What does Sup Forums think of this?

What does Sup Forums think of this?

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I think it's nice to see women out of the kitchen for a change

That is the Huffington post editorial team

probably thinking as much as this room is... which isn't all that much to be honest.

I don't read that shit


Was here few hours ago.

thunderfoot covered it well

They're not accomplishing anything other than posing. No surprise there.

Wouldn't actually happen in real life

probably a huge waste of time and resources whatever it is

hmmm ye i somehow got that feeling too,
just gathered there and thats it, i guess some pointless meeting which wont do anything

I think thunderfoot has something against new-wave feminism.

The Huffington Post has NEVER made any money and is the product of Arianna Huffington who inherited all her money from HER DAD.

Now it just writes about how empowering women are even thought the company is a failure and paid for by a man.

Oh and Arianna Huffington's husband left her for a man.

top kek

REKT, Trump leaves none alive!


Are they having a White-Off with The Atlantic, Buzzfeed and Gawker or something?

>ill never walk into that room and ask who queefed

Imma go out on a limb here and say the sushi table is behind those Asian chicks way way in the back.

is it a sandwich making seminar?

I haven't seen anything that white since the last time was in the arctic and saw a Polar Bear fucking a Harp seal in the middle of a blizzard.