Hey Sup Forums:

Hey Sup Forums:

1. Your age
2. Height
3. Virgin, why? if not how many times and how many girls you fucked.

>5"6 1/2
>Couldn't get hard cause of jerking it all.


1. 19
2. 1,73 m
3. 2 girls. About 5 guys

1. 20
2. 5"9 1/2
3. 4 girls

>about 14 girls


How much is 1.73 m.

Not a virgin, but only had sex with two girls. Only have sex in a serious relationship. Would probably be able to get into a relationship and keep it if I had a job and got back into shape.

12 girls

How many times? What?
>virgin detected

3.2 girls

Yes, I'm ugly, obese, no job, and I have a small dick.

How many times? What?
>virgin detected

OP here tbh I hate my height but i know guys shorter then me.

1. 29
2. 6 foot 1"
3. No. 4 women, 3 men, 1 tranny.

Well then get a job and buy a girl.

OP here how was the tranny?

I'm trying but I have no experience, I've burned a lot of bridges in my town, and there aren't that many entry level jobs open.

Like a chick with a dick and manly hands.

virgin because I have not had sex

>6ft 3
>2 Girls

Any regrets did you use a condom and did you cum in her?




six feet even

only fucked two girls. both long term girlfriends because i'm an idiot. had chances to cheat, but didn't because i'm an idiot.

>5' 11"
>3; 1 was one timer, 2 were multiples, all guys

Yes I used a condom, I'm not an idiot. Always cum inside, no regrets.

>tfw I'm the shortest one in the tread and I'm OP. Fugg man.

1.) - 14
2.) - 6ft
3.) - 3 gürls

About 5' 8"

If the tranny was available to fuck you at any time to the point where he is your bitch and isn't fucking no one else would you use a condom?

>No, fucked 3 girls
>girl one was banged 5 times and like anal play
>girl 2 was banged twice and was terrible
>girl 3 i've lost count and lets me indulge my foot fetish which is fucking great

'7" - 5'8"
girl, sex somewhere around 20 occasions

>193cm/ 6'3
>fucked many hundred times. 2 long-ish lasting relationships with chicks and 3 one night stands.

17, 18 in 13 days
virgin because i am a shy and anxious fuck who cant talk to girls

6 foot 3
how do you even try to count how many times?

jade, hanna, brittany, amanda, kirsten

Underage b&

>i was a huge man slut a cant remember how many girls i can you how many schools new my repetition

>I turn 18 tomorrow
>yes ;-;

Why do you think you're an idiot for not cheating on your girlfriend(s)? Sounds like the opposite to me man

7 girls

Well fuck the mods gonna get you now lmfao.

Firstly, don't use double negatives. Second, if I were in a one on one, committed relationship with someone and I trusted them, I might forgo the condom.



Lost my virginity when I was 19 then proceeded to plow several girls in a few months - don't beat yourself up about being shy or whatever, once you come out of your shell you're gonna kill it

He was an idoit plus his gurl would never found out if he was smart about it.

>No, 1


Underage ban

Lost it at 19 banged 8 or so girls probably had Sex around 40-50 times


40 different girls, idk how many times

1. 26.
2. 1.74m
3. 12 girls. Not sure how many times but an average of 4 times per week during the last 8 years.


1. 21
2. 6ft 4
3. 13 since Sept 2015 (last 8 weeks have been monogamous)

5ft 8 or 9
4 girls
2 were one offs, third was a year long affair so many 20 times.
Numerous times with fourth, we've been together for 23 years I think

maybe, not many. Sorry, been drinking.


1. 35
2. 6'
3. Virgin. Attempted a bunch of times but couldn't get an erection.

Getting yourself too worked up beforehand Sup Forumsro. Just chill, let it happen without rushing it or preplanning it all. Good luck fella.

>underage banned

1. 25
2.1.71 m/5'6''
3.about 4 girls, how many times? I didn't count them

1. 22
2. 5ft 8
3. 10 girls, mostly one night stands. One was fat. I was in a dark place then.

Cheers. It's especially bad when you have a girlfriend for 6 months but never actually got to fuck proper. She got off many a time, just not me. I'm not apprehensive or anything. Hopefully the therapy will help :D

Old enough to be your dad
7 - ages 16 to 42. 4 were once only, two lasted long enough to meet their horrifyingly dysfunctional families, one was a 7-year on/off relationship which, at one point or another, fulfilled my most personal sexual fantasies and fetishes, and my worst nightmares.

Thats 1 pussy a decade. Time to get another ;)

6 women