What kind of tick is this? I estimate it's been on me for a little less than 24 hours

what kind of tick is this? I estimate it's been on me for a little less than 24 hours

welcome to lymes disease bro

you're fucked. this kind of tick give std AND cancer

seems like an ordinary forest tick

but it seems to have lyme, you can tell from the stripes

check that out, ASAP

Not a tick but a spider. Just take it outside.

Looks like an American Dog Tick

You cant, its the same thing if rats who would be infected would have stripes.

It's on you? What body part is pic related?

Not sure if bait but the tick hasn't burrowed yet.

enjoy your allergy to red meat

pretty sure you will be dead in 48 hours

If it was a tic u say on you 24 hours it would be filled with blood and look grey, you would not be able to get it off and have it look like this picture. You are a fucking liar

Keep it as a pet. Trips get to name him.

OP, that actually isn't a tick.. it's a beetle/spider hybrid which doesn't transfer any diseases to humans.


Deer tick I think. If it left a bad welt with a red ring around it, you might want to see a doctor.

Milan says: Take the tick to the doctor with you ASAP, also, try to find the place where it bit you, you're gonna be just fiiiiineeeee.

yeah that's a spider op

Just keep an eye on the bite, if a red ring forms around it in the next 1 to 4 weeks and/or you experience flu like symptoms, go see your doctor.

Ticks have 8 legs too

Ok asshole, I estimated that only because The last time I was in the woods was 24 hours ago, where it possibly couldve gone on me. OR it is from this morning where i went in the woods again.

He was attached to my chest but i was able to pick him off.

standard deer tick

make sure you remove all mouthparts when extracting

it's a spider holy shit dude

thank you very much, anons

To get lymes they have to be on you for at least 36 hours

Fucking idiots


spiders and ticks are both arachnids
they are pretty much the same

Yeah, I pulled hundreds of those off me when I was a kid, Lyme disease is pretty rare, just make sure it dosent this picture.

Not a deer tick, and its not engorged so it wasn't on you long. Glad you got the head. Burn him.

Doubt you have lyme, but even if you do have it, it's almost impossible to conclusively diagnose.

true story:

>be my mom
>get bit by a tick while out gardening
>couple years pass, no symptoms of lyme
>mom passes out after dinner, shitting and throwing up at the same time
>ambulance, hospital etc
>after tests they determine she now has some kind of unknown meat allergy
>can't eat meat anymore
>cant eat
>a year or so of tests, doctors, medications, etc
>finally they conclude that it was some kind of reaction to that tick bite
>say its probably sorta maybe most likely a version of a symptom that is kind of a sign that possibly lyme disease
>they tell her that its impossible to know for sure, because little is known about tick-related illnesses

Flushed it down the toilet

well i got it off and that was it dead on a q tip
was on my chest tho

one of them bit my shaft when I was 12.

what the fuck nigga

Best wishes to you

Thank you, user

also is your mom coping well with it? any meds she has to take?

ty, ty

You should have activated your bonor to make him explode

>twenty four goddamned hours
You dense motherfucker.jpg

888 trips reveals secret to the destruction of dick ticks

I got bit on the head of my dick...

i felt when he bit me, and knew what it was immediately. i pulled him out within 5 minutes.

next morning i woke up to get ready for school, and when i went to go take a piss i almost fainted...

my entire waist was swollen for 2 days.

What a way to die.

Its a nigger tick!!

how he end up there tho

wOw. Tick Dick.

I am a spider expert (Arachnotologist) and I can confirm that it is indeed a spider

she is. actually lost a lot of weight after becoming vegetarian

not sure about the meds

the doctors said if it is lyme, some symptoms take years to develop. they range from neurological disorders to psychosis/insanity, even pulmonary diseases and (in her case) allergy

Bad news. You have lynks disease.

Watch out for the symptoms of key-lyme disease.

where i lived, there was an absurd tick overpopulation. I'd get like 2 or 3 crawling on me just by walking to/from my neighbors house.
haha... thats what they called me at work. they knew because i had to call out for a couple days. talk about an awkward convo with your boss...


if it is, then what kind of spider, mr. science man?

it's a zerg drone , gather a few more than start on the vespene refinery

for the overmind

>Thank goodness this tick was only on me for 35 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds.



fucking tics man, i hate em unlike any other beast of the crawlies, unlike mosquitoes and those other fucks that really sting when they bite these guys fucking burrow into you, ive stopped going to the woods and fields to chill cause of these fucks, literally in 5 minutes after setting a spot on a hay field to chillax there were 5 fucking ticks on the blanket i dunno how i discovered em but i suddenly felt like fuck get up bro and i looked down and sure enough, burnt the burrowing bastards did the world a favor two types of bloodsucking insects is enough why does nature do this

the clock is tick-ing

What if the tick bite your scrotum and sucked out semen

your dick explodes

Ralphie *groan*


nah man

You may get Lyme disease if it burrowed, probably not though. Doesn't look like it took in any blood the bloat up and remain that way basically indefinitely when they suck your blood.

It would have to get deep enough to get a testicle.

>the scrotum is filled with semen

what the fuck are you doing in the woods in 2016 dumbass

I sexually identify as an Ewok and live on the forest moon of Endor.

scrotum is where your urine is stored, semen is in the testicles, you acoustic slut

No, urine is stored in Europe and semen is stored in the liver. L2 anatomy, you emblematic regard.

>scrotum is where your urine is stored


What you saying to me? Son of whore bitch?

I'm saying that Shrek is real, you asshat.


Could you have meme'd any harder?

Check for a red circle to apear around it then go visit a doctor before you get muscle failure(could be heart muscle too lmao)

Yeah, it's dangerous but relatively rare, and you will fucking know if you have it.

I aprove of this bread

The best way to remove a tick is to light a match, blow it out, and quickly touch the burnt match head to the tick. It will instantly let go.

that is a fun fact, user.