at a rape party in prison. Let's see if they still think others cultures are always and automatically better than theirs.

Why are frenchies so fucking arrogant?

T'es un bounty ?

didnt you want to leave germany later?

there is darker niggas smarter than me

what does a nig should feel like?


Is Islam becoming a problem in France?
If there was a breakdown in society do you think, from your experience of the black community, you would side with the whites/old France or new Islamic France?

va niquer ta mère. cordialement

Whats your opinion on french gamers? They tend to have a bad rep

C'est un peu forcé, à moins que tu penses qu'un négro doit forcément se ballader en boubou, manger du manioc et se torcher le cul à la main

It's a bit forced , unless you think a nigga must perforce stroll in boubou , eat cassava and wiping your ass in hand

Un bounty c'est un noir à l'exterieur et blanc à l'interieur, alors ?

What dialect do you speak?

>wiping your ass in hand
>ass in hand

certaines personnes m'appellent comme ça mais je ne le suis pas

islam is a world problem
as a french coward i'll simply leave the country if a breakdown happen, because it's none of my business


i dont have any particular opinion on them, i use to play with friends and we usually make people laugh

un noir qui s'intègre on le traite de bounty, un noir qui ne s'intègre pas est un négro....

i dont speak any dialect though my parents do

Are you 100% french? Why would you lrave your country, dont you want to fight the sandniggers?

C'est mal de s'intégrer en tant que noir ?

Tu va sur JVC ?

Certes oui.

i was born in France so yes 100%; and i love it, the best country in the world in my opinion (yet because i didnt travel much for now)

but i dont want to die for a meaningless fight

au contraire ça me soûle de voir des gens qui ne veulent pas s'intégrer, pourquoi venir dans le pays sinon?

j'étais sur le 15-18 y'a 4-5ans oui

C'est mal vu en tout cas

Moi je m'integre, c'est juste que javais besoin d'avoir l'avis d'un autre renoi comme moi un peu, après je m'en fou si il y en a qui ragent contre moi

>the best country in the world

Fait plaisir de voir des gens sensés.. mfw y a plus de gens sensés sur le chan qu'au parti socialiste

That is reasonable, what country would you go then, if something like that were to happen?

ce n'est pas une honte, intègre toi au lieu de "baiser la france" comme certains alors que tu as la chance d'y vivre...

I will move to Australia or if a WW3 happen some hidden island no one give a fuck about

I'm a Breton and speak no French. Just Breton, Latin, English, and Catalonian. Can't even remember how the last one happened.

Je n'ai pas honte, ce qui me fait pitié c'est de voir des wesh noir qui font chier et qu'après les gens m'identifie à eux

Ouais mais bon, y a vraiment de la merde dense dans ce champ lexical.

T'es né en France, t'aimes la France? T'es français, pour le pire et le meilleur, point barre. Faut arrêter de nous foutre des particularités à toutes les sauces, genre "juifs de France", "musulmans de France" et j'en passe. On est français à 100% ou on l'est pas, c'est pas difficile.

Si tu veux célébrer ta culture d'origine, c'est très bien, mais tu le fais chez toi. Pas besoin d'avoir Valls qui vient te mettre une médaille au nom de la France à chaque fois que tu cuisines un plat exotique. C'est un peu plus que ça, la France, du moins j'ose espérer.

Get out of Europe nigger you don't belong, go back to Africa.

i didnt even knew the Breton language existed



you smelly fucking cuck snail eating cucks need die

i hate snails but i love frogs
everyone in this thread will die sooner or later remember this

Ouais ça doit être bien chiant. Mais tu t'habilles un peu bien et ça va déjà mieux non?

Are you, or have you ever been a homosexual

What's going on with sandniggers in France?

i'm 100% heterosexual, but i'm not afraid to say that a man is attractive

they are provocating on purpose the french because they know they can't do shit without be called as islamophobic or racists

their religion teaches them that they're the best of all people, yet obviously they're poor, uneducated, unsophisticated, and have nothing except the pity of leftist edgefags going for them. So they behave like hyperactive 6 y.o. who have run out of adderal

Do you like Soral and Dieudonné?

vous garçon blanc fou ?

Dieudonné yes, soral i never see any of what he does


tu traine tjr sur le 15 18 ?
tu habite en téci ? (no racisme hein haha)

>no racisme hein haha

Liberal cuck spotted.

Btw, OP, how do you react when people like you just because you're black/not white?

Tu es betes comme tes pieds

plus du tout, l'humour me fait de moins en moins rire, je ne dis pas que c'est des gamins mais l'humour de dessin animé a du arrêter de te faire rire aussi à un certain âge si tu comprend ce que je veux dire

et non en plein Paris

si tu le dis

you said that were born in france

where is your family from? i mean, your last born in africa relatives

do you know any brazilians living in france? i'm br hue hue, so that's why i'm asking

c'est quoi l'intéret de m'insulter en anglais la pucelle ?

i feel uneasy and avoid theses persons, i want frieds to like me because of what i am, not because of my skin color

Ivory coast and Benin
i know one brazilian yes


Looks like it's time for Trump to take over

>no racisme hein haha

you looks like a cool nigga. What do you think about the others not-so-cool niggas (I'm looking at the "racailles"). I never had a problem with black people but since I live in Saint Denis, I can't stand them anymore...

>you looks like a cool nigga. What do you think about the others not-so-cool niggas

Found the nigger.

then do it maggot

i don't like them either, already got assaulted before... dont be afraid of them and work on moving out of this neighbohood, there is not much more you can do :/


>then do it maggot

like i give a fuck

Nobody likes you, the fact you browse Sup Forums shows ho much of a self hater you are.

y is u nigga?

do you eurofags still call then french fries or are they something gay like crisps?

yes i is nigga